October 5th, 2010

Our trek began early Monday morning when our alarms went off at 3:20am.  We slowly got up, dressed, packed some last minute items, got Mikayla up and loaded the car.  She stayed asleep until we hit the road and then was wide awake!  This was not looking good for her first plane ride, since technically she would be a "lap baby" and not have her own seat unless there were empty ones on the plane.  Turns out we were really lucky and there ended up being one extra seat on the plane.  This meant we were able to take her car seat on the plane (a definite recommendation for anyone traveling with toddlers or younger) and strap  her in like she was in the car.  I was prepared for a long three hours of entertaining, but Mikayla was amazing!  She was kept looking out the window and saying plane and smiling really big!  We didn’t have to hardly use any of the "ammo" we brought with us.  The only tricky part was changing a poopy diaper in the airplane bathroom!

She managed to stay awake until the pilot said it was time for us to start descending and she managed to fall into a deep sleep…go figure!   We opted to keep her in the car seat since she was asleep and carry that around the airport.  It only looked a little ridiculous I am sure!  We went straight from the airport to The Children’s Museum of Denver.  It was a nice museum and they had a great area designed for birth-4 year olds.  It is hard to compare to our trip to Indianapolis Children’s Museum because size wise there is no comparison, it is much smaller.  But still very nice and despite being a little tired (parents, not Mikayla) we had a blast.

The rest of our day consisted of napping, eating at a Mongolian Grill for dinner, an ice cream treat and walking around downtown Denver.  Side note – I have decided to make it my goal to eat at a local ice cream joint at least once a day!!  Here are some shots from the museum, I didn’t get any on the plane or during the evening.

Colorado 016 

Bubble Station – I think Daddy had as much fun as Mikayla.  I think we went to this exhibit like three times before we left!

Colorado 055

Colorado 017 

Colorado 022

She liked painting until she got paint on her hands!

 Colorado 024

Dress up – Royalty!

Colorado 025 

Colorado 033 

Building with Daddy

Colorado 034 

Colorado 044 

Dressed up as an ant (they had dress up stuff at each station area)

Colorado 048 

In the ant tunnel with Daddy.

Colorado 058 

Conductor Kickert

Colorado 065 

The Vet’s office – Checking on the animals in the kennels.

Colorado 068 

Taking care of the sick kitty.

Colorado 076 

The remainder of the pictures are from the birth-4 year old area.  Very well put together!

Colorado 078 

Colorado 084 

Colorado 090 

Inside the home area.  It was all wooden furniture, dishes, washer, bunk beds, etc.  She loved being in here and pretending like she was eating and drinking!

Colorado 096 

Colorado 097 

On the fire truck – this was the last place we went and in case you can’t tell the 4am wake up call is catching up to her!  She was beyond ready for a nap!

Colorado 101

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October 2nd, 2010

A lot has happened in the last six years:

  1. Got my first teaching position
  2. Bought my first house
  3. Moved into my first house
  4. Graduated with a degree in Elementary Education
  5. Became an aunt three times over
  6. Graduated with a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction
  7. Graduated with another Master’s degree in Exceptional education (and Autism certificate)
  8. Got pregnant and had my first child
  9. Bought a new engine for my car
  10. Watched Mikayla turn one, walk, and talk
  11. Flew across the ocean to Africa
  12. Watched the entire series of Friends (multiple times actually)

And so many more things I am not even thinking of, but one of the most important things that I have experienced in those years is being married to the man of my dreams for six years.  Happy Anniversary babe!

Africa 3 055

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September 27th, 2010

Some nights a girl just needs to craft.  It allows you to get away from it all, enjoy a little Friends (that is my go to show for crafting), and create something fun.  My go to craft these days is hair clips (see this and this for past clips).  I have really gotten into ribbon sculptures (basically a 3D hair clip) here lately.  Here are some of my most recent ventures in hair clip making (I apologize for crappy pictures, I am just not sure how to take pictures of hair clips yet).

Halloween Clips:

  Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 044

Witches hat and spider 

Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 051

Spider up close

Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 053

Witches hat

Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 046 Pumpkin

Just for Fun:

Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 048 Cherries

Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 054



Tanner B-day, Park, Clips 049

    Christmas tree with ornaments

I have more clip ideas in my head, but my fingers are too burnt tonight to do anymore!  Plus, my pumpkin just got done roasting and needs to be pureed!


**If you are interested in purchasing any of the clips above or ones from this post, please leave a comment.  I also make flower clips, but don’t have any pictures handy.  Prices range from $3-5 for clips.

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September 21st, 2010

We haven’t been up to much, just living life!  Here is a recap of the last week or so in pictures!

Cracked Window and stuff 019

Ben made pancakes last week and made this special Mickey Mouse one for Mikayla. 

Cracked Window and stuff 023We went to a former student’s birthday party and Mikayla jumped in the inflatable with the big kids.  She thought she was so cool!

Cracked Window and stuff 026 

We made a family dinner.  Doesn’t Mikayla look so cute in her little apron!!  I only had to fold it over like five hundred times so she wouldn’t trip on it!  She is just like her momma though, she likes to snack while she works!

Cracked Window and stuff 027

Ben even got in on the action and helped out!

Cracked Window and stuff 030Mikayla decided it would be more fun to crawl inside her shopping cart than push it!

Cracked Window and stuff 034 I made a special lunch for Mikayla and cut her sandwich in the shape of her initials.  I swear she ate more this way.  We will be doing a lunch like this again soon!

Cracked Window and stuff 036 "Mom, why are you taking pictures of me eating??"

Cracked Window and stuff 037Such a mischievous grin!  She is trouble!

I have been doing a bit of crafting, but haven’t taken very many pictures. I have been busy making some witches hat and spiders clips in preparation for Halloween!  Only 9 more days until my fall break! Hard to believe it is already here, but I am ready!

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September 20th, 2010

Is 17 months old too young to have hobbies?  Because I think Mikayla has just taken up two new favorites:  Nose picking and bird watching!  She constantly has her fingers up her nose, especially in the car.  She even fell asleep the other day while picking her nose.  At one point I looked back and she had both of her hand being used to pick her nose!  Gross! 

Her second hobby is a little nicer, bird watching.  She will climb up the step stool in the kitchen and look out the windows at the birds forever!  She can’t identify them quite yet, but we are working on that!

Hobby #1:  Nose Picking

Cracked Window and stuff 003 

Cracked Window and stuff 004

Hobby #2:  Bird Watching

Cracked Window and stuff 016 

Cracked Window and stuff 017

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September 8th, 2010

Last year we ventured to Jackson’s Orchard with Mikayla for some fall fun.  We found a tree and continued the Adkins tradition of tree pictures.  As with most years since I have been in BG, we traveled back to Jackson’s Orchard for some fall fun this past weekend.  I am sure we will take more trips this fall, but I thought it would be fun to compare last year’s picture with this years.  I actually stole this idea from my friend Emily!

Here is Mikayla almost exactly one year ago in the tree at Jackson’s Orchard:

2009-09-03 Jackson's Orchard 024 

2009-09-03 Jackson's Orchard 028

2009-09-03 Jackson's Orchard 041

And here she is today (well this past Saturday)!  Notice the change in hair color and length.  Crazy!

Altmaier visit and Labor Day 004 

Altmaier visit and Labor Day 007 

Altmaier visit and Labor Day 008

She has grown and changed so much!

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September 3rd, 2010

Dear Coach A (AKA Poppy),

I am ready to play ball with the big girls.  Please put me in?  I think I could start guard!  So what do you think?  Will you put me in Coach?



August 2010 010

See I can steal the ball and run off with it!

August 2010 007Bending down low to make my move!

August 2010 009

I even have the hard moves down…triple threat baby!

August 2010 012Look at my form, almost perfect!

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August 31st, 2010

Mikayla is now sixteen months old and is growing like a weed.  We can hardly even call her a baby anymore.  I have intended to sit down and write out her birth story for some time now (sixteen months to be exact) and just haven’t found the time.  I actually started writing this when Mikayla was two months old and never finished!  Such the procrastinator. 

I am writing this more for me than anyone, but wanted to have some sort of record of it.  Disclaimer:  This might get a little too personal for some so please read with caution!  Ok here it goes.

My last day of work was Friday, April 24.  My kiddos and I celebrated by having a Popsicle and Play party before the day ended.  It was a perfect way to end the year (at least end my year)!  Monday was my first official day of Maternity Leave.  I spent the day finishing up my class work for my Rank I class.  By the afternoon I had finished up my class and was "ready to play"!  Ben and I cooked a nice dinner and then went for a long walk with Shiloh.  We hung around the house for a bit and then decided we would go rent a movie.  We then headed into town to rent a movie, making a quick stop at Kroger for some essentials.  I decided I had to have a bean burrito from Taco Bell so that was our second stop.  Unfortunately, when we arrived at the Bell, they were out of refried beans.  How does a Mexican restaurant run out of beans?  I mean really, but that is a completely different post.  Disappointed, I decided I would settle for a double cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds where we were picking up our Red Box.  Don’t judge, I was nine months pregnant and hungry!

We got back to the house and started watching our movie around 10:00.  I know what you guys are thinking, man that is late for you Beth!  Let me back up for a minute and explain why I was "up so late".  You see, being nine months pregnant does not allow for comfortable sleeping.  I had actually been napping a lot better than I had been sleeping at night.  So, Ben and I had made the decision to stay up late until I was completely exhausted and then go to bed.  I was planning on napping the next day.  Well, Little Miss Mikayla had different plans for us, much different.

Ok, back to the story.  Around 11 I started feeling this pressure in my lower abdomen.  It came and went about every 10-15 minutes.  At this point I was like "This could be contractions, maybe I should say something to Ben".  I shifted positions and tried to ignore them.  However, they kept coming back.  I mentioned them to Ben and he suggested I take a shower.  In the shower the "contractions" seemed to disappear.  So we decided to try and head to bed.  I went to the bathroom one last time and noticed quite a bit of blood when I wiped.  This of course freaked me out so we picked up the phone to call the doctor (it was late 1:30 or so).  He said it sounded completely normal, but we should head into the hospital to check it out just to make sure.

We gathered our bags and headed into the hospital.  We tried to be nonchalant about it because we didn’t want them to stick me in a wheel chair (that is policy for after hours women in labor).  We didn’t really think we were even in labor.  We made it up to labor and delivery, convinced we would have to head home.  They hooked me up to the monitor and sure enough I was having contractions every few minutes, who knew?  We hung out for awhile, worked through some contractions, watched a little Friends, made some phone calls to family to let them know what was going on, and tried to relax.

Mikayla 001      Trying to relax a little in between contractions.  This was post-epidural!

Along the way I had a special visitor come in for the duration of our labor.  A student of mine had a mom who was a labor and delivery nurse.  She told me to call when we went into labor if she wasn’t at the hospital, so when we got there I made the call.  Unfortunately, it was her day off!  However,  she was so generous to donate her time and come in and sit by our sides for the entire process.  She was a huge blessing.  She was able to talk to us a friend and nurse at the same time.  She, along with Ben, talked me through the contractions, encouraged me during pushing and hold my hand along the way.  I am not sure where we would have had as smooth of a delivery if she hadn’t been around!

At this point I was only dilated 3 cm or so.  We stayed this way for quite some time.  At some point my water broke and the contractions became so unbearable I decided to go ahead and get the epidural.  AMAZING!  At first it didn’t work out to well, only numbing me on one side.  However after a few small modifications, like laying on my side, things started working pretty well.  I was even able to make a few more phone calls.  Two I remember well were to my long term sub to check on my kiddos and the other to our secretary at school to pass the word along about my progress.  We were moving right along.  A few hours passed and still hadn’t made much progress.  Dr. D came in and suggested we start a little Pitocin to speed things up.  We did and this helped.  At this point things speeded up quickly.  At one point I remember a nurse coming and checking to see how far along I was, which was 9cm.  She left and by the time she left the room I told Ben I felt like I needed to push.  He quickly retrieved the nurse and sure enough it was time.

We pushed for around fifteen minutes and then heard the words, "It’s a girl".  Ben cut the cord and I heard our baby cry for the first time.  It was the sweetest cry in the world!  These past sixteen months have been a whirlwind of emotions!  We have laughed, cried, played, and most of loved our little bundle!

Mikayla 002

My first time holding and seeing my daughter.  Side note – the lady in the yellow shirt was the off duty nurse who came in to support us!

Mikayla 053

One of our first pictures together!

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August 30th, 2010

As you may recall, in this post I initiated Mikayla with pigtails.  There was some debate about whether or not she could actually sport them.  However, in less than three months I would say that pigtails suit her just fine.  Check her out!

May 31, 2010

August 2010 039

August 29, 2010 

It is amazing to me how much her hair has grown in just a short amount of time.  Just imagine what it will be like at Halloween, and Christmas??

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August 30th, 2010

We have had a pretty busy last two weekends in the Kickert household.  Two weeks ago we headed to Somerset to celebrate Ben’s 10 year high school reunion.  It is hard to believe that he graduated ten years ago and this time next year I will be celebrating my ten year reunion.  To celebrate they had a quant picnic at a park where everyone brought their spouses and kids.  They had a inflatable water slide set up for the kids and delicious food to munch on.  We even got to enjoy the swings in between the rain showers.  Mikayla had a blast playing in the puddles and observing all the new faces at the picnic.  Even though I knew only a handful of people it was still fun.

**Sorry, I didn’t get any shots of the reunion!  I was too busy chasing Mikayla around and Ben was too busy socializing!

We went from there to Louisville where a dear friend of mine from college got married.  It was sort of a college reunion because so many of our friends from WKU were there.  I got to see my bible study leader from college (who made a huge impact on my life), who recently found out she was pregnant and of course a lot of the Bemis HOT-ties, as Merideth called us!  Plus a few other faces from my WKU days.  The strange thing was that most of us had kids in tow, kids at the sitter or kids on the way.  Crazy how quickly things change!

August 2010 001 

Attempt of self-portrait by Ben

August 2010 003

HOT-ties with the beautiful bride!

August 2010 006

This past weekend was a little bit more slow paced as we stuck around BG.  On Saturday, Mikayla and I headed to the farmer’s market for a yummy pancake breakfast and to pick up veggies for the week.  In the afternoon we joined our friends Lara and Lylah at the park for a picnic and some fun in the sun.  It was HOT, but the girls were troopers and played hard.  I think the mommies were ready to go before they were!

August 2010 034

Such a big girl on the merry go round!

August 2010 022

Ahoy matey!

August 2010 024

Two sweaty babies, looking more like big girls than babies!

August 2010 026

Come on Lylah, it’s really fun in here!”

August 2010 030

August 2010 033

My attempt at a self-portrait, also unsuccessful!

After church on Sunday, we spent another day in the sun watching the BG Hot Rods.  Again, Mikayla had a blast (as she does most places) watching people and running around.  I think she takes after her Great Pops in his people watching!August 2010 040

The men trying to catch a foul ball.

August 2010 037

Crawling away from mommy!

August 2010 038

Chilling at the game!

All in all it has been a busy, but fun last couple of weekends.  This weekend will be the same as the Altmaiers travel to BG AND I get an extra day off of work.  Thank you Labor Day!!

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