Posts Tagged ‘hobby’

New Hobbies

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Is 17 months old too young to have hobbies?  Because I think Mikayla has just taken up two new favorites:  Nose picking and bird watching!  She constantly has her fingers up her nose, especially in the car.  She even fell asleep the other day while picking her nose.  At one point I looked back and she had both of her hand being used to pick her nose!  Gross! 

Her second hobby is a little nicer, bird watching.  She will climb up the step stool in the kitchen and look out the windows at the birds forever!  She can’t identify them quite yet, but we are working on that!

Hobby #1:  Nose Picking

Cracked Window and stuff 003 

Cracked Window and stuff 004

Hobby #2:  Bird Watching

Cracked Window and stuff 016 

Cracked Window and stuff 017

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