June 11th, 2010

Awhile back I made a post about having sewing envy and my desire to learn to sew.  Just recently I made a post about “Sewing Boot Camp” and how I wanted to make this shirt for my first project.

“Boot Camp” started on Wednesday.  We began the day by trying to figure out my hand me down sewing machine.  It turned out that we needed a different sewing needle.  Apparently my husband who also uses the machine likes to sew with a really large needle!  Dacia braved the pouring rain and headed to the store for supplies while I stayed home with the kids.  When Dacia returned we began cutting out the fabric pieces and got right to work. 

After four hours of sewing, talking and tending to kids we still had a lot of work to do, but “boot camp” was over for the day.  After I put Mikayla to bed I got back to work.  I finished the pleats all by myself.  They were actually a lot easier than I thought they would be.  At 9:30 I decided to put the sewing away and go watch the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup. 

car and shirt 023Progress Day One – With pockets, chestband, shoulder straps, and hem still needing to be done. 

car and shirt 024

Progress Day One – Without pockets (this is what I ended up with), chestband, shoulder straps, and hem still needing to be done. 

 car and shirt 025

Up close shot of pleats. 

On Thursday I headed to Dacia’s house to finish up the shirt. And here is the end result (please ignore my hair and jewelry, I was wearing brown).

car and shirt 026 car and shirt 027

Sewing was not as difficult as I thought it would be and I am excited to have learned some very important skills on this shirt (straps, pleats, ruffles and hems).  If I did it over again there are some things I would change, but all in all I am pretty excited about my first sewing project.  My next project is going to be a skirt for Mikayla.  I think I might try this skirt made from dishtowels!

Thanks again to Dacia for helping me out and Carson, Callie, and Mikayla for putting up with us sewing for two days!

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4 Responses to “Sewing Envy Decreased”

  1. Katie says:

    GREAT JOB!!!! The shirt looks awesome!!! I can’t wait to see what else you make!! 🙂

  2. sarah says:

    that shirt is so cute!!

  3. Mimi says:

    Your shirt turned out great. I love it! And..you!

  4. Heather Nickel says:

    SO cute!