March 16th, 2010

The best toys are not ones that you buy at the store and make a lot of noise.  The best toys are not ones that cost a lot of money.  The best toys are not the ones you (as the parent) choose as your favorite. 

No, the best toys are what you would least likely expect them to be.  They are items that you already have on hand or items that cost little.  Some of Mikayla’s favorite toys have been things like pots and spoons or magazines or containers of Puff’s.  This weekend we spent time with some dear friends in Tallahassee (see this post for more information) and Mikayla found a new toy…a laundry basket.  Who knew laundry baskets could be so much fun!  She liked to put things in it and then promptly take them out.  She enjoyed being dragged around their apartment while sitting in the laundry basket. 

Then she got the bright idea to stand up behind the laundry basket and try her hand at walking up and down the hallway pushing it.  She was really moving.  Check her out:


How cute is she?  Let’s take a poll…will she be walking by her first birthday (April 28)?

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3 Responses to “The best toys…”

  1. sarah says:

    i think she will be!

  2. Ben Kickert says:

    I still think she will take her first steps this month.

  3. Mimi says:

    Well…guess she really already is!