Posts Tagged ‘Mikayla’

Toodles Activity Board (From Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

Now that we have satellite, Mikayla watches a couple of cartoons.  One of them that she loves is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She actually has little Mickey and Friends characters that she plays with daily.  They are even regularly part of our bath time routine.  If you are unfamiliar with the show, there are couple of key phrases.  Like:  "Super Cheers", "If you’ve got ears, say cheers" and "Oh Toodles".  Mikayla will regularly repeat these and act out scenarios from the show.  She will also spend a lot of time during the day asking me what she should do.  So I decided to create her an activity choice board, and what better way than to incorporate Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

In the show there is a machine that appears when the characters say "Oh Toodles".  And on Toodles are four objects that will help them in their journey or activity.  Once they choose one to use, they say "If you’ve got ears, say cheers"!  And then once they are all used they say, "Super Cheers". So I decided to make Mikayla a Toodles board with four choices of activities.  Next time when she asks me what she should do, I will call "Oh Toodles" and let her decide!

To create all I did was cut a piece of cardboard out in the shape of Mickey Mouse.  Then I took some scraps of felt I had on hand and hot glued them on.  I took the rest of my cardboard and cut into squares and then drew on pictures of activities she could do (I am not an artist, so no fair making fun of my drawings).  I then put Velcro on the back and voila you have a Toodles Activity Choice board!  (The extra activities were placed in a bag and stapled on the back of Toodles).

Shape of me, ABCs 022

The bag is filled with additional choices that we will rotate into the board.

Toodles Choice Board 001

Exploring Toodles for the first time.  I think she likes it and is excited about it!  She held onto him for the whole time she watched cartoons this morning!

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Puzzle Master

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Lately Mikayla has really been into puzzles.  She got two for Christmas.  A Winnie the Pooh puzzle from her Mimi and Poppy and a Fox in Socks puzzle form her Aunt Christa (and family), Uncle Christopher and Aunt Sarah.  She loves them both and can now successfully put them together without any help.  Look at her go!

Letter H and Mililwane 012

Letter H and Mililwane 015

She was really studying it for correct pieces at this point.

Letter H and Mililwane 018

Letter H and Mililwane 023

So proud of herself!

Letter H and Mililwane 027

Not even a power outage can stop this puzzle crazy girl!

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News From the States

Monday, January 30th, 2012

We got a very fun call from Tim and Chelsea last week (for those of you who don’t know Tim is Ben’s brother and Chelsea is his wife).  They called to ask Mikayla if she wanted a cousin to play with.  That’s right folks, we have another niece or nephew on the way.  Congratulations Tim and Chelsea!

The best part was during our conversation Mikayla looks at me and says, "Aunt Chelsea is having Baby Jesus"!  I didn’t realize Chelsea was that special, but apparently in Mikayla’s eyes she is.  Then today Mikayla asked if she could play with "that baby Aunt Chelsea was talking about".  I don’t think she quite understands what it means to be pregnant yet!  Even if she doesn’t fully understand she is really excited for her Uncle Tim and Aunt Chelsea and a new baby to play with!  And of course so are we!

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Who Says It Doesn’t Snow In Africa?

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

If you caught last week’s Toddler School post you will know that we studied the letter W and focused on winter.  I feel that it is important to continue to teach Mikayla about the seasons even if we don’t really have big differences.  Since it is winter back in the states and my friends have been posting all kinds of fun activities they have been doing with their kiddos, I couldn’t pass up the chance to jump in on the fun.  On Sunday we (by we I really mean me, but Ben was a trooper) decided to make it a winter fun day.

We began with a breakfast of snowman pancakes and bacon.  Mikayla had a blast using the sprinkles my grandma sent her for Christmas to decorate her snowman.  And if you look really closely, you will be able to see that she made two eyes and a mouth all by herself!  She had a blast and proceeded to make and eat three snowmen pancakes when she usually only eats one!  (Apology for the lack of shirt, but it is hot here so she only sleeps in underwear most nights.  We hadn’t gotten dressed yet!)

Winter Fun Day 003

Winter Fun Day 005

We laid low for the rest of the morning and then while she was napping I hung up snowflakes all around the hallway and living room.  I have been secretly making these when Mikayla is cutting in her cutting box.  When Mikayla woke up we told her there was a surprise, but that it had gotten really cold in the house so she needed to put on a scarf and hat.  Her reaction was priceless.

Winter Fun Day 008

After she explored the "snow" we had a family snowball fight using marshmallows.  She thought it was hilarious to throw snow at mommy and daddy.  After our snowball fight, we built a couple of snow forts by stacking the marshmallows.

Winter Fun Day 017

Trying to catch the snowflake.  She actually got a little frustrated that they weren’t falling down for her.

Winter Fun Day 013

It took her a few minutes to catch on to the snowball fight, but in the end she understood to throw them and not hand them to you!

Winter Fun Day 014

Building a snow fort with daddy.

When we were tired of throwing snow, we moved on to building a snowman.  We took empty plastic grocery bags and stuffed them with other grocery bags to complete our snowman.  She lost interest pretty quick, so we didn’t actually decorate him. However, she was able to make the connection that she was dressed like her snowman we made last week all on her own.  She just looked up at her footprint snowman and said that she looked like him. 

Winter Fun Day 015

Our wimpy snowman – it is no Grandma and Grandpa Kickert snowman!

After all the snowball fun, we made some snow to play in.  We mixed 4 cups of flour with 1/2 cup of baby oil and mixed with our hands.  When we were finished we had a mixture that was a snowy consistency and could be molded fairly easily into snowballs.  Mikayla had fun using her Goofy and Donald Duck characters in the snow!

Winter Fun Day 018

Winter Fun Day 021

Winter Fun Day 029

Our final winter activity for the day was driving through a snowy scene on our Wii Mario Cart game.  She was not the best driver, but she still had fun!

Winter Fun Day 030

We had a fun winter day, even if it was 90 degrees outside!  She actually kept saying, "I am going to go play in winter now".  So sweet!

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An Interview with Mikayla

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

I was catching up on some blogs the other day and saw a really fun idea, but sadly I can’t remember where it came from.  It is a blog for a mom of a preschooler and she was saying how she is a terrible at scrapbooking (enter me)!  So instead of doing a traditional scrapbook, every so often she would interview her child.  She would type out the questions and answers and place on a fancy paper to put in a scrapbook later.  I thought this sounded fun, but decided to put a different twist on it.  I am going to try to interview Mikayla and capture it on video.  Here is our first attempt…I think she did fairly well.

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Toddler School–Christmas

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

For the last couple of weeks we have been focusing on Christmas activities during our school time.  Unfortunately, we did not end up with much learning time in the past few weeks, so we did not get to very many of the activities I had planned.  Maybe next year!  Here are a few of the activities we did manage to squeeze in.

Kruger 005

She made a hand/foot print reindeer.  She got really upset today when she found it in the trash and we had to pull it back out to play with!

Kruger 006

We made a reindeer snack with a square cookie cut in half, raisins, jelly bean, pecans and peanut butter.

Kruger 013

For this game Mikayla would choose a magnetic number and place that many ornaments (pom poms) onto the tree until she had the tree filled up.

Kruger 016

I put magnetic letters in a stocking and she pulled them out one at a time to identify.  She was able to say each letter!  After each correct identification we would both say "Jingle Bells"! 

We also did a really neat nativity storyboard with her handprints.  I can not remember where I saw it, but basically it was four handprints, each turned into an animal that represented the nativity story.  A donkey for Mary heading to Bethlehem, a cow for the manger and stable scene, a sheep for the shepherd and a camel for the wise men.  Then in the middle of the four handprint animals was her fingerprint to represent Baby Jesus.  It was a great learning tool for her to retell the birth of Jesus.  Of course we played with Christmas stickers and did a few other crafty activities that I did not get a picture of.

I am not sure what the coming weeks will hold for our learning time because we will have the twins we cared for in August living with us again.  They will be with us for a month so I don’t expect to get much learning time in!  We will see though.  They are both walking and running and what not now so it will be more like having triplets than it was before!

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Potty Training Update

Monday, December 12th, 2011

I hesitate to even mention this on the blog (or in person really) because I am afraid we will jinx ourselves, but here we go anyway.  Mikayla pretty much potty trained herself a year ago.  In the fall we introduced the potty and potty seat.  We would occasionally sit her on the potty when we knew she would be going to the bathroom and every once in awhile she would go.   We didn’t force it or really try to potty train her at this time though.  Right before we were leaving on our Christmas travel time she decided it was time to use the potty for real.  And she never looked back!  She had very few accidents and even approached us to use the potty instead of us asking her over and over again.  Let me reiterate, that she did this all on her own.  We just stepped in and played the parent role when she made the decision. 

Flash forward several months (around spring or early summer time) and she decided she would stay dry at nap time.  We never forced the issue, but one day she consistently started staying dry.  We rewarded her every step of the way with cheers of encouragement or small rewards like a piece of candy (i.e. gummy bear).  I am telling you, this kid will do anything for a piece of candy.  Even something as small as a Skittle.  Wonder where that comes from?

Flash forward again to present time and I do believe we have conquered night time training.  Do I think she will continue to have an accident every once in awhile?  Sure.  Do I think she is a champ for choosing to stay dry constantly?  Absolutely!  For the last week and a half (and maybe longer) she has woken up dry after bedtime.  She has even worn underwear to bed the last three nights!  Can we get a big "hip hip hooray" for Mikayla?  She is so cute when she wakes up because the first thing she says is, "I’m dry.  The front and the back!"

To all you parents out there attempting potty training let me just offer a few words of encouragement.  The most important piece of wisdom I could pass along is that your child will potty train when they are ready.  A lot of parents told me this when Mikayla was a baby and I never believed them, but this is so true!  I have a few friends who have tried to push the issue before their child was ready and it completely back fired on them.  They were frustrated, their kids were frustrated and there were messes everywhere.  Children are pretty smart and they know when they are ready.  Do introduce them to the potty, don’t just sit around and wait for them to discover it on their own.  In our house we have always had an open door policy (when we don’t have company over of course).  So Mikayla has always been accustomed to seeing us use the bathroom.  When we started introducing it to her she was like "no big deal, I’ve got this thing under control!"  When you introduce the potty be sure to make it fun, not a chore and you will more than likely have more success.  I have a friend who has a "Potty Power" cheer they do each time their daughter uses the potty.  Simple and to the point, but really motivating for their child.  Another thing we did, that helped Mikayla’s friends more than it helped us, was we allowed her friends (keep in mind they were 1 at the time) watch her use the potty.  Lylah thought this was the greatest thing and when her mommy introduced the potty she would use Mikayla as an example to motivate her. 

I think it is safe to say that Mikayla is (knock on wood) officially and fully potty trained!  Good job baby girl!

Mbabane and Mountains 125

This photo has nothing to do with potty training, but I wanted to include a picture.  This is from last weekend when we went hiking.

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Toddler School–Letter G

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

We spent the last two weeks studying the Letter G off and on.  We did a lot of crafty activities.

Letter G and Pre-K grad 002

Felt gumball machine game.  The idea behind the game was that she would roll two dice and count out that many gumballs to place in the gumball machine.  However, she struggled with counting both dice together.  She wanted to count each dice individually.  We eventually shifted to using just one dice, but by that time she was through playing.  She wanted to just "dress up" her gumball machine (which partially inspired my Felt Mr./Mrs. Potato Head game I made her for Christmas).

Letter G and Pre-K grad 004

Letter G Grapes.  We took a bottle cap and dipped into purple paint to make a grape, then she stamped onto the letter G.  When she was done we glued a green leaf on the top.

Letter G and Pre-K grad 014

We are way behind the blog world on this game, but we balanced marbles on top of golf tees.  She was excellent at this and was able to complete in no time at all. 

Letter G and Pre-K grad 017

We then scooped marbles into a bottle.  This was a little harder for her.

tree, letter g and mr. potato head 010

We played a feely bag game.  I took one of her wet bags and put one object at a time inside.  She had to close her eyes and feel what the object was and then make a guess.  She did great and only missed a couple.

tree, letter g and mr. potato head 011

We made a picture of Grover by painting a cutout blue and then gluing on the other body parts and letters to his name. 

More letter G 003

I wrote letters onto a strip of paper.  Then she rolled two dice and counted over that many letters to identify the letter.  We ran into the same problem with counting two dice at once.  She tends to be a little stubborn so she wouldn’t let me help show her how to count them together!  We ended up dropping the second dice and just playing with one.

More letter G 029

Handprint giraffe – it was really cute until she smeared the red paint across his face!

More letter G 030

Final letter G Grapes and a gold glitter letter G.

More letter G 031

Another letter G giraffe made from foam and the spots are her finger prints stamped.  She had so much fun with this one that she spent the next hour (literally), cutting and tearing scraps of paper to make her own giraffes.  We ended up with a whole pile of "giraffes" by the time she was through.

More letter G 032

And of course we had to finger paint with green paint!

As you can see in most of the pictures, Mikayla loves her art apron her Mimi sent her.  If we paint, she wears it for the rest of the morning!  Mikayla says, "Thanks Mimi".  For our cooking lesson this week I wanted to make guacamole, but living an hour from a grocery store hindered us from getting our supplies.  We settled for a Letter G lunch instead – grilled cheese, grapes and goldfish. 

For the next couple of weeks we will focus on the Christmas season.  We will also throw in a few "winter" activities just because they flow well with Christmas, even if we aren’t experiencing the cold here!  We have a lot of "distractions" in the next few weeks, so I am not sure how much learning time we will actually get to.  But we will do our best.

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Felt Mr./Mrs. Potato Head

Monday, December 5th, 2011

I love the idea of giving homemade gifts to Mikayla.  Last year we made her a kitchen set (that my nieces and nephews now enjoy).  This year I had the idea to make her a teddy bear dress up doll with different outfits, but when I started to make it I just wasn’t "feeling it".  Then I ran across a picture of a felt Mr. Potato Head here.  I didn’t wanted to recreate this exact model (mostly because I don’t have felt or a sewing machine), but I did want to come up with something similar.  Here is what I came up with:

tree, letter g and mr. potato head 021

I just cut out a basic potato shape out of brown felt and then "accessorized".  I even made some male items to make a Mr. Potato Head instead of a Mrs.  I was very pleased with how it turned out and think that Mikayla will love it.  I am also excited about how easily this will travel with us and keep her entertained on long trips!

tree, letter g and mr. potato head 015

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Toddler School–Letter T

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

For the past two weeks we have been studying the Letter T and Thanksgiving.  I had a lot of activities planned for the two weeks.  Some we got to, but a lot got missed because we had a couple of days where we were unable to have school (more on that in a later post).  I guess we will just use those for next year.  Here are some of the many activities we did in the last two weeks.

Letter T week 1 and bat 024

She put Thanksgiving themed stickers onto the letter T.

Letter T week 1 and bat 002

I made a letter dice out of some of the letters we have been studying and turned it into a letter graphing game.  She would roll the dice and then put a sticker above the letter.  She did great and caught on really quick at putting the stickers in the correct places.  The only downside was that she wanted to keep playing even when we ran out of boxes!

Letter T week 1 and bat 007

I wrote letters onto the bottom of an egg carton and had her "hammer" the letter down when I called it out.  Thanks Lara for the suggestion, she loved it!

Letter T week 1 and bat 010

She weaved string around the letter T.

Letter T week 1 and bat 011

This was a two part game.  Part one, she would choose a number card (number on the front and corresponding dots on the back) and then count out that many turkeys.

Thanksgiving, letter T 005

Part two, after a few days of the first game she was tired of it so I wrote numbers on the turkeys and had her match them up with the number cards.

Letter T week 1 and bat 020

Letter T turkey – thanks again Lara!

Letter T week 1 and bat 022

We wrote letters on the sidewalk with chalk.  I called out the letter and she would run and stand on the corresponding letter.  We did this in between drawing lots of pictures on the sidewalk!

Letter T week 1 and bat 023 

This was one of my favorite activities from the past two weeks.  I laid out some letter cards on the ground and got back out her letter dice for this one.  When she rolled a letter she would go stand on that one and then gobble like a turkey.  The best part was instead of saying "gobble, gobble" she said "cabba cabba" and referred to turkeys as "cabblas".

Thanksgiving, letter T 003

We played several feather games.  For one game she rolled two dice and then counted out that many feathers.  We also color sorted the feathers.  I also hid feathers around the living room and then she would find them (again, thanks Lara).

Thanksgiving, letter T 004

One last feather game we played was making a Turkey counting book.  I drew out several turkeys minus the feathers and wrote numbers on their stomachs (and corresponding number of dots in the corners).  She glued on the correct number of feathers to the turkey bodies.

Thanksgiving, letter T 011

One of my favorite crafts from the two weeks were these turkeys we made for our Thanksgiving lunch.  We started by painting some cardstock with lots of colors.  Then I traced and cut out her hands (three per turkey).  For the body I cut toilet paper tubes in half and glued on the rest!  We stuffed napkins inside and used them as napkin rings.  They turned out really cute.

Thanksgiving, letter T 017

We also made some textured letters to spell THANKS and made it into a banner to help decorate the house.  We used foil, buttons, pom poms, ribbon pieces, cut up straws and glitter.  I was pretty pleased with how it turned out!

In case you missed last week’s post about the turkey name game, it is yet another idea for a letter T activity.  We also worked on a really fun Thanksgiving song that we will try to post on YouTube for you to see soon.  She sang it before we had our "feast" on Saturday for all our guests.  Precious!  Like I said we had a lot of activities we didn’t get too, but maybe next year!

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