Posts Tagged ‘Growing up’

This Week’s Happenings 5/21-6/6

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

We have been so busy living life lately, that I have neglected blogging!  Here are some quick recaps of what has been happening in our lives.

We celebrated Ben’s 30th birthday in style over the last few weeks.  The celebration began the weekend of his birthday when we went to one of the biggest events in Swaziland – Bush Fire (  It is a huge music and arts festival over three days.  We didn’t attend the whole thing, but went for the day on Saturday.  Mikayla had a blast running around, dancing and after some coercion from daddy playing on the blow up inflatables.  If you know us at all, we aren’t big music people, but still had a lot of fun.  We stayed with our friends Peter, Callista and Aviva that evening.  We had a relaxing Sunday at their house playing and going for a small hike in their neighborhood. 


Ben hanging out with Mikayla and Aviva at Bush Fire.

Last week we welcomed three members of Cabrini College in for a two week visit (Anne, Edna and Melanie).  We have had a great time getting to know them and of course Mikayla is loving all the attention they are giving her. 

Ben was gone last week for four days at a conference and unfortunately while he was gone I came down with a stomach bug.  Mikayla spent a lot of the week watching TV while I napped on the couch.  After four days of puniness I was finally feeling better on Sunday.  As bad as I felt, we are very fortunate to have stayed relatively healthy during our time here.  Luckily I began feeling better just in time for our big Pig Roast as part of Ben’s 30th birthday celebration.

One of our staff members, Sharon, gave us a pig and so the boys (Ben and Joe) decided to tackle roasting the whole thing.  On Thursday I took two other staff members (Stadium and Fodo) to pick up the pig and we spent the evening watching them slaughter it in our front yard!  Mikayla had a blast and thought the whole process was pretty interesting.  Then on Sunday the boys got to work prepping the pig for his cooking session!  You can read more about in on Ben’s blog here.  The meat was delicious and between the pig and all the other goodies, we ended the evening completely stuffed.  We have been eating roasted pig since Sunday – including some delicious pulled pork quesadillas!



Mikayla has been really grasping onto concepts quickly lately.  She surprises me each day with her knowledge and things she knows that I didn’t know she had picked up yet.  She can now spell her last name and probably most exciting of all is that she wrote her whole name by herself for the first time this week.  I sat next to her and showed her how to form each letter and then she would make it on her own.  For a couple of the letters I laid my hand on her wrist to help control her movements, but she made the movements all on her own.  She was so proud of herself when she accomplished it. 


First attempt with sidewalk chalk – a little hard to see.


Second attempt on paper with markers.  As you can see she wrote really large at first and we had to start over.  She was really concerned about her "y" because it had a loop on it instead of the straight down diagonal.  I explained to her that some people do the loopy "y" and that it was okay.  She was cool with it after that! 

That is pretty much all the big stuff that has been going on!  Hope everyone has a great week!


Then and Now–Giraffe Shots

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

When Mikayla was a baby we took a picture next to a green giraffe (which has now been named Gertrude) and have continued to do so periodically throughout her life.  Here are some growth shots to see how much she has changed in the last three years!

Mikayla 096


2010-04-10 Mammoth Cave 005

Year One

somerset 010

Year 2

Mickey party, swim and swing 059

Year 3

Mickey party, swim and swing 065

And just for reference here is a picture of her growth chart.

Mickey party, swim and swing 054

Ben’s finger is showing how tall she was when we got to Africa and the banana leaves above the three are how tall she is now.  She has grown almost three inches since July!  Crazy!

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Mikayla’s 3rd Birthday

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Saturday was Mikayla’s third birthday and in honor of the big day we spent time doing things she loves.  Like eating donuts, opening presents and going to the "park and play".  She still has a few more gifts to open, but we are saving those for her big (and by big I mean little) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday celebration this coming Saturday.  Here are some snapshots we got from our day of celebrating!

Letter K and birthday countdown 031

Mikayla woke up to find her floor filled with balloons and "streamers" on her door.  We looked all over for streamers and couldn’t find any so I glued some newspapers together and cut them into strips.  Not quite a festive as colored streamers, but she loved them anyway!

Letter K and birthday countdown 034

Then we made donuts and of course we had to put sprinkles.  I used this recipe for the  donuts and they were delicious!  Best the day they were made and well worth the effort it required!

Letter K and birthday countdown 045

Then she got down to opening her presents.  The first is from us and was a toolbox filled with art supplies.  She loves "crafting" things and so this was a hit. 

3rd birthday 002

She also opened gifts from her aunts and uncles.  Here you can see her playing with her Candy Land game (thanks Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Tim) in her rocking new Toms (thanks Aunt Christa, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Christopher, Uncle Kris, Tyson, Tanner and Taylor).  There were other games and craft items included in these gifts, but I didn’t get pictures of them all.

Third birthday celebration 003

After our donut breakfast and packages we hit up a park about thirty minutes down the road.  She ran and played and had a great time.  After some time at the park we went and grabbed lunch.  While at lunch Mikayla met an older couple (with a granddaughter her age) who she proudly told it was her birthday.  They then called in the owner and told him to go to the store and buy her a birthday cake…which he did!  They ended up inviting us to their house for coffee afterwards.  They had a ton of geese, rabbits, chickens, and dogs that Mikayla got to interact with.  She had so much fun.

Third birthday celebration 010

Third birthday celebration 012

After the park and animals we headed home for a dinner of cheeseburgers and french fries and of course some Funfetti cake! 

Third birthday celebration 016

Daddy continued the cake smashing tradition him and our friend Rod always had, but this year Mikayla took the brunt of it. 

Third birthday celebration 019

She didn’t seem to mind though, and I helped her to get him back!

We had a great day celebrating with her and she will now proudly tell anyone who listens that she is three!

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Happy 3rd Birthday Mikayla!

Saturday, April 28th, 2012

How is it that three years have passed since I was in the hospital holding my sweet baby girl for the first time?  It has gone by crazy fast, but we have loved every minute of it!  This last year has been filled with a lot of firsts for Mikayla (and us) and a lot of fun new experiences.  Here is a quick picture recap of Mikayla’s third year of life!


Chickens and Mammoth Cave 011


Early June and VBS guide 019Early June and VBS guide 039


camry and mikayla 008

somerset 056

swazi stories 003


Messy Eaters 061


Bush Walk 077


Letter D and Nisela 112


Letter F 005 - Copy


Kruger 085


Letter W, playing in rain and owl 086

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 014


St Lucia 2 010


Letter J 020


Third birthday celebration 012

Happy Birthday Mikayla!  I hope your fourth year of life is just as exciting as your third!

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Posted in Life, Parenting |

Then and Now–Dr. Seuss

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Last year my wonderful sister purchased a Dr. Seuss dress for Mikayla for her birthday.  We were able to order it early enough to wear while celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  I love both the dress and Dr. Seuss so it was perfect!  The dress still fit her this year so we were able to wear it again.  Look how much she has changed in the last year! 


Dr. Seuss fun 004

computer dr. seuss dress 007


random stuff 026

random stuff 027

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Puzzle Master

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Lately Mikayla has really been into puzzles.  She got two for Christmas.  A Winnie the Pooh puzzle from her Mimi and Poppy and a Fox in Socks puzzle form her Aunt Christa (and family), Uncle Christopher and Aunt Sarah.  She loves them both and can now successfully put them together without any help.  Look at her go!

Letter H and Mililwane 012

Letter H and Mililwane 015

She was really studying it for correct pieces at this point.

Letter H and Mililwane 018

Letter H and Mililwane 023

So proud of herself!

Letter H and Mililwane 027

Not even a power outage can stop this puzzle crazy girl!

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An Interview with Mikayla

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

I was catching up on some blogs the other day and saw a really fun idea, but sadly I can’t remember where it came from.  It is a blog for a mom of a preschooler and she was saying how she is a terrible at scrapbooking (enter me)!  So instead of doing a traditional scrapbook, every so often she would interview her child.  She would type out the questions and answers and place on a fancy paper to put in a scrapbook later.  I thought this sounded fun, but decided to put a different twist on it.  I am going to try to interview Mikayla and capture it on video.  Here is our first attempt…I think she did fairly well.

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This Week’s Happenings 1/9-1/15

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

We had a pretty quiet week.  Ben worked a a lot and Mikayla and I played a lot!  She did request on several occasions for the twins to come play though. 

In the last week or so Mikayla has learned to gallop.  She thinks it is fun and so everywhere we go she gallops.  It is so cute, but don’t take my word for it.  Watch it for yourself!

In addition to learning to gallop, Mikayla has gained a new cooking obsession in the last week or two.  When I start cooking she pulls her chair over to the counter and gets a measuring cup.  Then she proceeds to "make dessert" with the spices on the counter and any scraps of veggies and what not that are leftover from my cooking.  She will spend the whole time I am cooking doing this and is so serious about it.  She even knows the names for most of the spices.  Most of the time the concoction is inedible, but she always tries it!  Here is her latest concoction.

pudding pops and Chacos 005

pudding pops and Chacos 006

This concoction included matches, noodles, water, spices galore, some wild berries found on the mission, onions and I think apple peels.  Yum yum!

Sunday was Sister Barbara’s birthday, so on Monday we cooked her a meal of her choice which just so happened to be one of our favorites…MEXICAN!  We still had some chips and salsa leftover from our Christmas finds so we served those with black beans, rice, guacamole, chicken fajitas and homemade corn tortillas.  The corn tortillas weren’t truly authentic because we didn’t have the right kind of corn flour (it requires a special one), but they still turned out pretty good.  Ben said he liked them better than the flour tortillas I have made in the past.  We topped the meal off with some chocolate covered pretzels made by Mikayla (of course I helped a little).

On Tuesday night we had a big storm come through.  Probably an hour before it started raining we lost power.  And then the rains came!  It was actually so windy and rainy that the wind blew the rain sideways and into our house.  Mikayla’s room was flooded and our room got quite a bit of rain too.  We quickly realized what was happening and shut all the windows and then set to work to clean up the mess!  Lucky for us we didn’t have anything too valuable on the ground.  Mikayla had some books and a couple of toys lying around, but we were able to get them all dried out with only a few wrinkles.  Unlucky for us was that the power didn’t come back on for almost 24 hours!  Humidity + plus heat + no fans = HOT!  Since there was no power all day on Wednesday, Ben decided he would try his hand at cutting our grass with a "slasher" (similar to a machete).  He posted a video on his blog that you can check out if you are so inclined.

Back around Christmas I started reading Harry Potter.  I have put it off for so long for no good reason and finally decided I would give it a go.  And I am so glad I did!  Like my friend Catherine said to me when I started reading them, they are not the most well written books, but I still love them!  Just ask Ben, I couldn’t stop reading them until I had completed the series!  I read all 7 books in just over 2 weeks.  If you haven’t read the series yet you should really give it a shot.  Just a question though for all you HP fans…are the movies worth trying to track down to watch?

Friday morning turned out to be pretty exciting for Ben and not in a good way.  Mcamiso, one of our drivers, stopped by early to pick up our propane tank to get refilled and asked Ben to help.  When they tipped the tank back there was a cobra coiled up underneath it.  Luckily the snake was pretty docile.  Between Ben, Mcomiso, Socks (the dog) and some garden tools, the snake was dealt with swiftly. 

On a more warm and fuzzy note, Friday evening I made cookies for the “Ambassador” for the EU (European Union).  Never thought I would say that when I moved to the bush in Swaziland!

To all you friends out there with little kids, here is a fun cooking activity that your kids can help out with (or make completely on their own)…pudding pops!  Basically you make pudding (which they can practically do without your help) and then pour into a popsicle mold or ice cube trays.  Add a stick of some sort and then freeze.  The best part is that because they are pudding they don’t melt as fast and are way less messy!  Doesn’t mean much to you guys getting snow right now, but for us battling the heat at the moment it makes great sense!  Your kids can feel proud because they can make them on their own (with a little supervision of course)!  And like with any cooking, licking the spoon is the best part…just ask Mikayla!

pudding pops and Chacos 008


Potty Training Update

Monday, December 12th, 2011

I hesitate to even mention this on the blog (or in person really) because I am afraid we will jinx ourselves, but here we go anyway.  Mikayla pretty much potty trained herself a year ago.  In the fall we introduced the potty and potty seat.  We would occasionally sit her on the potty when we knew she would be going to the bathroom and every once in awhile she would go.   We didn’t force it or really try to potty train her at this time though.  Right before we were leaving on our Christmas travel time she decided it was time to use the potty for real.  And she never looked back!  She had very few accidents and even approached us to use the potty instead of us asking her over and over again.  Let me reiterate, that she did this all on her own.  We just stepped in and played the parent role when she made the decision. 

Flash forward several months (around spring or early summer time) and she decided she would stay dry at nap time.  We never forced the issue, but one day she consistently started staying dry.  We rewarded her every step of the way with cheers of encouragement or small rewards like a piece of candy (i.e. gummy bear).  I am telling you, this kid will do anything for a piece of candy.  Even something as small as a Skittle.  Wonder where that comes from?

Flash forward again to present time and I do believe we have conquered night time training.  Do I think she will continue to have an accident every once in awhile?  Sure.  Do I think she is a champ for choosing to stay dry constantly?  Absolutely!  For the last week and a half (and maybe longer) she has woken up dry after bedtime.  She has even worn underwear to bed the last three nights!  Can we get a big "hip hip hooray" for Mikayla?  She is so cute when she wakes up because the first thing she says is, "I’m dry.  The front and the back!"

To all you parents out there attempting potty training let me just offer a few words of encouragement.  The most important piece of wisdom I could pass along is that your child will potty train when they are ready.  A lot of parents told me this when Mikayla was a baby and I never believed them, but this is so true!  I have a few friends who have tried to push the issue before their child was ready and it completely back fired on them.  They were frustrated, their kids were frustrated and there were messes everywhere.  Children are pretty smart and they know when they are ready.  Do introduce them to the potty, don’t just sit around and wait for them to discover it on their own.  In our house we have always had an open door policy (when we don’t have company over of course).  So Mikayla has always been accustomed to seeing us use the bathroom.  When we started introducing it to her she was like "no big deal, I’ve got this thing under control!"  When you introduce the potty be sure to make it fun, not a chore and you will more than likely have more success.  I have a friend who has a "Potty Power" cheer they do each time their daughter uses the potty.  Simple and to the point, but really motivating for their child.  Another thing we did, that helped Mikayla’s friends more than it helped us, was we allowed her friends (keep in mind they were 1 at the time) watch her use the potty.  Lylah thought this was the greatest thing and when her mommy introduced the potty she would use Mikayla as an example to motivate her. 

I think it is safe to say that Mikayla is (knock on wood) officially and fully potty trained!  Good job baby girl!

Mbabane and Mountains 125

This photo has nothing to do with potty training, but I wanted to include a picture.  This is from last weekend when we went hiking.

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And so it begins…

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Today we started Toddler School and we both really enjoyed ourselves.  It was nice to be working one on one with Mikayla and I think she enjoyed the structured time as well.  She has had a lot of "free" time lately with the twins being around.  She is so smart and caught on to things so quickly.  I think she would have kept at it all day, but I didn’t want to use all my ideas up the first day.  The only thing she wasn’t crazy about were songs, so I think I will have to sneak those in at first!  She did like our goodbye song though.  The plan right now is to allot two hours in the morning to "school" and then see how it goes from there.  Today we had about 1.5 hours of structured time and then some independent learning time.  She has been asking for school since this morning so I think she enjoyed it.  I wish I could upload the video of her talking about her first day of school, but the Internet is just too slow for that.  Maybe one day!  She woke up this morning excited about choosing her clothes, clips and hairstyle for her first day of school.  Here are some picture highlights of her at school.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 015

Cheering for school.  She wanted to stand next to her learning baskets of school things.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 016

So grown up!

Moon and first day of Toddler school 017

Counting money in egg cartons.  She got pretty good at 1 to 1 correspondence today.  She knows how to count to 12, but has never been really good at counting objects.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 018

Alphabet soup sensory tub.  This is one I made awhile ago before the twins came, but we haven’t gotten to use very much.  She spent a lot of time doing this today and got really good at digging for the letter M.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 019

She was very proud of of M Muffin art project.  She basically colored a muff and then glued M circles (pretend they are the berries in a muffin) on top of the muffin.  When it was finished she tried to unglue them and start again!

Moon and first day of Toddler school 020

Another favorite activity, felt Monkeys jumping in the bed. 

These weren’t all the activities we did, but just a few I managed to snap a picture of.  I hope the rest of this week is as fun as today was!  If anyone runs across any good letter, number, shape or color activities send them my way because I am just thinking of stuff off the top of my head, can’t really spend hours searching on the Internet for ideas.