Besides Easter and a very special fourth birthday (stay tuned for a separate post on this one), April was a pretty routine month for us. Ben worked, Mikayla and I had school and hung out at the hostel and we enjoyed time as a family! After our month of visitors in March, we enjoyed some quiet down time as a family.
I was also able to take a mini trip to Mozambique with Joe and Scooter for a weekend, while Ben stayed home with Mikayla. It was a nice weekend. We hit up the craft and fabric shops, some of my favorite places to go!! I got lots of fun fabrics, purses and other small items to add to my collection. We also visited a fish market and had a delicious lunch of crab, prawns, calamari and some sort of fish. It was nice to get away for the weekend, but I was glad to get back home with my family when it was over.
Below are some pictures from our month.
Mikayla dyed Easter eggs this year. All the eggs are brown, so it was a little tricky. She enjoyed every minute of it and asked frequently afterwards when we were going to to dye more.
Dansile, a child staying short term at the hostel, even got in on the action with the help of Scooter. Scooter was with Cabrini as a volunteer for a few months and really latched on to taking care of Dansile. We were even able to have a slumber party with Dansile one night when the kids at the hostel were gone and Scooter had prior commitments.
Hunting for eggs. She was so cute and excited each time she found one!
Mikayla and Ben had a "tea party date" one day. They both dressed up and had tea in her room while I showered and relaxed! Please take note of Ben’s tie, this is how everyone here wears them…about a foot too short!
For school one day Mikayla got to experience shaving cream. She loved exploring it, writing letters and drawing pictures! She has even enjoyed playing with it in the shower since then!
This is a picture we forgot to post while the Steve and Rita were here for a visit.
This picture is for Meghan, Ben’s cousin. She made the necklace for Mikayla as a birthday gift. Mikayla was being too silly to get a good picture, but says thanks for the beautiful necklace.
May is already shaping up to be a busy month for us, but more on that later!