October 5th, 2009

My fall break started Friday.  So far, I have done nothing productive, but had some much needed lazy time with my husband, daughter and dog.  Tomorrow my sis, nephews and mom are coming in town to hang out for the day.  Because my car died on the way home to Tanner’s birthday party I did not make it.  So, my loving sister has agreed to throw a mock birthday party on Wednesday so I can be there to celebrate.  Thursday we meet up with some dear friends for a relaxing time in the Smokies.  Next Tuesday I have set aside to plan with my team teacher and make baby food.  My fall break is turning out to be pretty busy, but I am excited about each and every aspect of it.


Tonight I cooked…for the first time in forever it seems like.   I made Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Rice from Kraft Foods.  (Side note – I love this magazine, if you don’t subscribe you should!)  Go here for the recipe.  It was simple and delicious.  The only change I made was to season the chicken (black pepper and salt) and add some pepper and seasoned salt to the final product.  I served with some Sister Schubert Yeast Rolls.

In preparation for our big trip, I made some Chocolate Chip Cookies.  The trick to make them extra delicious is to use dark chocolate chips and to chop them up so that they are mini and some are shaved.  I just stick them in the food processor and chop away.  This evenly distributes the chocolate into every bite of the cookie.  The one thing I haven’t mastered yet is to make my cookies fluffy.  Mine always end up flat.  In high school, Mrs. Tuttle always made the best chocolate chip cookies.  They were the perfect blend of crunchy, cakey and gooey.  I hope to one day cook cookies as good as hers.  Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or what I can do to achieve this perfect blend?


In case you didn’t read Ben’s post, the Camry is dead.  This was my first car.  In highschool my sister and I shared an Acura Legend.  Technically, this was my first car, but because we shared it and she started driving first it never felt like my car.  I only felt like I borrowed it from her when driving.  The Camry was my car.  I helped by it, I was the sole driver, I loved that car.  Now I must say goodbye to a dear friend.  Ben doesn’t understand why this is so hard for me, and really I don’t either.  It is like parting with a good friend I suppose.  But the difference is, I won’t be seeing it later, it is a for real goodbye.  Has anyone else felt this or am I really crazy?


This post is very scattered, but that is my life in a nutshell at the current moment!

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October 3rd, 2009

Five years ago today I married this goofball…

Are those runts up your nose....why I think they are!

Are those runts up your nose....why I think they are!

Pretty fly for a white guy!

Pretty fly for a white guy!


I love him more and more each and everyday!

One year anniversary trip to DC

One year anniversary trip to DC

One year anniversary trip to DC

One year anniversary trip to DC

Sharing our year old (insert terribly disgusting) wedding cake

Sharing our year old (insert terribly disgusting) wedding cake

We have been through a lot and now have a little family of our own.


I just wanted to say:  I love you Ben and can’t wait to spend many more years together!

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

My love!

My love!

So this was supposed to post yesterday, but for some reason I didn’t hit publish!  Ooops!  So please just pretend you read this on October 2, 2009.  Thanks!

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September 25th, 2009

A year ago my sister and I were both pregnant.  She was very pregnant with her second child and I was just beginning my first pregnancy.  Today my little (well not so little any more) nephew turns one.  He is such a big boy and so full of life.  I hope when Mikayla turns one she is just as full of life as Tanner!  My sister is throwing a “Ball Themed” Birthday Party tomorrow because he loves balls so much.  There will be a ball pit, round pumpkins for kids to paint and food in the shape of balls or circles (i.e. meatballs, circle sandwiches, grapes, melon balls, etc).

Happy Birthday little guy!  I will see you at your “Ball Themed” Birthday Party tomorrow!

Tanner and family in his first day of life!

Tanner and family in his first day of life! Tanner and Tyson have changed so much in the last year!

Tanner at Jackson's Orchard at the beginning of September

Tanner at Jackson's Orchard at the beginning of September

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September 20th, 2009

Out of all four seasons, fall is by far my favorite.  It has been since I can remember.  There are so many great things about fall, here are ten of my favorites!

  1. Apple Orchards – Growing up I would go pick apples with my grandma at Haney’s and grab and apple pie.  Now that I live in Bowling Green I like to frequent Jackson’s Orchard for an apple cider slush, apple pie, and great fall atmosphere!
  2. Pumpkins and Halloween parties – For the last three or four years Ben and I have hosted a Halloween party.  We aren’t very social people, but this has come to be something our friends expect each year.  We have contests for the best costumes and we even have a pumpkin carving contest.  Last year the carving was kind of a dud for several reasons, but we hope to pick it back up this year.
  3. Fall leaves – I love the colors that fall brings:  reds, oranges, yellows…they are all so great.  I like to watch them change on the trees and then float to the ground.  One of the best sounds in the world is walking along on a leaf covered path and hear the leaves crunching beneath your feet.  So peaceful!  And believe it or not, I actually enjoy raking leaves.  Too bad our wimpy trees don’t have enough to warrant raking!
  4. Apples – Caramel apples, applecake, apple muffins, apple pie…the list could go on forever!  Each year at school we have an apple unit and for the culmination we have an Apple Celebration.  Each family is invited to send in their favorite apple dish and then we have a taste test with the kids.  It is so much fun to see all the creativity and taste the deliciousness.
  5. Weather – Cool and crisp…not too cool like in the winter and not too crisp like on really windy days, but just perfect.  Perfect for long walks with my puppy and my baby!  Perfect for afternoon and evening rounds of disc golf with my husband and friends.
  6. Fires in the backyard – We haven’t had our fire pit for very long (I think right at a year), but fires on a fall night our the best.  I have just recently rediscovered my love for smores, but only if Ben makes them for me!
  7. Fall Food – Chili and Thanksgiving food are two of my favorites.  I could eat a big bowl of homemade chili almost every night in the fall.  And don’t get me started on Thanksgiving food:  mashed potatoes and gravy, veggie casseroles, rolls, pumpkin pie…just around the corner and my tummy is already starting to rumble!
  8. K-Scope Showcases – I love watching what kids can create when given a positive outlet to do so.  Kaleidoscope showcases never let me down!
  9. Fall Break – I love my job for many reasons, but one in particular is the many breaks I get throughout the year, fall break being one of them.  This year we are heading to the Smokey Mountains with some good friends of ours and I can’t wait!  Leaves, crisp weather, good food and wonderful friends all combined together.  Does life get any better?
  10. Fall memories – Some of my favorite memories took place in the fall season.  In college it was somewhat of a tradition for Ben and I, along with a couple of friends to take road trips to various places.  Two of my favorites were the road trips we took to Baton Rouge and Maine over fall break.  They were long car rides (which I probably wouldn’t be very good at today), but well worth it in the end!  In high school many of my friends played soccer (a fall sport in Kentucky).  I have many fond memories of sitting bundled up in a blanket cheering them on!

What are your favorite fall moments?  I will end with some favorite fall pictures:

Jackson's Orchard Fall 2009

Jackson's Orchard Fall 2009

Favorite Halloween Costume - Cave People Fall 2007

Favorite Halloween Costume - Cave People Fall 2007

Jackson's Orchard Fall 2008

Jackson's Orchard Fall 2008

Another look at our costume Fall 2007

Another look at our costume Fall 2007

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August 24th, 2009

In case you didn’t get the memo:  Mikayla started rolling over!  Here are some pictures to document the milestone.

Chilling on her back

Chilling on her back

Starting the roll

Starting the roll





...still rolling...

...still rolling...

...almost got it...

...almost got it...

Made it!

Made it!

She has rolled over both ways (front to back and back to front).  She will be four months old on Friday.  We head to the doctor on Thursday for shots, weight check, etc.  I will keep you posted on her progress!

Another newbie is that she has figured out how to grab fer pacifier with her hands and pull it out.  It is really fun to watch her try and figure out how to get it back in her mouth.  She concentrates really hard, she even has her daddy’s “concentration face”!  Every once in awhile she finds her mouth other times her eye or ear or you get the picture!  Quite hysterical!

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August 15th, 2009

Here are some recent pictures of our sweet daughter!  In case you haven’t heard she is rolling over now, both ways.  The other day while I was at school Ben said she was rolling all over the place!  She is now 3 and 1/2 months old…hard to believe!

Ben thinks it is fun to stick random things in her hands!  She looks like her Pops here!

Ben thinks it is fun to stick random things in her hands! She looks like her Pops here!

Playing in her exersaucer...she gains more and more control each day!

Playing in her exersaucer...she gains more and more control each day!

Carson and Callie chilling with Mikayla!

Carson and Callie chilling with Mikayla!

Mikayla likes to cook too...or rather be cooked!  Another one of her daddy's funny picture ideas.

Mikayla likes to cook too...or rather be cooked! Another one of her daddy's funny picture ideas.

Sweet little baby girl!

Sweet little baby girl!

Chilling in her cloth diaper...we love using cloth!

Chilling in her cloth diaper...we love using cloth!

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August 15th, 2009

In the past few weeks I have done little cooking.  School has started back and I have just been plain exhausted!  However, we have managed to squeeze in a few amazing cooking experiences.

First, my dear friend Dacia came over and helped me make salsa.  By help me make salsa I really mean she did most of the work while I entertained Mikayla and taste tested the yummy salsa.  Here are some photos of the fun afternoon!

The crop needed to make salsa:  tomatoes, onions, pepers (bell, jalapeno, banana), apple cider vinegar, sugar, garlic, and salt

The crop needed to make salsa: tomatoes, onions, pepers (bell, jalapeno, banana), apple cider vinegar, sugar, garlic, cilantro and salt. All the veggies are either from our garden or the local Farmer's Market.

Dacia food processing the ingredients for salsa!  She is such a sweet friend to come "help" me make salsa!

Dacia food processing the ingredients for salsa! Just stick it all in the food processor and hit process! She is such a sweet friend to come "help" me make salsa!

Salsa boiling away!

Salsa boiling away!

Boiling water and lids for canning!  We are getting close...

Boiling water and lids for canning! We are getting close...

Jars in the sink awaiting boiling water and then hot salsa!  I didn't manage to take a final picture, but we ended up with 16 jars.  That should last us at least a month!

Jars in the sink awaiting boiling water and then hot salsa! I didn't manage to take a final picture, but we ended up with 16 jars. That should last us at least a month!

Second, after some inspiration from Terry and Dacia, we bought a sushi mat and all the fixings and fixed ourselves some cruchy shrimp rolls.  Again, I entertained/fed Mikayla and Ben rolled out the sushi!

Sushi on its way!  Seaweed paper + avocado slices + cream cheese + sushi rice + tempura shrimp = ...

Sushi on its way! Seaweed paper + avocado slices + cream cheese + sushi rice + tempura shrimp = ...

... One amazing crunchy shrimp roll!

... One amazing crunchy shrimp roll!

Last, we made some homemade pizza!  The cheese is what really makes the pizza.  We use cheese from Kenny’s Cheese here in Kentucky called Kentucky Rose.  It really makes the pizza amazing!

Pizza on its way.  Crust is from the Amish Market, we cheated with the sauce and bought some from the store, Kenny's KY Rose Cheese, and toppings include onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, banana peppers, ham and bacon!  We sprinkled a little Italian seasoning on the top!  First bake on a pizza sheet and then when almost finished transfer to a pizza stone to crisp up the crust!

Pizza on its way. Crust is from the Amish Market, we cheated with the sauce and bought some from the store, Kenny's KY Rose Cheese, and toppings include onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, banana peppers, ham and bacon! We sprinkled a little Italian seasoning on the top! First bake on a pizza sheet and then when almost finished transfer to a pizza stone to crisp up the crust!


MMM MMM Good! We paired with with 1919 Malbec and it was fantastic!

All this talk of food is making me hungry so I am going to go fix some lunch.  What have you been cooking lately?

August 9th, 2009

Kindergarten teachers should really have their own reality TV show!  Really!  If you don’t believe me check out some of these anecdotes.  Keep in mind that these are all from the first week of school!

  1. Unlike ducks, kindergarten students do not follow behind their momma!  Enough said…
  2. Names I have been called this week:  Mrs. Kickermon, Ms. Beth, Mrs. Kickers…the list goes on!
  3. Bathroom breaks are always an adventure.  This year I have a bathroom in my room, which only adds to the adventures!  Several times I have had students walk out with their pants down to get a drink of water.  I have also had students scream at me about how they had to poop, while I was trying to teach.  The best was a story about a little girl.  She had been in the restroom for ten minutes when I decided to go check on her.  Upon opening the door I saw that she had taken her shoes off and she promptly told me how she had to poop.  I left and returned ten minutes later to find that she had now removed her pants.  Again, leaving and returning a few minutes later to a completely naked child.  Who gets naked in a kindergarten classroom bathroom?  Apparently this young child!
  4. Fire drills are always an experience.  This year our alarm is extremely loud, almost deafening.  Of course when the kiddos heard it the first time they all held their ears (no tears surprisingly).  When we returned to the room one little guy asked if he could use the bathroom.  I let him go and he was in there for a few seconds before he came running out.  He asked me if the alarm was going to ring again.  He was scared that he would be in the bathroom when the alarm was going to go off.
  5. It is also not strange to be interrupted in the middle of a lesson for a student to shout out a random thought.  I had one kid interrupt me during calendar to tell me all about Transformer World that he apparently visited this summer.  He was full of detail about his experience and the things he saw.  (Side note – there is no such thing as Transformer World).
  6. I got an email from a parent on day one that mentioned three things.  One – her child was scared of the automatically flushing toilet (what four/five year old isn’t).  Two – The family would be moving soon and they just wanted to make me aware.  Three – They wanted to let me know about Ropey and Ron, the child’s best friends.  These aren’t ordinary friends, they are imaginary friends!  They are allowed at her house, but not school.  Apparently there are family members and more friends along with these two.  Only in kindergarten world!

Of course this is just the beginning.  Tomorrow begins week two and I am sure there will be more Funny Moments to share!  But for now, I must venture to bed!

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July 30th, 2009

I made a quick trip to Somerset this week to see a dear friend from high school.  While I was home I got to spend some time with my family.  I decided it would be a good idea to try and get the three grandkids (Mikayla and my sisters boys, Tyson and Tanner) to take a picture.  Here is what we ended up with…maybe we need the help of a professional!

Tyson had a hard time staying still and poor Mikayla still can't sit up on her own!

Tyson had a hard time staying still and poor Mikayla still can't sit up on her own!

This was a good one of the boys, but Mikayla fell over!

This was a good one of the boys, but Mikayla fell over!

Again, poor Mikayla...maybe we should try again when she is older!

Again, poor Mikayla...maybe we should try again when she is older!

Not too bad, except for Mikayla showing off her belly rolls!

Not too bad, except for Mikayla showing off her belly rolls!

This could be the best one yet!

This could be the best one yet!

Tanner got distracted by his dad's cell phone

Tanner got distracted by his dad's cell phone

Notice Tanner being held up by a mystery hand!

Notice Tanner being held up by a mystery hand!

So we didn’t end up with any good pictures, but at least we had fun!  What is the trick to getting three kids ages 2 and under to sit still long enough for a portrait??

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July 30th, 2009

One of my favorite plants that we grow in our garden is okra.  I love okra!  I will eat it almost anyway, well except for boiled because it gets really slimy and gross.  Two of my favorite okra dishes are Fried Okra and Okra Stew (and of course Veggie Patties, but we have already looked into that one).  Here is how I prepare both.

Fried Okra

  • Okra cut into 1/2-1 inch stars (as much as you want)
  • Flour (Self-Rising works best, but I mostly use All Purpose because that is what I tend to keep on hand)
  • Oil (enough to fry in)
  • 1-2 eggs, depending on amount of okra
  • Hot Sauce (optional)
  • Seasonings:  Onion Powder, Cajun Seasoning (Tony’s baby), Seasoned Salt, Ground Black Pepper, Cumin, and Garlic Powder (or Garlic salt depending on preference)
  • ZipLock Baggie
  1. Cut okra into pieces.  Meanwhile heat oil in a large skillet.
  2. Scramble eggs in small bowl.  If wanted add a couple of dashes of Hot Sauce.
  3. Mix flour with seasonings, roughly a cup or so of flour and 1-2tbsp of each seasoning.  I never measure exactly so this makes it taste slightly different each time!  Pour into ZipLock baggie.
  4. Coat okra pieces with egg mixture.
  5. Place okra in the baggie with flour mixture and shake bag until flour evenly coats all sides of okra.
  6. Place flour coated okra in hot oil and gently toss with tongs until okra is golden brown.  Transfer to plate covered in paper towels.  Serve immediately.  We like to eat ours with ketchup, but they are just as good plain!
Ingredients all ready to go!

Ingredients all ready to go!

Okra coated in egg mixture

Okra coated in egg mixture

Coating the okra in flour, last step before frying!

Coating the okra in flour, last step before frying!

Finished product...doesn't it look delicious?

Finished product...doesn't it look delicious?

Okra Stew (adapted from All Recipes) – beware this is a spicy dish

  • 1 pound Kielbasa sausage cut into bite sized pieces
  • 4 tablespoons margarine
  • 2 green bell peppers, seeded
  • 1 large onion
  • 1-2 cups frozen corn kernels or fresh whichever you have on hand
  • 1-2 cup chopped okra
  • 10 Roma Tomatoes – blanched, peeled and chopped  (you can add more if you wish)
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 tsp bay leaf
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 green chile pepper
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • Shrimp (optional)
  • Chicken, diced and cooked (optional)
  1. Fry sausage in skillet until heated through (I like to blacken mine a bit).
  2. Dice vegetables.
  3. Heat butter in a stock pot and saute the green pepper, onion and jalapeno pepper for 2 to 3 minutes or until translucent. Mix in corn, okra, tomatoes, tomato paste, thyme, bay leaf and chili pepper. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the sausage (if using shrimp and/or chicken add it here), return to a boil and simmer for another 25 minutes.
  5. Serve warm

**This recipe freezes very well and is easy to make large servings for.

**We serve ours over Jasmine rice or Minute rice.

Frying the sausage and blanching tomatoes

Frying the sausage and blanching tomatoes

How to Blanch Tomatoes:  First boil tomatoes until skin starts falling off.  Remove from boiling water and place in ice bath.  Once tomatoes have cooled remove skin

How to Blanch Tomatoes: First boil tomatoes until skin starts falling off. Remove from boiling water and place in an ice bath. Once tomatoes have cooled remove skin

Finished product - My mouth is watering!

Finished product - My mouth is watering!

Happy Cooking! Disclaimer:  I never really measure spices when cooking so they could be off a bit.  Just use your taste buds and add more or less accordingly.

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