July 30th, 2009

I made a quick trip to Somerset this week to see a dear friend from high school.  While I was home I got to spend some time with my family.  I decided it would be a good idea to try and get the three grandkids (Mikayla and my sisters boys, Tyson and Tanner) to take a picture.  Here is what we ended up with…maybe we need the help of a professional!

Tyson had a hard time staying still and poor Mikayla still can't sit up on her own!

Tyson had a hard time staying still and poor Mikayla still can't sit up on her own!

This was a good one of the boys, but Mikayla fell over!

This was a good one of the boys, but Mikayla fell over!

Again, poor Mikayla...maybe we should try again when she is older!

Again, poor Mikayla...maybe we should try again when she is older!

Not too bad, except for Mikayla showing off her belly rolls!

Not too bad, except for Mikayla showing off her belly rolls!

This could be the best one yet!

This could be the best one yet!

Tanner got distracted by his dad's cell phone

Tanner got distracted by his dad's cell phone

Notice Tanner being held up by a mystery hand!

Notice Tanner being held up by a mystery hand!

So we didn’t end up with any good pictures, but at least we had fun!  What is the trick to getting three kids ages 2 and under to sit still long enough for a portrait??

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One Response to “Family Pictures”

  1. Christa says:

    These are good…funny too! MIss you guys already maybe next time these darn kids will cooperate (lol)! Love you guys!