October 10th, 2011

Our week seemed to fly by, but I am not sure what all we did!  On Sunday we celebrated our 7th anniversary!  Crazy!  We celebrated by making a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon and then relaxing for most of the rest of the day.  We had big dinner plans of grilled Impala, salad with a special strawberry find (berries are hard to come  by here and are very expensive) and couscous.  We spent all afternoon anticipating our dinner plans.  About halfway into cooking the Impala our gas went out.  So we went over to another volunteers house to "borrow" their gas since no one was staying there.  Let me just say that carrying a tanks that weighed over 150 pounds 100 yards was not my idea of a good time.  I am very much a weakling, just ask Ben who had to carry most of the weight on his back.  It took us much longer than expected on account of me being too weak and so our Impala got a little over done.  It was still tasty, but would have been much better had we not overcooked it! 

Speaking of Impala, on the way back from the grocery Saturday evening we saw several live Impala and my all time favorite animal ever…a giraffe, actually two giraffes!  They were in a private game reserve on the side of the road.  Let’s just say I was so excited I had Ben drive by three times before it got to dark to see them any more!  Too bad we didn’t have camera.

Speaking of creatures, we have seen quite a few of them this week.  We saw a Southern tree agama (look him up because he was too fast to photograph with our phones) who was absolutely gorgeous.  He is a lizard with a bright blue head and tail!  We also saw another foam nest tree frog (also look them up – thanks John David and Brittany for helping us identify it!).  They are a large white frog that tends to hang out by our kitchen window when it rains.  Of course we saw some birds, lots of birds actually.  Finally we saw these guys:

Letter C and Creatures 005

Rain spider.  Please note the white powder that we have sprayed all around our house (it is called DOOM).  I am pretty sure it could kill us, but it keeps out all the creepy crawlies.  Especially the ants!

Letter C and Creatures 027

Millipede – We actually saw several of these this week.  This guy was curled up into a ball on our front porch.

Letter C and Creatures 077

Stick Insect – Mikayla actually spotted this one on our front door.  She was fascinated with it. 

We even found some seeds that we have named Swazi jumping seeds.  They are literally seeds that jump around on the ground.  We got curious about why they were jumping, so we opened them up and found a tiny worm inside.  It looked like a maggot, but I couldn’t be sure.  Mikayla thought they were pretty cool and kept calling them caterpillars.  Which worked out nicely because we studied the letter C this week!  I love when life lines up with school. 

We lost electricity several times this week.  At one point I thought we were going to have to host a large braai (BBQ) to cook all the meat we had in our freezer.  But luckily the electricity came back on just in time and our meat was saved. 

We also got another package in the mail this week from my parents filled with candy, school stuff, art stuff, a light scoop for our camera and more.  Mikayla had a blast pulling everything out and of course the candy is almost all gone by now!  Amazing how quickly it gets eaten up in our household!

Letter C and Creatures 060

On Saturday we headed into Ezulwini (a town between Mbabane and Manzini) with Sister Diane to hit up some craft markets.  She was searching for items to take with her on an upcoming trip to the states to resell and try to raise some funds for Cabrini.  Along the way we picked up a beautiful painted wooden platter and two batiks.  I can’t wait to hang them up around the house.  We had a relaxing day and ate lunch at a beautiful restaurant with delicious food. 


I will leave you with this amazing picture of Mikayla we found on our old camera from one of our first few days here. 

First days and jumping beans 059

Mikayla and her bedhead!

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October 1st, 2011

We have had a very fun week learning all about the letter B!  We did some arts and crafts, lots of fine motor and a little math.  Next week we have a fun science experiment on the agenda.  Here are some of the things we did this week. 

Birds and chalkboard 001

We found a chalkboard on our outing last weekend and Mikayla has been loving it!  It is no IKEA art easel, but it has been pretty fantastic this week!  We also found some stringing beads that she has enjoyed this week.

Letter B and more birds 002

Color matching.  I just wrapped some construction paper around empty toilet paper tubes and she placed the corresponding pipe cleaner in them.  They kept falling down though, so I need to find something to hold them up.

Letter B and more birds 003

We had lots of fun with balloons.  We played with them, and  we blew air into them and let them go.  We even had a balloon relay where she had to pick up balloons out of a container with tongs and run across the room to another container and place them there.  She ha a lot of fun chasing around the balloons.

Letter B and more birds 007

  • Letter B bumble bee.  We also made a handprint bumble bee I forgot to take a picture of.

Letter B and more birds 017

Sorting big and small buttons.

Letter B and more birds 035

Matching the colored butterflies.

Letter B and more birds 040

We scooped beans  into various containers using cups and spoons.  I think she had the most fun with this activity.

Letter B and more birds 043

We played with our new activity from Lylah and Lara, stringing felt through a button (practicing how to push a button through a hole).

Letter B and more birds 049

We sorted colored buttons into balloons.  She had a difficult time with this at first, but eventually got the hang of it. 

Letter B and more birds 051

We glued beans on the letter B.  Side note – it cracks me up how serious she gets with some of her school activities.  She is really concentrating on putting the beans in the perfect spot.

Letter B and more birds 052

We screwed nuts onto a bolt to work on fine motor.

Letter B and more birds 059

We went on lots of bird hunts in our boots with binoculars.  She really got into looking for birds through her binoculars.

Mikayla and her binoculars

We also spent a lot of time playing with her babies and blankets and looking for B items around the house.  Some other activities we did include playing B hide and seek (I hid letter cards around the room with B on them and she had to find them), painting a bear with watercolors, drawing numbers from a stack and bouncing that many times, showing different letters and bowing when she saw a B and freezing for the others, making a letter B butterfly (wish I had gotten a picture because it turned out cute) and sang lots of songs (including Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee and a few others I made up on the spot).  She definitely grasped onto the concept of B better than she did A for some reason.  All in all we had a good week – learned a lot and played even more!

She just started this week picking up different objects and asking what they started with which is fun for me as a teacher to see her wanting to learn so much.  She was even able to identify letters I didn’t know she knew at the hostel the other day.

Next week we move onto C.  Think Cars, Caterpillars, and Candy.  I have a lot of ideas, but feel free to keep sending them my way.  I am always up for something knew!

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October 1st, 2011

Sunday Mikayla and I went for a little bird watching around our house while Ben did a little work.  I must say Mikayla has a lot to learn about watching birds because she was very loud!  Every time we found a bird she would either talk or start walking very loudly. 

Birds and chalkboard 009

Birds and chalkboard 016

Birds and chalkboard 019

We got our first package in the mail this week (thanks Rita and Steve).  It was filled with lots of yummy candy, real coffee (Instant is the main form of coffee here) and some jewelry/purse for Mikayla.  Great fun!  We also got another piece of fun mail from Lylah and Lara.  All of which were enjoyed immensely.  I just wish I could say we still had a lot of the candy left to munch on!

Letter B and more birds 010

Letter B and more birds 045

For the first part of the week there was a Peace Corp volunteer here checking out Cabrini.  He joined us for most of our meals.  It was good to talk with someone from the US face to face.  He lives about twenty minutes down the road from us and is hoping to volunteer some at Cabrini.  He will be here for two years, so a familiar face if nothing else!

Tomorrow is mine and Ben’s 7 year anniversary!  Hard to believe we have been married for that long.  We plan on making bacon in the morning and playing Settler’s after Mikayla goes to bed.  Who knows what else our day will include, but I can guarantee it will be filled with relaxation! 

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September 24th, 2011

On Sunday we headed back out to the bush (check out Ben’s post for details on last week’s bush walk) to play some disc golf.  I know what you are thinking, Africa has disc golf??  Not really, but we managed to create a few holes of our own.  We played to fence posts, soccer goals, trees, pretty much anything that was off in the distance with a few obstacles in between.  It wasn’t the same as playing at Keriakes with our friends in BG, but it was pretty fun.  Mikayla even threw a couple of disc!

I finally convinced Ben to hang Mikayla’s art wall this past weekend.  Back in BG she had a homemade art wreath, but due to space limitations it got left behind.  I am pleased with what we have though and now we are able to display all the fun projects she does at school!

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 001

Before we left for Swaziland I saw homemade bowling sets floating around the Internet and made a mental note that I wanted to make one for Mikayla.  They are super simple, just some empty two liter bottles and ball.  Sure you can jazz them up, but I am not that jazzy of a person, so we just left them plain.  I have been collecting empty bottles for a few weeks now and finally had enough to resemble a set of bowling pins.  Last night she was getting restless so we pulled out the few pins we had and started bowling.  She loved it!  Please note her concentration and determination in each picture!

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 033

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 022

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 036

We also found and set up a mosquito net for Mikayla’s room.  The mosquitos are already out in full force, just ask Ben who got almost 20 bites in one night!  She is very excited about her fort/tent she gets to sleep in each night. 

Fort and Mango tree 001

Mikayla has been really into asking "WHY?" lately, for everything!  Don’t get me wrong, I love that my daughter is inquisitive, but the constant "whys" are wearing me out!  Her "why’s" can go on forever it seems like.  Is this an all toddler thing or just my daughter??

Can anybody guess what these are? 

Fort and Mango tree 010

They are starting to form in the trees by our house.  If you guessed mangos you are absolutely correct!

Attention Kickert family:  We played ten thousand as a family the other night and you would be happy to know that Mikayla really beat up on Ben and I.  She immediately rolled 650 and each round made good choices in when to roll or stay.  Quite the competition!

Fort and Mango tree 005

Can I just say that I am loving having access to Food Network?  This is the first time in my adult life that my home has had it and I am addicted!  I am pretty sure it is the only channel I have watched this week.  Who knew it would take moving to Africa to get it?  (Disclaimer – I only turn on the TV at night after Mikayla has gone to bed so please don’t think I am watching Food Network all day everyday!)

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September 24th, 2011

Each week I have decided to focus on one letter at a time and create various activities revolving around it.  I will also throw in counting activities, fine motor activities, arts and crafts, science activities (when relevant), cooking activities and whatever else my brain comes up with!  I am sure we will do more as we get into a good routine, but I figured this was a good start.  I am always open for suggestions on how to do things differently or for new ideas (as I am coming up with most of them on the fly).  Here are some of our activities from the last week. 

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 052

Clothespin color matching.  As simple as it sounds, match up the clothespins with the correct color of cardboard.  I hope to find some colored paper clips to do a similar activity with.  She is getting really good at maneuvering the clips, something she struggled with a month ago. 

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 054

For this activity she had to identify each shape, color them a certain color depending on what I said and then match them up and glue on top of the correct match.  She loves to glue so anytime I can incorporate that into the lessons she is fully focused!

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 055

My friend Lara mentioned she was going to do an activity similar to this with pom poms – tweeze the pom poms or "apples" onto the apple tree.  I didn’t have any pom poms so I went to the cabinet to explore what I could substitute and came up with some large circular brads.  This worked out pretty well, although I think the pom poms would have been easier for her.  After she was finished putting the "apples" on the tree she proceeded to "eat" them all and then throw her trash in the storage bag.  Such an imagination my child.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 057

Letter sorting activity.  While we are only focusing on capital letters at this time, I still thought it was important to at least introduce the lower case letters.  For this activity she is sorting a stack of big and little letters into the correct bowl.  I did this with the M’s too and she is having so much fun with it I think I will incorporate it into each week (as long as she isn’t getting bored with it).  The black letters you see are sandpaper letters I made to help her focus on letter formation.   She can rub her finger along the letters to feel how the letter is written.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 011

More fine motor practice with some lacing.  Made from a cereal box and shoe string I found laying around. 

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 014

Push pins into thick cardboard.  After a few times this game was too easy because the holes were too big!

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 015

More big and little letter matching.  Letters were written on poker chips.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 017

Clipping correct number of clothespins to numbers.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 018

Apple stickers on the letter A.  This kid loves some stickers!

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 019

Apple craft – thanks Lara!  Torn paper for apple, handprint for leaf and real stick for stem.  She was very patient in finding her stem, as she wanted it to be perfect. 

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 022

Since ants are everywhere here (and I mean everywhere) what better snack than ants on a log for Letter A week?  Bananas with peanut butter for the log and craisins/raisins for the ants.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 038

Number matching on apples.  We sang songs about how to make the numbers and then traced them and glued over top the matching number.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 040

Apple counting book.  Each page has a different number and she had to glue the correct number of apples to each basket.  She did very well for the first three pages and then the last two she lost focus.  Maybe too many pages at this time for her.

Letter A, Birds and Bowling 046

Making some of my Grandma Clark’s famous apples.  Mikayla loves helping "cut" things in the kitchen!

We also did a few activities I failed to take a picture of.  We have felt storyboard pieces to go with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, so we incorporated these into two different activities.  One was a color activity.  She drew out one animal at a time and had to go find something in the room that was the same color.  She loved this game a lot, so we played it several times.  The second activity was acting like the animals.  We even took an apple and worked on position words and following directions!  We also practiced writing the letter A.  She did a great job, although she still regularly switches between her right and left hand.  Anyone know when it is normal to choose one hand over the other to write with?  We even talked about the parts of the apple and colored a picture.  I really wanted to paint with an apple, but I have only been able to get my hands on water color paints so far.  Maybe later we will just for fun!  We did more, but my mind is drawing a blank at the moment.  Some of these activities we will continue on through next week, but we will have many new ones to do as well. 

Next week we will be studying the letter B (think bears, boats, bananas and butterflies) – any good B activities or related art/math/science/fine motor/color ones floating around??  I am also open to suggestions for the letter C!

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September 17th, 2011

We started Mikayla’s Toddler School this week.  If you missed that post you should check it out for more details!  This week Mikayla learned a lot about the Letter M! 

The kids returned to the hostel this week, which means the twins also returned (although they left our care last Saturday).  The transition was really smooth.  Mikayla is doing well being the only child again (she was only in time out one or two times the whole week, compared to the numerous times daily when the twins were here).  We miss the twins, but have fallen easily back into our old routines.  Meal time is much less stressful now, only trying to feed one kid and not three.  The twins are having a bit of a harder time with adjustment, Nosipho especially.  She is grumpy as ever and is much clingier than she ever was with us.  Their sister (probably five years old) lives at the hostel as well and Nosipho has really taken to her.  The other day she didn’t want to have anything to do with anyone else besides her.  Neither are walking yet, but Nosipho did take a few independent steps.  Simo is scooting along on the floor and trying really hard to pull himself up on furniture and the like. 

Speaking of the hostel Mikayla has magically transformed her behavior while at the hostel.  Before the break she was really clingy and whiney when we were there.  This week she has marched right in and started playing immediately.  Of course it helps that all the kids are offering her sweets (candy) and biscuits (cookies)!!  On Saturday she played by herself with me out of sight for a good hour.  She has even buddied up with the twins older sister.  And she partook in dance lessons from one of the girls the other day.  She is becoming quite the Swazi and definitely has more rhythm than both her parents!

On Wednesday we spent an entire day in the capital city, Mbabane to get our fingerprints taken.  We are still working through the process of getting our work permits taken care of and this is just part of it.  Mikayla thought it was fun though and she even took her baby’s fingerprints in the car on the way home. 

After our day in Mbabane we went on a mini safari to see some animals.  We saw mostly deer like animals (impala, kudu, etc), some warthogs and most excitedly of all some zebra.  Mikayla had fun scouting out the animals and only complained of the rain once and got right over it.  We drove around for awhile and then walked around the main lodge area in the rain for a bit. It was fun to introduce Mikayla to some real African wild life and not just cows and goats!

We didn’t have to make a lot of home purchases when we arrived because our house was furnished; but we have picked up a few minor things along the way like some Tupperware and of course my mixer!  However, this week we got one of our biggest home purchase yet (including home purchases back in the states).  We had a custom table and chairs built by a local carpenter.  It is really beautiful.  The chairs need some cushions, but besides that it is amazing.  We have never bought new furniture before, so this was exciting for us.  For the table and six chairs we paid E1660, roughly  $230!  Amazing!  Too bad you can’t get custom made furniture like that everywhere!

When we arrived in Swaziland the sisters told us that we could have the satellite that was on another volunteers house and use it at ours, we just had to move it and get it hooked up.  We finally broke down this weekend, and by we I mean Ben and a maintenance guy named Esau, and hooked it up.  I came home for a parents meeting and entertainment at the hostel to find the Food Network!  Ah the simple pleasures in life!

Table and school 004

Macaroni necklace.  Mikayla was actually really good at threading the noodles onto her ribbon.  Any good suggestions for activities dealing with fine motor??

Table and school 005

Counting caterpillar – she was putting the correct number of macaroni noodles on each number of the caterpillar.  He goes to 10, but we stopped at five this week.

Table and school 008

What better way to celebrate the Letter M than to make muffins!  I hope to incorporate cooking activities in with each letter.

Table and school 018

Our new table and chairs!

Table and school 012

New chairs, aren’t they pretty?

Ani-muls 082

Zebra, aren’t they beautiful??

Ani-muls 067

September 12th, 2011

Today we started Toddler School and we both really enjoyed ourselves.  It was nice to be working one on one with Mikayla and I think she enjoyed the structured time as well.  She has had a lot of "free" time lately with the twins being around.  She is so smart and caught on to things so quickly.  I think she would have kept at it all day, but I didn’t want to use all my ideas up the first day.  The only thing she wasn’t crazy about were songs, so I think I will have to sneak those in at first!  She did like our goodbye song though.  The plan right now is to allot two hours in the morning to "school" and then see how it goes from there.  Today we had about 1.5 hours of structured time and then some independent learning time.  She has been asking for school since this morning so I think she enjoyed it.  I wish I could upload the video of her talking about her first day of school, but the Internet is just too slow for that.  Maybe one day!  She woke up this morning excited about choosing her clothes, clips and hairstyle for her first day of school.  Here are some picture highlights of her at school.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 015

Cheering for school.  She wanted to stand next to her learning baskets of school things.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 016

So grown up!

Moon and first day of Toddler school 017

Counting money in egg cartons.  She got pretty good at 1 to 1 correspondence today.  She knows how to count to 12, but has never been really good at counting objects.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 018

Alphabet soup sensory tub.  This is one I made awhile ago before the twins came, but we haven’t gotten to use very much.  She spent a lot of time doing this today and got really good at digging for the letter M.

Moon and first day of Toddler school 019

She was very proud of of M Muffin art project.  She basically colored a muff and then glued M circles (pretend they are the berries in a muffin) on top of the muffin.  When it was finished she tried to unglue them and start again!

Moon and first day of Toddler school 020

Another favorite activity, felt Monkeys jumping in the bed. 

These weren’t all the activities we did, but just a few I managed to snap a picture of.  I hope the rest of this week is as fun as today was!  If anyone runs across any good letter, number, shape or color activities send them my way because I am just thinking of stuff off the top of my head, can’t really spend hours searching on the Internet for ideas. 

September 11th, 2011

Recently Mikayla has really been enjoying watching some Disney movies (it is pretty much Disney or Signing Time if she wants to watch something).  Some of her favorites include Little Mermaid, Lady and the Tramp, and Cinderella.   The other day she was digging around in the silverware drawer and pulled out a fork.  When I asked her what she was doing she responded by saying that she was brushing her hair like the Little Mermaid.  Love that kid!

Speaking of Mikayla, she is doing so well with the potty training thing.  At Christmas she decided to potty train herself; however, she was only day time potty trained.  That meant she still wore a diaper at nap and night time.  Within the past week she has stayed dry and worn underwear during each of her naps and stayed dry in her diaper 1 or 2 nights.  I think we are on the way to getting rid of diapers!  Of course now that I mention this she will probably have a wet diaper every time!

Last week Sister Barbara approached me with a job offer.  It is working part time with the education aspect of the childcare program – the education coordinator.  At first I will be helping out with the after school tutoring program and the bridge school, but eventually I will be doing more.  The bridge school is basically a school that bridges the gap for students who began school later in life and need to basically play catch up.  It will be very part time since I still want to save time during the day to have Toddler school for Mikayla, which we hope to start on Monday. 

This was our last week with the twins.  We took them up to the clinic to be weighed on Friday and found out that Simo weighed 9kg and Nosipho weighed 8.9 kg.  This is up from the 6kg they weighed less than two months ago.  We must be feeding them pretty good!!  They will spend the weekend at their homestead and then be picked up on Monday when the rest of the hostel kids return. 

Twins last week 047 

Twins last week 065

Twins last week 072

Twins last week 105

During our mini photo shoot the kids decided to have a screaming fest!  Here are their screaming faces.

Twins last week 124

Twins last week 118

Twins last week 125


Twins last week 130

Since Friday was our last official day with the twins we had a "Pancake Picnic" for breakfast. 

Twins last week 009

For Mrs. Dacia – Mikayla admiring herself in your headband saying how pretty she looked!

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September 11th, 2011

Then – August 13, 2011

twins day 1 001

twins day 1 003

Now – September 9, 2011

Twins last week 068


Twins last week 088

Twins last week 122

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September 5th, 2011

This is a post specifically for Ben’s cousin Jana to see specifics of Simo’s development in crawling and walking.  Let us know what you think Jana!

 African basketball, Simo's leg 034

Simo attempting to pull up.  It is almost like he can’t get his right leg to move in the right direction, like it is stuck or something.  Is this normal developmentally or is there something we can work on to strengthen this?

African basketball, Simo's leg 021

African basketball, Simo's leg 023

Scooting along the floor, again struggling with his legs doing the right thing.  The right one stays tucked again and he can’t seem to get it in the correct positioning for crawling.


African basketball, Simo's leg 027

African basketball, Simo's leg 030

In the standing position after I have helped him up.  Notice how his right leg turns out.  If we try to walk holding both his hands (with us behind him), both his feet do this.  But when just standing there it is only his right leg. 

Jana – let us know what you think and if you want feel free to pass on to your friends who deal specifically with Pediatrics.  Thanks for the help and suggestions!

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