October 1st, 2011

We have had a very fun week learning all about the letter B!  We did some arts and crafts, lots of fine motor and a little math.  Next week we have a fun science experiment on the agenda.  Here are some of the things we did this week. 

Birds and chalkboard 001

We found a chalkboard on our outing last weekend and Mikayla has been loving it!  It is no IKEA art easel, but it has been pretty fantastic this week!  We also found some stringing beads that she has enjoyed this week.

Letter B and more birds 002

Color matching.  I just wrapped some construction paper around empty toilet paper tubes and she placed the corresponding pipe cleaner in them.  They kept falling down though, so I need to find something to hold them up.

Letter B and more birds 003

We had lots of fun with balloons.  We played with them, and  we blew air into them and let them go.  We even had a balloon relay where she had to pick up balloons out of a container with tongs and run across the room to another container and place them there.  She ha a lot of fun chasing around the balloons.

Letter B and more birds 007

  • Letter B bumble bee.  We also made a handprint bumble bee I forgot to take a picture of.

Letter B and more birds 017

Sorting big and small buttons.

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Matching the colored butterflies.

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We scooped beans  into various containers using cups and spoons.  I think she had the most fun with this activity.

Letter B and more birds 043

We played with our new activity from Lylah and Lara, stringing felt through a button (practicing how to push a button through a hole).

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We sorted colored buttons into balloons.  She had a difficult time with this at first, but eventually got the hang of it. 

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We glued beans on the letter B.  Side note – it cracks me up how serious she gets with some of her school activities.  She is really concentrating on putting the beans in the perfect spot.

Letter B and more birds 052

We screwed nuts onto a bolt to work on fine motor.

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We went on lots of bird hunts in our boots with binoculars.  She really got into looking for birds through her binoculars.

Mikayla and her binoculars

We also spent a lot of time playing with her babies and blankets and looking for B items around the house.  Some other activities we did include playing B hide and seek (I hid letter cards around the room with B on them and she had to find them), painting a bear with watercolors, drawing numbers from a stack and bouncing that many times, showing different letters and bowing when she saw a B and freezing for the others, making a letter B butterfly (wish I had gotten a picture because it turned out cute) and sang lots of songs (including Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee and a few others I made up on the spot).  She definitely grasped onto the concept of B better than she did A for some reason.  All in all we had a good week – learned a lot and played even more!

She just started this week picking up different objects and asking what they started with which is fun for me as a teacher to see her wanting to learn so much.  She was even able to identify letters I didn’t know she knew at the hostel the other day.

Next week we move onto C.  Think Cars, Caterpillars, and Candy.  I have a lot of ideas, but feel free to keep sending them my way.  I am always up for something knew!

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One Response to “Toddler School–The Letter B”

  1. Amanda says:

    Great ideas! I’m doing B now with my preschooler at home – thanks!