December 18th, 2011

Ben had a three day meeting in town this week.  We were sad for him to leave since I was gone so much last week.  But then on his first night he called and said he ended up with a suite and that we should find a ride into town to come stay with him (our car is in the shop).  So on Thursday we got up early and hitched a ride with one of the Cabrini vehicles heading that way to enjoy some time with Ben (although he was in meetings for most of the time).  We got to enjoy some AC, excellent Internet and some rain!  I am starting to get spoiled with all the getaways!

Speaking of getaways, we finalized our holiday plans this week.  We will spend some time in Kruger (one of the largest game reserves) and Nelspruit – both in South Africa.  We will also be spending some time with the sisters.  We will surely miss our families and friends a lot this week, but are hoping to have some decent Internet so we can make some video calls.  We will keep you posted on that.  When we get back we will pick up the twins we kept earlier in the year.  They will have a months stay at the Kickert’s abode during the "summer" break!

We have been thinking for awhile that we wanted to get Mikayla a pool to play it.  It is just so hot!  Well, we finally purchased one this week and I think she is in love.  Originally we planned on getting one of those wide shallow pools, but I think this is going to be even better because she can submerge herself and we can use it as big bath tub if we need to.  It will actually come in really handy when we are keeping the twins.  We have also been having some problems with our shower so it will be nice to bathe ourselves as well.  It is amazing how small things can make such a big difference here.

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Just hanging out in her new pool/tub!

On Saturday I did some baking for the sisters.  They wanted to give some homemade goodies to the priests and sister here.  They had given me a couple of box mixes they picked up in SA last week, but I had some butternut squash that needed to be used.  So I decided to throw some "pumpkin" (aka butternut squash) muffins into the mix.  When I had some leftover puree I decided it was a great chance to try out some Pumpkin Monkey Bread I have had on my radar for a bit.  I am so glad I did because it was delicious.  Maybe even better than traditional monkey bread.  I found the recipe here.  I didn’t take any pictures because our pan was actually too small and it fell out as it rose so high during the baking process, but trust me it was amazing!  Try it, definitely worth the wait time.  If you do try, be sure to read the recipe all the way through before starting because it requires two rise times. 

For all you Clark folks – we will be thinking of you this week as we make the annual cinnamon rolls!  It’s just too bad we will have to eat them all ourselves!

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December 15th, 2011

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the Feast of Mother Cabrini we celebrated and promised a video.  If you are still interested you can click here to see the video. 

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December 12th, 2011

I hesitate to even mention this on the blog (or in person really) because I am afraid we will jinx ourselves, but here we go anyway.  Mikayla pretty much potty trained herself a year ago.  In the fall we introduced the potty and potty seat.  We would occasionally sit her on the potty when we knew she would be going to the bathroom and every once in awhile she would go.   We didn’t force it or really try to potty train her at this time though.  Right before we were leaving on our Christmas travel time she decided it was time to use the potty for real.  And she never looked back!  She had very few accidents and even approached us to use the potty instead of us asking her over and over again.  Let me reiterate, that she did this all on her own.  We just stepped in and played the parent role when she made the decision. 

Flash forward several months (around spring or early summer time) and she decided she would stay dry at nap time.  We never forced the issue, but one day she consistently started staying dry.  We rewarded her every step of the way with cheers of encouragement or small rewards like a piece of candy (i.e. gummy bear).  I am telling you, this kid will do anything for a piece of candy.  Even something as small as a Skittle.  Wonder where that comes from?

Flash forward again to present time and I do believe we have conquered night time training.  Do I think she will continue to have an accident every once in awhile?  Sure.  Do I think she is a champ for choosing to stay dry constantly?  Absolutely!  For the last week and a half (and maybe longer) she has woken up dry after bedtime.  She has even worn underwear to bed the last three nights!  Can we get a big "hip hip hooray" for Mikayla?  She is so cute when she wakes up because the first thing she says is, "I’m dry.  The front and the back!"

To all you parents out there attempting potty training let me just offer a few words of encouragement.  The most important piece of wisdom I could pass along is that your child will potty train when they are ready.  A lot of parents told me this when Mikayla was a baby and I never believed them, but this is so true!  I have a few friends who have tried to push the issue before their child was ready and it completely back fired on them.  They were frustrated, their kids were frustrated and there were messes everywhere.  Children are pretty smart and they know when they are ready.  Do introduce them to the potty, don’t just sit around and wait for them to discover it on their own.  In our house we have always had an open door policy (when we don’t have company over of course).  So Mikayla has always been accustomed to seeing us use the bathroom.  When we started introducing it to her she was like "no big deal, I’ve got this thing under control!"  When you introduce the potty be sure to make it fun, not a chore and you will more than likely have more success.  I have a friend who has a "Potty Power" cheer they do each time their daughter uses the potty.  Simple and to the point, but really motivating for their child.  Another thing we did, that helped Mikayla’s friends more than it helped us, was we allowed her friends (keep in mind they were 1 at the time) watch her use the potty.  Lylah thought this was the greatest thing and when her mommy introduced the potty she would use Mikayla as an example to motivate her. 

I think it is safe to say that Mikayla is (knock on wood) officially and fully potty trained!  Good job baby girl!

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This photo has nothing to do with potty training, but I wanted to include a picture.  This is from last weekend when we went hiking.

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December 11th, 2011

I spent 2.5 days in town this week for an all staff training on Child Protection.  Ben stayed back on the mission to watch Mikayla and hold down the fort at Cabrini.  I got a lot of raised eyebrows when I said that Ben was watching Mikayla while I was at the meeting.  Swazi men are not typically seen as the "caretakers" of the children so for Ben to watch Mikayla for almost three days without me being around was strange for them.  He did a great job keeping up with our almost three year old!  They played games, had school, washed the car and just hung out. 

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Handprint Tree Ben and Mikayla made while I was gone.

Most of the meat of the meetings were things that I already knew, but new information for a lot of our staff.  It was nice to hear their perspective on things and I even learned a lot about the Swazi culture.  For example, when the Gogos (grandmothers) were kids they actually lived in their Gogos huts instead of their mothers so they wouldn’t see things.  Want to hear an interesting fact – Only 20% of the children of Swaziland still have both parents?  No wonder we have such a problem with child abuse and have so many OVC (orphan and vulnerable children).  Another thing that raised my eyebrows was that the school systems still practice corporal punishment!

In other news, mangos and lychees ripened enough to call them into season this week.  In case you aren’t familiar, lychees are small fleshy fruit with a tough skin that peels off and a pit in the middle.  They taste kind of like a green grape without the skin.  Ben and Mikayla are big fans but they aren’t my favorite.  But I am very excited about the mangos.  I can’t wait to try some of the mango recipes people have sent me soon.  Did you know you could get a mango burn?  It is similar to the rash you get with poison ivy.  Ben and Mikayla had the pleasure of experiencing this first hand.  It comes from the sap.

We had some unseasonably cool nights this week so we spent a lot of time hanging out on the porch.  Mikayla loved blowing bubbles and running around.  Ben even had a couple of braais while I was away.

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She is a redneck at heart!  Blowing bubbles barefoot in underwear, a t-shirt and headlamp! 

On Saturday we had some family time by making homemade gingerbread cookies.  I found the recipe here.  They turned out delicious, even if we didn’t have any holiday themed cookie cutters.  We decided to not spend lots of time frosting them (they were that good), but make some cream cheese frosting to dip them in!  This was my first attempt at gingerbread cookies.  I usually make sugar cookies this time of year (and we still might), but I really enjoyed the change of making gingerbread instead.  Mikayla of course had a blast rolling out the dough and using the cookie cutters to make designs.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little family?  I missed them so much this week, even if I was only away for 2.5 days. 

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Doesn’t he look handsome in his jewelry?

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Working hard with daddy!

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This kid loves playing with dough!  She took it very seriously and would not let us help her at all.

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Ben cut this Christmas tree out of the dough by hand.  He was really proud of it and Mikayla enjoyed eating it!

We spent a lot of Sunday in imaginative play.  Mikayla began by dragging out some of her stuffed animals and had a tea party.  We then made her a car out of a large box and she drove her "family" around all over the place.  Her imagination never ceases to amaze me!  And it is amazing how a few pieces of "trash" can stem an hour or so of play.

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Necklace dance – She spent a good bit of time dancing around with some necklaces on Saturday night.  It was hilarious because she was so serious about it.

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Family tea party

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Pretend car made from old box

December 10th, 2011

We spent the last two weeks studying the Letter G off and on.  We did a lot of crafty activities.

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Felt gumball machine game.  The idea behind the game was that she would roll two dice and count out that many gumballs to place in the gumball machine.  However, she struggled with counting both dice together.  She wanted to count each dice individually.  We eventually shifted to using just one dice, but by that time she was through playing.  She wanted to just "dress up" her gumball machine (which partially inspired my Felt Mr./Mrs. Potato Head game I made her for Christmas).

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Letter G Grapes.  We took a bottle cap and dipped into purple paint to make a grape, then she stamped onto the letter G.  When she was done we glued a green leaf on the top.

Letter G and Pre-K grad 014

We are way behind the blog world on this game, but we balanced marbles on top of golf tees.  She was excellent at this and was able to complete in no time at all. 

Letter G and Pre-K grad 017

We then scooped marbles into a bottle.  This was a little harder for her.

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We played a feely bag game.  I took one of her wet bags and put one object at a time inside.  She had to close her eyes and feel what the object was and then make a guess.  She did great and only missed a couple.

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We made a picture of Grover by painting a cutout blue and then gluing on the other body parts and letters to his name. 

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I wrote letters onto a strip of paper.  Then she rolled two dice and counted over that many letters to identify the letter.  We ran into the same problem with counting two dice at once.  She tends to be a little stubborn so she wouldn’t let me help show her how to count them together!  We ended up dropping the second dice and just playing with one.

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Handprint giraffe – it was really cute until she smeared the red paint across his face!

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Final letter G Grapes and a gold glitter letter G.

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Another letter G giraffe made from foam and the spots are her finger prints stamped.  She had so much fun with this one that she spent the next hour (literally), cutting and tearing scraps of paper to make her own giraffes.  We ended up with a whole pile of "giraffes" by the time she was through.

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And of course we had to finger paint with green paint!

As you can see in most of the pictures, Mikayla loves her art apron her Mimi sent her.  If we paint, she wears it for the rest of the morning!  Mikayla says, "Thanks Mimi".  For our cooking lesson this week I wanted to make guacamole, but living an hour from a grocery store hindered us from getting our supplies.  We settled for a Letter G lunch instead – grilled cheese, grapes and goldfish. 

For the next couple of weeks we will focus on the Christmas season.  We will also throw in a few "winter" activities just because they flow well with Christmas, even if we aren’t experiencing the cold here!  We have a lot of "distractions" in the next few weeks, so I am not sure how much learning time we will actually get to.  But we will do our best.

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December 5th, 2011

I love the idea of giving homemade gifts to Mikayla.  Last year we made her a kitchen set (that my nieces and nephews now enjoy).  This year I had the idea to make her a teddy bear dress up doll with different outfits, but when I started to make it I just wasn’t "feeling it".  Then I ran across a picture of a felt Mr. Potato Head here.  I didn’t wanted to recreate this exact model (mostly because I don’t have felt or a sewing machine), but I did want to come up with something similar.  Here is what I came up with:

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I just cut out a basic potato shape out of brown felt and then "accessorized".  I even made some male items to make a Mr. Potato Head instead of a Mrs.  I was very pleased with how it turned out and think that Mikayla will love it.  I am also excited about how easily this will travel with us and keep her entertained on long trips!

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December 4th, 2011

We had a pretty uneventful week, but a wonderful weekend.  This week we put up and decorated our Christmas tree.  It was a little weird decorating for Christmas in shorts and a t-shirt, but oh well!  The only thing missing now is a star or something on the top.  I think Mikayla and I will make it this week.   We also introduced Mikayla to the advent season by making a wreath and talking about it.

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We also had the staff Christmas party this week.  It was more of a service and then cake and refreshments afterwards, but fun.  Part of the service was each of the staff got up to put a star ornament on the tree.  After putting on their ornament they were supposed to say what they were thankful for from the past year.  Mikayla of course had to put an ornament on the tree.  The thing she said she was thankful for was presents!  Classic two year old moment.

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Sr. Diane and Thandiwe (pronounced Tan-dee-way) at the Christmas party

We discovered this week that we probably tell Mikayla she is cute too much.  Our friend Joey was over for dinner and Mikayla was up walking around playing by herself.  All the sudden she looks at Joey and says, "I’m cute, people tell me that all the time"!  Hilarious.

On Saturday we packed up and headed into town for the weekend.  We started the day by doing some quick Christmas shopping and I am excited to say that we are almost completely finished!  Just a couple of small things and we will be done.  That evening we had some very gracious hosts – Peter, Callista and Aviva.  Peter works with the Embassy and does some work with Cabrini and Callista works for the World Bank.  Aviva is their one year old daughter.  On Saturday night we had a wonderful braai, watched the children play and just hung out.  It was great family time. 

On Sunday morning we woke up and headed to Malolotja Nature Reserve.  It was completely different than any scenery we see in St. Phillips.  Mountains, valleys, trees, rocks…absolutely beautiful…even if it was overcast and cold!  Of course we were not prepared for the cold weather and forgot to bring jackets, Ben even forgot pants.  Aviva was nice enough to loan Mikayla a sweatshirt and I used her blanket as mine.  Ben just toughed it out!  Our car took a little bit of a beating, we did a little mudding, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.   We hope to go back when it is clearer (and we are better prepared) and do some hiking.  They also have a zip line canopy tour we would like to do at some point.

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Random flower we saw while walking around

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December 2nd, 2011

Last year we didn’t do much with the advent season because Mikayla wasn’t quite ready yet.  This year though, I knew I at least wanted to introduce her to the season.  So, we set out to make a toddler friendly advent wreath.  by toddler friendly, I mean one that doesn’t have real flames.  Mikayla does pretty good around flames and candles, considering we use them often due to all our power outages, but we still wanted to be better safe than sorry!  This wreath took maybe ten minutes to put together and looks pretty good if I do say so myself!


To make you will need:

  1. Paper plate
  2. Construction paper (green, pink, purple and orange)
  3. Glue (we used white glue and it worked great)
  4. 4-5 empty toilet paper tubes

We started by wrapping the toilet paper tubes in construction paper (one pink and three purple).  I think we will use a real candle in the center for the white candle, but if not I can wrap a paper towel tube in white like the others so it will be a little taller.  Next trace your toddlers hand several times on green paper.  I actually traced three times and then folded paper so I was cutting multiple hands out at a time.  I think we ended up using 12 hands.  After cutting a hole in the center of the paper plate (if using fake candle in the center you may want to leave this as is so you can glue on top), glue cut out hands around edge of plate, overlapping if you choose.  The plate was looking kind of bare in the middle so we took our scraps of green, tore up and glued in the middle.  The next step is to glue the candles in the center of the plate.  Finally, make four flames out of orange paper to glue on the candles as you discuss their meaning. 

Easy, toddler friendly and it looks nice (if I do say so myself)!  Now we just need to work on a toddler friendly discussion of the meaning for advent.  Any suggestions?


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November 27th, 2011

We have had many firsts since being in Swaziland, but as Ben mentioned in his Thanksgiving post this was probably one of the most memorable.  Although we didn’t get to celebrate with our family and friends from back home, we did get to celebrate with some very special Swazi friends.  And even though I didn’t get to make deviled eggs with my grandma or eat my sister’s green bean casserole, we still had some delicious eats.  Ben was in town all week, so we ended up having Thanksgiving a few days late on Saturday.  Here is a run down of our menu / evening in pictures.


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Mikayla’s turkey napkin rings

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Mikayla’s textured THANKS banner


Let me preface the food run down – we can get most foods we want in Swaziland, but some are very difficult and near impossible to find.  We searched around for a turkey and ham in all our usual spots and then got a great lead on a turkey from Sharon (the childcare director) and the sisters stumbled upon a hunk of ham at a more "Western" grocery store.  Some of the foods we had to alter a bit, but I will explain that more as we go.

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Turkey before.  This was our first attempt at making a turkey and I think it turned out pretty well.  We made a rub of olive oil, fresh rosemary, garlic, Italian seasoning, black pepper, salt and then a dusting of cajun seasoing over the whole bird.  The we stuffed him with celery, onion and carrots and roasted slowly until the cute red button popped!

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Turkey after – isn’t he beautiful?  And I don’t even like turkey!  Thanks to Ben who did most of the work on this guy.

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Steve Kickert’s sweet potatoes, which I think were a recipe from his grandma (but I could be wrong on that one).  I know you are thinking, those just look like regular potatoes, but they are sweet potatoes.  In Swaziland the sweet potatoes are red on the outside like we are used to, but on the inside they are white. 

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Ham pieces cooked in brown sugar, cloves and a little water.  I miss ham!

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Turkey all cut up and then green beans, mashed potatoes and the world’s best gravy courtesy of the sisters.  Seriously wish I could make gravy as good as this!

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Sausage and apple stuffing.  I found this recipe last year and it has become my go to recipe for stuffing (which ironically I only make at Thanksgiving – I think I will change that though).

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In this picture we have my Grandma Clark’s famous cooked apples and my Grandma Adkins deviled eggs.  Just a note on the deviled eggs.  We were unable to locate sweet pickles so Ben took some sweet and sour pickles we found and altered the juice.  It wasn’t quite the same, but it worked well enough.  We also had some butternut squash and a wild green (weed that resembles Spinach) cooked up by Sharon.

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Homemade dinner rolls

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For dessert we had an apple braid (not pictured, but posted about previously).  We also had this pie.  It looks like pumpkin pie and tasted like pumpkin pie, but was actually butternut squash pie.  I couldn’t find pumpkin, but butternut squash has the same texture and similar flavor so we rolled with it.  In the end we were very pleased with the outcome!  You should try it sometime.  Just take your butternut squash, cook it and puree.  Then use like you would canned pumpkin.   I used this recipe my friend Catherine found for me.  For the crust I made a recipe found in Betty Crocker cookbook.  I originally made the crust found in the recipe above, but it ended up crumbly for some reason.  If I were to do over again I would have covered the edges of the crust with foil so they wouldn’t burn.

**To cook the butternut squash cut into large chunks and put in a shallow microwave dish – skins up.  Add a little water to the pan and cook until tender.  Take peel off and then mash with a spoon or fork.

The company:

We ended up having 10 guests including us.  The three of us, Sharon (childcare director), Esau (Maintenance manager), Johannes (Agriculture manager), Ncobile (Office cleaner), Ndumane (used to live at the hostel and now works in maintenance), Mrs. Mamba (works with pyscho social department and is also a teacher at the primary school), and Mzamo (works in the office with Ben doing HR).  The sisters helped with some of the cooking but didn’t make it to the meal.

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In this picture (starting with Mikayla and going clockwise) you have Mikayla, me, Ncobile (the "C" is a clicking sound to start the name), Johannes, Esau, Sharon and Ndumane.  Those not pictured arrived later.

The Entertainment:

After dinner we had the usual conversation time (be sure to read Ben’s post mentioned above for details on this) and then introduced them to the Wii!  It was great fun and of course Mikayla bopped around and was Miss Social Butterfly!  We also enjoyed a great Thanksgiving song courtesy of Mikayla. 

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All in all we had a great time, enjoyed some fantastic food (if I do say so myself) and wonderful company.  We hope everyone had as good of a Thanksgiving as we did.

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November 27th, 2011

The bulk of the past week was spent on prepping for two big events – Our Thanksgiving feast we had on Saturday and then the Hostel’s Christmas party on Sunday.  Ben was also gone Monday-Thursday to a meeting in town so Mikayla and I held down the fort here in St. Phillips!  While in town he picked up some hard to find items including a Christmas tree and grill!!

On Tuesday Mikayla, Sharon (the childcare director) and I began some preparation for the hostel Christmas party.  We took out our new car for a spin and headed to Big Bend (a town about thirty minutes down the road) to pick up some supplies.  While driving I noticed that the car kept pulling in one direction and turns out we had a slow leak in one of our tires and it was almost flat by the time we got home.  Thankfully some of the guys on the mission helped us out.

A couple of weeks ago I volunteered to make cookies for the kids as part of their gifts.  At two cookies per kid, plus some for the staff I was looking at making almost 400 cookies!!  On Wednesday I baked 200+ chocolate chip cookies and then on Thursday I baked 200+ snicker doodles.  Mikayla was a big helper and cooked along side of me most of the time.

Thanksgiving, letter T 022

Have I mentioned what an imagination Mikayla has?  She can take almost anything and turn it into a fun game.  This week I tied a string to an egg carton and she called it a turtle and took it everywhere with her.  She made it go for walks with us and talked to it just like we talk to her. 

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On Saturday we had some folks over for a Thanksgiving celebration (more about that coming soon), so Friday and Saturday were spent cooking, cleaning, prepping and eating a lot!

Sunday we headed to the hostel to celebrate Christmas with the kids.  They celebrate early because their school term is over next week and they will all head home to their homesteads for several weeks.  The kids put on a very nice play featuring the birth of Jesus and did some traditional dancing and singing.

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Shepherds with their sheep from the Christmas play

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Some cows and donkeys hanging out in the manger

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The Christmas cast singing Silent Night

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Auntie Jane on the left bringing in some of the older girls to do some traditional dancing.

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Remember this guy?  Simo has grown so much!

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The choir plus some of the staff singing/dancing at the end.

Found this guy just hanging out on the laundry this week, must be time for it to rain again!

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Picture taken using the Light Scoop given to us from my sister-in-law, Sarah!

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