February 21st, 2012

In honor of Valentine’s day we studied the letter H for the past two weeks.  We did lots of heart activities and Mikayla can now proudly write the letter H!  She draws it everywhere – in coloring books, in the dirt, in the air, on her chalkboard…everything includes an H.  Too bad it isn’t in her name because she can’t write any of those letters yet!  We are taking a week or two break from school because we are traveling with Ben to meetings and then hanging with him before he leaves on March 5 to head to the states.  We will pick back up with a Dr. Seuss theme for a couple of weeks when we return to Toddler School.  If anyone has fun ideas, we would love to hear them!  Here are some of our H activities.

Letter H and Mililwane 002

H is for hearts – used heart shape stickers to stick all over the H.

Letter H and Mililwane 005

She found the matching letter stamp and stamped the correct letter.  Turns out this kid LOVES stamps!  She wanted to use them everyday.

Letter H and Mililwane 006

Heart color sorting.  We also used these hearts and sorted big and small and rolled the dice to count out that many hearts.

Letter H and Mililwane 010

Torn paper name.  She had a blast gluing the small pieces of paper onto her letters.  She even did a great job of tracing the written letter with the glue.

Letter H and Mililwane 035

H is for hands.  We also made a special craft with some of her hands to send to some family members in the states (didn’t take a picture though because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise).

Letter H and Mililwane 043

Here are some more heart activities from top to bottom – Heart man, heart collage with leftover hearts from other activities, and heart name.

Our food activity for the week was making heart shaped cookies to pass out to staff members on Valentine’s day.  As usual, she had a blast rolling out the dough and cutting out the cookies!

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February 14th, 2012

I have always enjoyed reading, but have not found much time for it the last couple of years for whatever reason. Now that my full time job is caring for Mikayla, I have found much more time for reading. That and we live where there is not much entertainment but each other and the occasional television show. Plus power outages make reading a necessity at night!  A couple of weeks ago Ben sat down and wrote out a list of books he has read since arriving in Swaziland. After reading through his, I decided it would be fun to jot down all of the books I have read thus far. Here are the ones I can remember so far.

Little Women – An oldie, but a goodie.  I cry every time I read this book.

Let Me Call You Sweetheart – A Mary Higgins Clark novel.  She used to be a favorite author of mine, but I am not sure if she still is.  I would have to read a few more books to decide.

The Harry Potter series (7 books) – I refused to read this series for so long, but after several pushes from close friends I decided to give it a go.  I am so glad I did.  I actually read the series in like two weeks, it was that good!

The Hunger Games Series (3 books) – I also loved this series!  The third book wasn’t great, but the first two were awesome. 

Kitchen Confidential – There were several books in the closet we now use as our pantry when we arrived and this was one of them.  It was okay, but got a bit repetitive.  Not a favorite of mine.

Poisonwood Bible – Another book that has been on my radar for awhile now, but I had never gotten around to reading.  It was a very well written book and I really enjoyed it.

Animal Farm – Ben read this one first and suggested I read it as well.  It was a decent read, but not really my style of book.

The Complete Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (4 books) – This was another free Kindle download and included four books (Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective).  I loved the first two, but the last two were a bit of a stretch.

One September Morning – Easy read, but not that enjoyable.

Manny Williams Trilogy (3 books) – This was a murder mystery trilogy by Rick Murcer.  I really enjoyed this one and can’t wait to read more of his books.  The three books in the series were called Caribbean Moon, Deceitful Moon and Emerald Moon.

Dixie Divas – I read this one early on and can’t remember what it was about…must not have been that good!

Life From Scratch – Another easy read, but not that incredible.

Late Rain – Free kindle download that was a super quick read.

The Abbey – A well written murder mystery book.

Crossing the Bridge – Another one I read early on that I don’t remember very well.

Megan’s Way – A story about a mother who is dying of cancer but doesn’t know how to tell her daughter and friends.  This one really hit home with me because I read it right after I found out my uncle’s cancer had come back.

Stealing Faces – This one is about a guy who literally steals faces off of his victims.  Appetizing right?  It was actually a decent read though.

The Help – I loved this one.  I think it was one of the first I read when we got here, but it was really good.  I would eventually like to see the movie.

Kisses from Katie – This is a book about a girl from Tennessee who lives in Uganda.  She has "adopted" 13 or so kids from there and it talks about her story.  I have read her blog for awhile, so the story wasn’t that new to me.

Steig Larson series (3 books) – For those of you who aren’t familiar with this series the three books are called The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.  The first book was really slow to get into, but once it got going was excellent.  The second book was great, my favorite in the whole series.  However, I could have done without the last one.  Way too many characters and plot lines were introduced for my liking.  All in all though, it was a good series and well worth checking out.

A lot of these books were free Kindle books I downloaded. I am a big fan of murder mystery books so that is what a lot of them ended up being. I have enjoyed the few series I read.   I have also read a lot of books from our closet here, but unfortunately after reading them we got rid of them so I am not sure what they were called. I know several of them were James Patterson books and some were just random books.  So all in all I have read about forty books in the last six months.  Crazy huh?  I am currently in between books and leave for a long weekend getaway in a couple of weeks if anyone has any good suggestions.

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February 11th, 2012

Not much has happened in the past week, so I thought I would write a different kind of post.  If you know me at all, you know I love to cook especially bake.  Now that I am home with Mikayla full time I find that I have much more time to experiment and try new recipes in the kitchen.  We can get almost any ingredient that we need at the grocery store, but we end up having to make a lot of familiar items and pre-prepared items from scratch.  And those ingredients we can’t find, we have substituted – Ben found a fabulous ingredient substitution list online that we use often.  Here is a short run down of some of the items that we are used to buying already prepared from the store, that we have to make from scratch here in Swaziland.

Ranch dip – I love me some Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix.  Tasty and simple.  The other day we found some sour cream at the grocery so I gave my own ranch dip a try.  I combined a couple of recipes I found and came up with a pretty fantastic dip.  Comparable, if not better than Hidden Valley!  I used salt, black pepper, parsley, thyme, garlic powder, and onion powder and mixed them in with the sour cream.  I didn’t take exact measurements so the next time might not be as good, but Mikayla ate it up with some carrot sticks.

Dressing – While you can buy dressing here, we have opted to make our own.  Mostly we make a vinaigrette from olive oil and balsamic vinegar mixed with some herbs and spices.  I would like to try making ranch dressing if I ever find a good recipe.

Whipped cream – Last weekend I made crepes to go along with my mango pepper marmalade.  We had some heavy cream in the fridge so we thought we would try to make some whipped cream.  The first time was a complete failure.  We whipped it for too long and ended up with sweet butter.  Our second go round was much more successful and better than anything you can buy that is already made.

Ice cream – In Swaziland you  can’t find traditional ice cream, only "frozen dairy product".  It is a frozen treat, but far from ice cream we are used to.  Plus with the closest grocery almost an hour away, it would melt (unless we took a cooler with us) before we got home.  Ben’s parents got us a battery operated ice cream maker for Christmas and we are loving it!  The first time we made it, we didn’t have the correct ingredients, but figured we could substitute some stuff.  Boy were we wrong.  It tasted more like snow cream than ice cream –not bad, but not what we were expecting!  The second attempt we found the correct ingredients and we made a vanilla and a mango ice cream.  It turned out perfect, creamy and delicious!  So glad we have the ice cream maker.

Pancake mix – In the states I always relied on Bisquick for my pancake making.  Just add an egg and some milk and you are good to go.  However, Bisquick is non-existent here in Swaziland, so we had to start from scratch.  After a couple of tweaks, we have found a recipe we love and it is easily adaptable.  We can make a plain pancake or switch it up and make some flavored ones.  We have made some pumpkin pancakes using our butternut squash puree and some spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), and apple pancakes (just add in a little homemade applesauce and chopped apples) just to name a couple.

Bagels – This has been one of my favorite discoveries.  So easy and absolutely delicious.  Also very easy to adapt and change the flavor based on what you are craving.  So far we have made five different batches and plan on making more! 

Angel food cake – Sister Barbara approached me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I had ever made an angel food cake before.  My answer was no, but that I would be willing to try.  I am so glad I did, because it was tasty (and I don’t even like angel food cake) and probably a lot healthier than the store bought version.  I also made two tasty glazes to go along with it – chocolate and vanilla.

Cakes – Pretty much any cake you would find in a box, you have to make from scratch here.  We did find Funfetti cake mix in South Africa but it was super expensive.  I have made several cakes from scratch since arriving and all have been better than any store bought version.  In addition to angel food cake, I have made chocolate cake, carrot cake, apple cake and yellow cake.

Bread products – So far we have only been able to find loaf bread, which means all other bread products have to be prepared from scratch.  We have enjoyed making the following "breads" since our arrival six months ago: breadsticks, focaccia, pizza crust and dinner rolls.

Tortillas – One week we discovered black beans and tortilla chips at the grocery so we decided to have a Mexican meal.  We needed some tortilla shells to go with it so we made some from scratch.  Seriously, they were so easy!  We have made both corn and flour tortillas on several occasions.

Hummus – I posted about our hummus experience a few weeks back, but worth mentioning again.  Super easy to make and modify to your flavor profile.  It will be even easier if we ever get a food processor!  A great accessory to our flour tortillas too!

Guacamole – In the states we typically made our own guacamole, but on a couple of occasions we would buy the version that was already made.  Here on the other hand, you don’t have a choice…you have to make it on your own if you want it at all!

Fudge pops – An easy and tasty frozen treat.  Mikayla in particular is a fan of these!

Apple sauce – Made Grandma Clark style by simmering apples and a little cinnamon!  We almost always have some on hand in the fridge.

Black beans – I love black beans, but am ashamed to say that until I arrived in Africa I had only ever made the "canned" version.  Homemade are SO much better! And it makes a ton so you can have other things besides just black beans and rice.  Some things that we have tried are black beans and scrambled eggs, a black bean and sausage mixture, Azteca Black beans (black beans mixed with couscous, corn, jalapeno, cilantro, onions and some spices), and black bean burgers.

Brownies – I love a good brownie and have tried a couple recipes.  So far I haven’t found a go to brownie recipe.  Any suggestions?

Mac and cheese – Of course we don’t have access to the famous Velveeta cheese that I love, so we have to make our own Mac and cheese from scratch.  The other day I made a tasty mac and cheese casserole using cheddar and parmesan cheeses. 

Pumpkin pie – At Thanksgiving we wanted pumpkin pie so we made one from scratch.  We used pureed butternut squash for the pumpkin and made the crust ourselves.  It was delicious and tasted just like the real thing!

Cinnamon rolls – I almost didn’t mention these because we made them from scratch in the states, but thought they were worth mentioning.  Well worth the time commitment to make.

Spaghetti sauce – In KY we would often make our own sauce in the summer months, but in the winter it was Prego or some other variety of jarred sauce that found its way to our tables.  Now, if we want spaghetti we find ourselves making it from scratch.  Ben is an expert at making spaghetti sauce.

Alfredo sauce – Tried this out for the first time the other day.  With a few more tries and a little tweaking I think we will have a delicious sauce.  A little heavy cream, parmesan cheese, butter and spices you have a delicious and quick alfredo sauce.

BBQ sauce – We have made several variations on a BBQ sauce in the last few months.  They have all been a little on the liquid side, but still yummy when cooked with some chicken. 

Marinades – Pretty much any marinade you would use for grilled meats we have made.  It has been fun to experiment with different flavors and see how they turn out.  Ben is the expert marinade maker in our house.

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February 5th, 2012

We have spent the last two weeks doing activities about the Letter P.  Mostly penguin and polar bear stuff.  Unfortunately I did not snap very many pictures, but here is what I got. 

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 001

We made a letter P penguin and then of course she had to take the scraps and make her own version of a penguin!

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 004

I drew out a penguin and then had her choose a magnetic number and feed him that many fish.  We also played this with a polar bear that I drew out.

Pups and Letter P 001

We made a paper plate penguin.

We also read Polar Bear, Polar Bear several times and then I made out the animal cards for her to retell with.  We spent a lot of time playing games from our Letter W unit too, so not much new this week.  I haven’t decided yet what letter we will move onto next week.  I am thinking probably Letter H for hearts since Valentine’s Day is coming up!  I keep you posted.

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February 5th, 2012

Is it really already February?  Time seems to be flying by.  We have been in Swaziland now for over six months and seem to be in a pretty good routine and feel 100% confident about our decision to move here.

And six months in, Ben is already prepping for his first trip back to the United States.  It will be mostly business, but he will get to see some family in Chicago so he is excited about that.  He will be gone March 5-24.  If you want more details on his trip just let us know.  We will miss him for sure, but will keep ourselves busy while he is away!

The puppies are growing each day and every once in awhile we will find them sneaking into our house to take a break from the heat.  Here is a shot from them the other day.

Pumpkin seeds, puppies and hopping 015

Mikayla got a couple of Signing Time DVD’s from her grandparents for Christmas and has really been loving them lately.  She is getting really good at signing along and really focuses on getting her hands in the right positioning to make the signs.  The other day I was watching her while she was watching a Signing Time and she was signing right along to the video and songs and was even signing words that hadn’t been taught, just shown.  So precious!

On Saturday night Joe (the new volunteer) came over and cooked a fabulous dinner for us.  He made braised rabbit, mashed potatoes and gravy.  We paired it with focaccia bread I had made Friday and some butternut squash chocolate chip cookies.  The rabbit actually tasted a lot like chicken and Mikayla ate it up.  Delicious!

On Sunday we had folks over for lunch to complete our mango chili pepper challenge.  I made crepes with a mango pepper marmalade and homemade whipped cream (super easy by the way).  Ben made grilled chicken breast strips marinated with a ginger infused mango heat glaze.  And Joe made a mango/pepper cocktail with Rum.  The sisters contributed a chili dish.  It was a tasty meal and we had a lot of fun experimenting with different flavors.  I love that I have more time to do stuff like that now!

Tonight, as most of you in the states know, is the Super Bowl.  Our satellite is actually broadcasting it live, so we decided to watch it.  The only downside is that live means 1:00am.  I guess we will just be tired tomorrow.  I told the guys I would be willing to watch it if we had appetizers, so appetizers it is at 1:00am!  I will contributing a homemade ranch dip with veggies and potato skins.  Can’t wait!

On a downside, my driver’s license is set to expire at the end of the month.  We tried to get this taken care of before we left but the courthouse wouldn’t let us renew it because it was too far out and hadn’t expired yet.  There is no way to renew overseas, so I have to get a Swazi driver’s license.  Unless we can figure something else out I will have to go through the whole shebang…written test and driving test.  Should be fun!  To say the least I am not looking forward to it at all.

That’s about it in news from the Kickert’s for this week.  Hope everyone had a good week.

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Mikayla enjoying some toasted pumpkin seeds!

January 30th, 2012

We got a very fun call from Tim and Chelsea last week (for those of you who don’t know Tim is Ben’s brother and Chelsea is his wife).  They called to ask Mikayla if she wanted a cousin to play with.  That’s right folks, we have another niece or nephew on the way.  Congratulations Tim and Chelsea!

The best part was during our conversation Mikayla looks at me and says, "Aunt Chelsea is having Baby Jesus"!  I didn’t realize Chelsea was that special, but apparently in Mikayla’s eyes she is.  Then today Mikayla asked if she could play with "that baby Aunt Chelsea was talking about".  I don’t think she quite understands what it means to be pregnant yet!  Even if she doesn’t fully understand she is really excited for her Uncle Tim and Aunt Chelsea and a new baby to play with!  And of course so are we!

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January 29th, 2012

This week has been filled with new and returning faces. On Tuesday the sisters had two adorable puppies delivered to their house.  Mikayla instantly fell in love with them and claimed them as her own!  She fought back many tears this week when we would take the puppies back to their house for bedtime and many anxious morning wake up calls to see the puppies.  She even gave up cartoons to play with them!

We also had another special arrival of Joe, Sister Diane’s nephew.  He will be at Cabrini for the next year (maybe two years) helping out with the agriculture programming, assisting in the office some and a little bit of everything else!  We had the opportunity to hang out with him some on Saturday on a day trip to Mbabane.  While there we did some shopping and even found a really nice park for Mikayla to play in.  Joe likes to cook, so we are going to work out an exchange where he cooks and I bake!

The kids also returned to the hostel this week after their summer holiday.  Mikayla and I took daily walks to the hostel to see all her friends and the puppies even joined us one day.  The after school program will resume soon so we will be once again helping out with that. 

Today we will be having a big lunch with Sister Diane, Sister Barbara, Joe and Janet.  I made my first angel food cake and it seems to have turned out okay; hopefully it tastes as good as it looks!  In the upcoming week we will be preparing for a mango/chili competition that Ben challenged us to.  Both are in season at the mission, so it should be interesting.  I am going to try and come up with some sort of baked item if you have any suggestions.

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Just hanging around in the mango tree, taking a break from all the puppy play!

Pups and Letter P 005

She’s in love!

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January 24th, 2012

We have two new members to the Cabrini family as of this morning.  The sisters were delivered two tiny puppies as replacements for Boy.  Mikayla instantly fell in love and named them Lady and Tramp.  (Of course the name is pending approval from Sister Barbara who is currently in Australia.)  Mikayla has been playing with them and carrying them around all afternoon and evening.  It was the first thing she said when she woke up from her nap today!  Here are some quick snapshots for those interested.

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 008

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 014

Mikayla and Lady

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 015

Mikayla and Tramp

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January 23rd, 2012

If you caught last week’s Toddler School post you will know that we studied the letter W and focused on winter.  I feel that it is important to continue to teach Mikayla about the seasons even if we don’t really have big differences.  Since it is winter back in the states and my friends have been posting all kinds of fun activities they have been doing with their kiddos, I couldn’t pass up the chance to jump in on the fun.  On Sunday we (by we I really mean me, but Ben was a trooper) decided to make it a winter fun day.

We began with a breakfast of snowman pancakes and bacon.  Mikayla had a blast using the sprinkles my grandma sent her for Christmas to decorate her snowman.  And if you look really closely, you will be able to see that she made two eyes and a mouth all by herself!  She had a blast and proceeded to make and eat three snowmen pancakes when she usually only eats one!  (Apology for the lack of shirt, but it is hot here so she only sleeps in underwear most nights.  We hadn’t gotten dressed yet!)

Winter Fun Day 003

Winter Fun Day 005

We laid low for the rest of the morning and then while she was napping I hung up snowflakes all around the hallway and living room.  I have been secretly making these when Mikayla is cutting in her cutting box.  When Mikayla woke up we told her there was a surprise, but that it had gotten really cold in the house so she needed to put on a scarf and hat.  Her reaction was priceless.

Winter Fun Day 008

After she explored the "snow" we had a family snowball fight using marshmallows.  She thought it was hilarious to throw snow at mommy and daddy.  After our snowball fight, we built a couple of snow forts by stacking the marshmallows.

Winter Fun Day 017

Trying to catch the snowflake.  She actually got a little frustrated that they weren’t falling down for her.

Winter Fun Day 013

It took her a few minutes to catch on to the snowball fight, but in the end she understood to throw them and not hand them to you!

Winter Fun Day 014

Building a snow fort with daddy.

When we were tired of throwing snow, we moved on to building a snowman.  We took empty plastic grocery bags and stuffed them with other grocery bags to complete our snowman.  She lost interest pretty quick, so we didn’t actually decorate him. However, she was able to make the connection that she was dressed like her snowman we made last week all on her own.  She just looked up at her footprint snowman and said that she looked like him. 

Winter Fun Day 015

Our wimpy snowman – it is no Grandma and Grandpa Kickert snowman!

After all the snowball fun, we made some snow to play in.  We mixed 4 cups of flour with 1/2 cup of baby oil and mixed with our hands.  When we were finished we had a mixture that was a snowy consistency and could be molded fairly easily into snowballs.  Mikayla had fun using her Goofy and Donald Duck characters in the snow!

Winter Fun Day 018

Winter Fun Day 021

Winter Fun Day 029

Our final winter activity for the day was driving through a snowy scene on our Wii Mario Cart game.  She was not the best driver, but she still had fun!

Winter Fun Day 030

We had a fun winter day, even if it was 90 degrees outside!  She actually kept saying, "I am going to go play in winter now".  So sweet!

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January 21st, 2012

A bagel obsession began this past week.  It started by making Finding Joy in My Kitchen’s Pumpkin spice bagels.  They were super easy to make and very yummy.  When those disappeared in a day (we shared some with the sisters of course) I started pondering what I would try next.  The next day I was bored while Mikayla was napping and decided to try adapting her recipe into an apple cinnamon raisin bagel.  I swapped the pumpkin (which I used butternut squash in the first place) for some homemade apple sauce, added some raisins and about a teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg for the spices.  I kept everything else the same.  They were also delicious.  Ben wanted some onion and garlic bagels, so while my apple ones were rising I used this recipe to make a plain bagel.  Before cooking I brushed with a watered egg white and then sprinkled on a mixture of onion flakes, garlic powder and coarse salt.  They were a little heavy on the garlic, but delicious!

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Garlic and onion are on the left and apple, cinnamon and raisin on the right

We also tried our hand at making hummus with our tahini paste we found over Christmas.  Delicious as well (even if it was a little lumpy since we don’t have a food process or blender)!  In the states we always bought hummus because it was relatively cheap and convenient.  However, making your own is just as cheap and probably healthier.  Plus, you can season it to your own personal taste buds…an added bonus!  We also made a maple bacon biscuit that was pretty tasty.  This one was definitely not healthy, but we love all things bacon!

It rained a lot on Monday so Mikayla got a chance to play in the rain.  Please excuse her lack of clothes, this was a spur of the moment decision.  In hind sight, we would have put her in her bathing suit, but oh well!  I think she loved it!  Turns out the rain was actually the remnants of a tropical cyclone (hurricane) in the Indian Ocean, no wonder it rained so much.  It ended up being cloudy and raining off and on for the rest of the week.  Not complaining though because it kept the temperatures lower.  I actually slept covered up with the comforter most nights!

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 056

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 058

We also spotted a couple of new birds this week.  Anyone care to venture a guess as to what they are?

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 010

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 031

This is the same bird as the first one, just a little cloudier of a picture and of course one is a male and the other a female.

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 094

This guy was extremely hard to capture, but if you look closely you will be able to tell what it is.

On Saturday we headed to Matsapha (where the airport is in Swaziland) to pick up a long term volunteer, Janet.  By a strange twist of fate, she also happens to be from Kentucky.  We met her briefly during our first trip to Swaziland. She will mostly be helping at healthcare with the pharmacy, but I am sure you will be hearing a lot about her in the upcoming weeks.  Next week, Sister Diane’s nephew, Joe, will be arriving.  He will be here for at least a year, but probably two years.  I hear he is a bit of a computer guy, so now Ben will have someone to talk tech stuff with and I won’t have to fake acting interested.  I don’t really care that he set up a Linux box with an IMAP/SMTP server running over an 802.11g wireless network with WDS capabilities.

Sometimes daddy likes to play blocks with Mikayla, but we decided that he is not very good at sharing.  Every time Mikayla would take a block or knock his tower over he would get very upset.  Especially when he was trying to make the largest possible tower using all her blocks.

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Pushing Mikayla out of the way while building his tower.

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Look at that tower!  And don’t you just love the "capris" Ben is sporting?  In his defense, it was muddy and he was trying to stay clean.

Mikayla sported a couple of new dresses this week.  Some were hand-me-downs from very special friends and others were remakes of items in the house.  Check her out:

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 086

This dress belonged to a very sweet young lady who lost her battle with cancer in March.  Her mother, Jennifer, gave us this dress just before we were leaving.  We spent a lot of time talking about sweet Bella on the day that Mikayla wore this dress.

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 019

One morning I asked Ben to put a skirt on Mikayla and this is what he came up with.  He was in the kitchen and was feeling lazy so he just grabbed the Dr. Seuss apron that my friend Lara gave me for my birthday last year.  I think it works pretty good as a skirt too!

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 002

Last, but certainly not least, is this fabulous hand crafted dress courtesy of Dacia and Callie!  It is actually the dress I used as a model for Mikayla’s two year old birthday dress (also made by Dacia). Callie has outgrown it, so in an awesome care package from our friends (thanks again everyone) Dacia sent it on to Mikayla.  It is still big, but we love it anyway!  Lots of years of wearing for this dress!

To end the week – who doesn’t love a spoon covered in chocolate icing to lick clean?

Letter W, playing in rain and owl 103

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