May 2nd, 2013

I love me some good old fashioned Peanut butter fudge.  My mom actually makes a great one, but her recipe calls for marshmallow cream.  Something I have yet to see here in Swaziland.  Some recipes call for marshmallows, but the marshmallows here a little bit funky!  So for almost the last two years I have been Peanut Butter Fudge free.  Sad, I know.

This morning I found this recipe and the best part is it is marshmallow (and marshmallow cream) free!!  And the title says it all, "Easiest Peanut Butter Fudge Ever".  I made this in less than ten minutes.  It must be pretty good too because over half the pan is already gone and we only made it this morning!!  Okay, onto the recipe.

You will need:

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 cup peanut butter

Bring sugar and milk to a boil.  Boil 2 1/2 minutes, remove from heat and stir in Peanut butter and vanilla.  Spread in an 8 x8 pan and refrigerate. 

That is it folks!!  Check it out yourself if you don’t believe us!

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One Response to “Easiest PB Fudge Ever”

  1. Mimi says:

    Sounds like a recipe I don’t need to use!