October 16th, 2011

We had a short week at school this week due to a meeting I had on Monday and the abundance of ripe bananas I came across on Friday.  So we really only had three days of school this week.  Next week we will continue on with D and review old letters and activities.  Next week will also be a short week because we head into town on Monday to take care of our TRP’s.  Here are some of our activities from this past week.

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We made a letter D duck with paint, feathers and construction paper.

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We worked on patterning using pom poms.  She did really well with this so next time I will extend the patterns and maybe leave a blank spot to see if she can figure out what would come next.

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We clipped letter clips to spell her name.

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We practiced counting by choosing a magnetic number and placing it on the card with the correct number of stars.

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We made a D dinosaur.  I had hoped to do some more dinosaur activities but she didn’t act too excited about it so we didn’t!

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We had a quick review of B and C by placing B’s in a bowl an C’s in her cookie jar.

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We rolled a dice and put stickers on the number that was rolled.

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We stacked dice on top of each other like blocks.

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We played with an alphabet uppercase and lowercase puzzle (only the letters we had studied so far though, I didn’t want to overwhelm her).

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And of course we made deviled eggs.  She was very meticulous with peeling the eggs (an added bonus is it worked on he fine motor some).  She of course loved helping in the kitchen and as you can see below enjoyed eating the deviled eggs even better!

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Like I mentioned earlier, next week will be a review of letters and continuation of our letter D study.  We will move on to E the following week!

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