October 20th, 2010

I have been playing around on Etsy for some time now searching for new ideas for hair clips.  After searching for quite some time, I laid my eyes on a handful of ones I just had to try!  Tonight, Ben had a meeting at church so I dug my supplies out and got to crafting!  I am open to selling these in any colors, cost is $4 each (you can find other clips I have made here).  Here is the end result.

October 110 Flower, inspiration from here.

October 111Turtle clips with large and small eyes.  Inspiration here. 

October 112 Large eyes

October 113 Small eyes

October 116Owl, inspiration came from here. 

On another note – does anyone know how to get rid of a mouse??

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One Response to “Latest Clippies”

  1. Mimi says:

    These are too cute! I love the flower, the turtle….ALL OF THEM! You are so crafty!