June 12th, 2010

Disclaimer:  I forgot my camera at home so there are limited pictures.  Pictures that I post have been “borrowed” from other people.

Week two of summer vacation has come and gone and that meets it is time to update on our second field trip (in case you missed field trip #1 you can check it out here).  Our second field trip was to my hometown, Somerset, to await the arrival of my niece.  My sister went into labor (with her third child) on Sunday morning and Baby Taylor arrived on Sunday evening.  We spent the day at my parents house playing with Mikayla and my nephews.  We made bird feeders from pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed.  We ran up the hill and rolled back down.  We shot basketball.  I taught T-Bone how to set the table.  Had a yummy BBQ chicken dinner courtesy of my mom. 

Finally, we were able to head to the hospital to meet and greet the newest addition to the family:  Taylor Nicole Absher.  She weighed in at 8lb 5.5oz and was 21 inches long.  And a head full of dark brown hair, more than Mikayla had!  Everyone was excited to finally meet Baby Taylor, even Mikayla.  She loves babies.  Congrats go out to Christa, Kris, Tyson and Tanner on their newest bundle. 





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One Response to “Field Trip #2”

  1. Heather Nickel says:

    Awwww. . .how sweet! Congrats to all of you!