December 12th, 2009

Not much has been going on in the Kickert world.  We have been staying busy working, playing with our darling baby and just enjoying life.  Random thought – I can tell I am getting older because “life” ends for me between 9-10pm.  How sad is that?  Here are some quick updates on what has been going on:

  1. Cooking – Ben and I haven’t done a whole lot of experimental cooking lately, but have manage a few new meals and some tasty old ones.  Ben has actually taken to the kitchen quite a bit this last week, which has been nice to come home to!  I love to cook, but every once in awhile it is nice to let someone else do the cooking and just eat!  Noteworthy meals of the last week include homemade pita bread, spicy peanut soup (see recipe below), cheesy chicken broccoli casserole, and chili.  Ben pretty much cooked both of the soups all on his own and they were delicious!!  I have taught him well 😉
  2. Mikayla – While not crawling she sure is doing her fair share of moving around.  I am not sure how to describe her movements more than a glorified worm.  You know, the classic break dance move.  If you unfamiliar with what I am talking about check out this video.  She has also figured out that her voice has different levels and will scream happily for long periods.  She isn’t upset, just talking in her loud voice.  She is eating like crazy, and seems to love everything we have served her.
  3. Christmas – We are beginning to prepare ourselves for our Christmas tour.  We will make 6 stops in three different cities in less than a week.  Wish us luck!!  We have also been trying to do as little shopping as we can (we have done mostly online or handmade gifts this year).  I am not a fan of retail stores so I try to avoid them at all costs, especially at this time of the year!  I have done a little Christmas decorating, but not nearly as much in years past.  While I like to look at the decorations, I would much rather spend time with Mikayla while she is up and leave the rest of my evening for down time with Ben.  We just ordered our Christmas cards, and I think they are going to be super cute!  Keep your eyes open for one in the mailbox soon…hopefully we get them out before Christmas this year!
  4. School – It happens every year, but I must say my kiddos at school are crazy!!  I can’t wait for this next week to be over with so I can have a little break.  We all need it, kids included!  And speaking of kids, did I tell you about the kid who used the glue stick as chap stick?  Yep, I have that kid in class.  Or what about the one who chewed through a fat wooden pencil?  Yep, I have that kid too.  Let’s just say I need a break!

I think that is it for now.

Spicy Peanut Soup

Heat 2 TBS of OLIVE OIL in a large pot. Once it’s to temperature add 1 large ONION finely chopped along with 1 TBS of minced GARLIC. Cook for 3 minutes.

Add 2 teaspoons CHILI POWDER and cook for 1 minute more.

Add 2 RED BELL PEPPERS finely chopped along with 2 large CARROTS, 2 medium POTATOES and 4 CELERY stalks (all finely chopped. Cook for another 4 minutes stirring occasionally.See More

Add 3.5-4 cups VEGETABLE STOCK (depending on how thick you like your soup, 6 tablespoons (a little over 1/3 cup) CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER and 8 ounces of CORN. Stir thoroughly


Heat to a boil, then simmer 20 minutes until all vegetables are tender. Serve with chopped unsalted roasted PEANUTS as a garnish and RICE on the side.

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One Response to “Life Update”

  1. sarah says:

    glue stick instead of chap stick–yikes!! great to hear that you are doing well, and i’m jealous that you have a husband that cooks! (i accidentally typed “cookies” the first time…we know what’s on my mind!)