July 22nd, 2009

Today’s Top Ten List is 10 Random Facts.  By the end of this post you will probably know more random facts about me than you bargained for.  Some of you may know some of these, but hopefully you will learn something new about me.  Ready or not, here we go!

  1. Evens OCD – Most people are semi-aware of this one.  Everything I do has to be in evens.  This was worse in college, but still exists today.  When I eat, I eat two of everything and if I am only eating one (like a piece of chicken) I take an even number of bites.  I don’t even realize I am doing this half the time.  If I touch something, I have to touch it twice (for the most part).  It is an obsession I know, but I manage it!  I mean in some way we all have our little OCDs
  2. Alarm clock – There are only certain numbers I can set my alarm clock to.  I can’t really explain the madness, it is just that way.  Obviously odd times are out (see Random Fact Number 1).  Then when it comes to even certain numbers are out as well.  Times ending in zeros and eights never get set (i.e 3:00 or 3:08).  That leaves 2, 4, and 6 (i.e. 4:06 or 4:14).  Six is by far the most common time to set my alarm clock, but two and four are acceptable as well!
  3. Cutting split ends – This was a favorite pasttime in college.  When I got bored in class I would search my hair for split ends and cut them or break them apart.  I ran a contest against myself to see how big of a split I could find!  I think my biggest split was 10 on the same hair.  Again, I know it is strange, but this list is Ten Random Facts.
  4. Picking things (scabs, scalp, sunburn, you name it) – Who doesn’t like to pick scaps and sunburns?  Oh wait, is that just me?  As a child my sister and I would take turns putting sand in each others hair so we could pick it out.  It was a challenge to find all the grains of sand.  Even today I love to pick at things.  Just ask Ben!  I have to restrain myself from picking at the scratches Mikayla has made from her fingernails!
  5. Nostril sizes – This is probably Ben’s favorite flaw to pick out on me.  My nostrils are two different sizes.  One is short and fat and the other long and skinny.  If he hasn’t already shown you, next time you are with us, just ask him about it.  I think it comes from all the years of him picking my nose (ask anyone we hung out with in highschool and they can explain), but I am not sure!
  6. Birthmark – This one is a little personal, but hey we are all friends!  My birthmark is located on my bottom.  I think Mikayla has one on her eye (we can’t tell if it is going to stick around or not), she is much luckier than me!
  7. Name sake – I was named after my Great Aunt Ann Elizabeth.  My parents named me Elizabeth Ann.  My daughter is named after Martin Luther King, Jr.  Both are pretty cool if you ask me.
  8. Nephews – I have two nephews that I adore!  I don’t get to see them very often, but when I do it is priceless.  Tyson, or T-bone as some call him, is two and full of energy.  He makes me laugh.  He is talking up a storm these days too.Tanner, on the hand, is almost one and lazy!  He isn’t really lazy, he just seems it compared to his big brother.  Tanner just learned to crawl.  I can’t wait to see it!  My sister has her hands full!
  9. Great Grandparents – When I was born I had six great grandparents that were living.  I only really knew four of them, but thought this was a fun fact.  Sadly, I have since lost all of these great grandparents.  I spent many days with my Great Granny Carew.  Lillian was her first name and we used it for our daughters middle name.  Granny Carew would make us grilled cheese sandwiches when we came to visit.  She would also make yellow cake with homemade chocolate syrup for us to enjoy.  These are still two favorites of mine today.  People think I am funny when I make a yellow cake and put chocolate syrup on it instead of icing, but this is the way that Granny Carew used to make it!  My Great Granny Clark (fondly known as Leila Belle) was a collector.  Two of her most famous collections were corn husk dolls and a stuffed doll (I am not sure of the exact name of these).  Both of these collections were passed down to grandkids and great grandkids when she passed away.  Mikayla has 7 great grandparents alive today!
  10. Fingernail wart – This last fact is really random, but I am running out of ideas!  I have a massive wart under my ring finger on my right hand.  I have tried to put wart remover on it to get rid of it, but it always seems to come back.  I have had warts in some capacity forever it seems like, I actually think I passed this on to my loving husband unfortunately.  In high school I had a planters wart that was so bad I had to have it dug out by a dermatologist.  I couldn’t condition for basketball (bummer 😉 ) and had to walk around with socks on one foot and bandages on the other.  It was attractive!

Well, that ends my ten random facts.  How many did you already know?  Is there anyone besides my husband who knew them all?  What about you, what are some random facts about yourself?

Here is a random family photo to go along with my Ten Random Facts

Here is a random family photo to go along with my Ten Random Facts

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4 Responses to “10 Random Facts”

  1. sarah says:

    i also pick at stuff…and hunted and clipped split ends through college..and i had a planters wart in college that i dug out during fall getaway with a pair of fingernail clippers!

  2. Beth says:

    I love that I am not the only one to clip split ends!

  3. Catherine says:

    I definitely knew all but one, and I might have known about the alarm clock times, too, but I have a friend here who does it too (only she prefers odds, 3s and 7s especially) so I’m not 100% sure that I knew it about you, too. But 9 out of 10’s not bad:)

  4. Beth says:

    I figured you would know most of them!!