Posts Tagged ‘felt creations. DIY’

DIY Felt Wallet

Monday, April 9th, 2012

Mikayla LOVES to get into her daddy’s wallet and play with his money and credit cards.  She takes them all out and scatters them all over the floor.  So, the other day when Ben suggested we make her a wallet of her own out of felt, I jumped on it.  After all, who doesn’t love a good felt creation!  It isn’t exactly like a real wallet, but she loves it.  Especially after daddy gave her a "credit card" (old Southwest Airline card) and a real US dollar.  She goes shopping all the time and when she uses the credit card she even likes to sign her "name". 

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I simply hot glued down the sides, added some Velcro to the yellow strip so it would "snap" shut, embellished with the flower and Voila!  A DIY felt wallet in less than ten minutes!  Of course you could make it sturdier with the use of the sewing machine or larger with more pockets, but she didn’t seem to mind!

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