Posts Tagged ‘death’


Saturday, December 29th, 2012

On Christmas Eve as we were celebrating as a family and enjoying a relaxing day, we got a call with some devastating news.  News that a parent or friend never wants to hear.  We got word that Simo, one of the twins we had kept last year after first arriving in Swaziland, had been killed when his house fell in on him.  A young life tragically taken before his time.  Nosipho, his sister, was in the house as well but escaped with only a few minor scrapes.  It hit me really hard and I found myself holding back the tears as I thought about him for the next few days, especially during the Christmas season. 

twins day 1 007

In case you forgot Simo’s story, here is a quick recap.  Cabrini got word about two twins dying on their homestead from malnutrition about two years ago.  As an organization we immediately took action and had them taken to a local hospital for emergency nutritional care.  After they recovered sufficiently from severe malnutrition they came to live at our hostel.  After just a short time at the hostel it was time for the children to go home for a school holiday, but we were wary of sending these guys home so soon since they were still recovering. 

Messy Eaters 008

Messy Eaters 056

Enter the Kickert family who had just arrived in Swaziland, we invited them to live with us for the school break and never looked back.  We enjoyed a month or so of nursing them back to health, watching them grow, and spending lots of time playing.  During that time Mikayla, Ben and I fell in love with these two African babies.  They were still very weak and well behind their developmental stages.  They were almost two and not crawling, walking or talking.  Simo in particular was well behind the growth curve even further behind his sister.  As time went on Nosipho began crawling, walking and even doing a little talking.  Simo on the other hand, was struggling to pull himself up and figure out the whole crawling thing.  They were both developing into their own little personalities and smiling and laughing more each day. 

Tea parties, baths and Gogos 040

Tree pictures with twins 062

The first time I saw Simo walking I almost cried.  It was a beautiful sight, one that I didn’t think we would see for a long time, if ever.  He matured so much in the last year and really grew into a healthy young boy.  A young boy who if you saw him a year and a half ago you wouldn’t think he would live past the two year mark.  Instead he enjoyed a prosperous last year and for the last year enjoyed a full life as a healthy young boy. 

Twins last week 125

So on this day we mourn for Simo, but we also rejoice for the second chance at life he got over the last two years.  We will forever remember Simo and his goofy grin, the way he would constantly stick his tongue out when looking at you and his strong desire to succeed just like his sister!

Twins 2nd visit 008

Twins 2nd visit 018

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This Week’s Happenings 5/7-5/20

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

We went on a walk last weekend to try and collect some firewood for our fire pit.  We weren’t very lucky with the wood, but Mikayla did find some rocks and decided that she wanted to paint them.  So on Monday I got out the paint and let her go to town.  She had so much fun.  Then we took them outside and she would "hide" them in the dirt and we would dig them up like a treasure.  Speaking of treasure, she has been having a lot of fun the last two weeks walking around the mission looking for "treasures".

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 004

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 006

Last week two visitors from the states arrived, Ted and Von.  They are friends of Cabrini from the Chicago area and came to help out where they could.  Ted was here for a week, but Von gets to stay until the end of the month.  We had them over for dinner a couple of nights last week, including a Mexican themed dinner with fish tacos and black beans!  On Sunday the boys decided to host an Asian cook off for Mother’s Day dinner.  In the end, everyone contributed a little something and it was delicious.  We were all royally stuffed by the end of the evening!  The menu consisted of Spring Rolls (Beth), Thai Coconut Curry soup (Ben), Fried Rice (Von), Tandoori Impala (Ted), Thai Grilled Chicken (Ted) and Korean BBQ pork belly lettuce wraps (Joe).  The sisters contributed doing the dishes, which we were all thankful for because there were a lot! 

On Monday I drove Ted into town to do a little souvenir shopping and drop him off at the airport.  We had a fun day chatting, shopping and hanging out.  And I was really proud of myself because it was my first solo trip to town and back.  I think I did pretty well!

Last week was a hard week for the Cabrini family.  One of our former staff members (who had only left two weeks ago), lost her two children (both around Mikayla’s age) when they drowned in the canal.  The funeral was on Sunday so we spent our morning there.  It was such a tragedy and hit everyone really hard.  Ben wrote about it on his blog and his words speak well to my thoughts on it.  You can read his post here.

When we first arrived in Swaziland, Glenn Cheney was here.  He is an author who was doing research for a book he was writing.  His book was recently published on Kindle, Nook and IPad.  It is called Love and Death in the Kingdom of Swaziland and gives a little insight to what life is like here.  There is even a snapshot of Mikayla and the twins in it!  You should check it out here!

We received word this evening that one of our night watchmen, Matthew passed away today.  He has been sick for awhile, but it is still tough.  Too many losses in such a short time here.  Mikayla really liked Matthew and would often watch him cut grass or spend the evening "chatting" with him.  We will surely miss Matthew.

With all that being said we have had a lot of ups and downs in the last two weeks.  Here’s to hoping that the next week is filled with more ups than it is downs…

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