August 9th, 2013

This past week was National Breastfeeding Awareness Week in the US.  So many people have been making posts and references to this that it got me to thinking about the dichotomy of my two experiences in breastfeeding.

When Mikayla was born, over four years ago, we were living in the states and I was working full time.  This meant that I got a couple months off of work to stay home with her, establish our routine and then head back to work.  At work I spent everyday in my kindergarten bathroom pumping milk for my daughter while my students were at recess.  Not ideal, but I wanted what was best for my daughter.  We had lots of struggles and ups and downs (you can read about them here if interested), but we survived and nursed for a good 15 months or so before weaning. 

Fast forward to today.  I have a one month old son, live in Africa and stay at home with my kids.  This means I can nurse around the clock (and we do, he is a hungry boy) and I don’t have to pump!  So far we have not had any major struggles, but he does want to nurse all the time (like every two hours on average). 

Nursing in Africa is quite different from nursing in the US.  In Swaziland, nursing is the norm and it happens anywhere and everywhere – on busses, in meetings, on the side of the road, in stores, in restaurants, walking in the bush.  You name it and it happens there.  In the US, while a lot of women nurse their children, it is still considered taboo to nurse in some public places (although it isn’t against the law).  With Mikayla I began by being shy about nursing, afraid to nurse in public without a nursing wrap, and often nursing in my car rather than in a public place. (Towards the end I gave up the nursing wrap and would nurse her wherever we were).  I remember one time I had gone on a hike with some friends and she got hungry so I sat down to nurse her.  I had forgotten my wrap so I just nursed in the open.  The looks I got from other people made me feel ashamed for feeding my child. 

In Swaziland that would never happen.  People here don’t even seem to take notice of women when they are nursing.  It is just a regular part of everyday life.  This time around I am willing to nurse Max anywhere he gets hungry.  For example, the other day I had run into a drug store with him and he was screaming and crying, obviously hungry.  The line was really long, but I really needed to purchase the items in my basket.  What was a mom to do?  I nursed him while standing in line, without a cover and the whole time felt completely natural and unashamed about it.  Had this situation taken place in the US I would have probably forgone my basket items and headed to the car to nurse him because I didn’t want to have to defend my right to feed him in a public place. (I read an interesting and humorous defense for breastfeeding in public here).  Is either situation ideal or right?  I am not sure, but what I do know is that nursing here is a much more laid back part of everyday life and I love it!

In a lot of situations Swaziland is stuck in the past, but when it comes to nursing they are on the cutting edge.  They have it figured out and aren’t ashamed to feed their children in the most natural way possible – breastfeeding.  In one of our first few months in Swaziland Ben had a conversation with a staff member about breasts.  Ben said something along the lines that in the US women wanted larger breasts and the larger the better.  The staff member seemed a little confused and wondered if larger breasts meant more milk was being produced.  He did not see anything sexual about breasts, instead they were a tool used to feed his family.  To most Americans this is a foreign concept because breasts have become so sexualized. 

Max 1 month owl 016

Even Mikayla is getting in on the breastfeeding action by feeding her baby while I feed Max.

For the past week I have just been thinking about how different the two worlds are when it comes to breastfeeding and wanted to share my thoughts.  I find it very interesting.  I am going to end this post with a little poem I stumbled across this week.  It is written tongue in cheek in Dr. Seuss fashion and I just think it is cute. 

Dr. Seuss for Nursing Moms
Would you nurse her in the park?
Would you nurse him in the dark?
Would you nurse him with a Boppy?
And when your boobs are feeling floppy?
I would nurse him in the park,
I would nurse her in the dark.
I’d nurse with or without a Boppy.Floppy
boobs will never stop me.
Can you nurse with your seat belt on?
Can you nurse from dusk till dawn?
Though she may pinch me, bite me, pull,
I will nurse her `till she’s full!
Can you nurse and make some soup?
Can you nurse and feed the group?
It makes her healthy strong and smart,
Mommy’s milk is the best start!
Would you nurse him at the game?
Would you nurse her in the rain?
In front of those who dare complain?
I would nurse him at the game.I would
nurse her in the rain.
As for those who protest lactation,
I have the perfect explanation.Mommy’s
milk is tailor made
It’s the perfect food, you need no aid.
Some may scoff and some may wriggle,
Avert their eyes or even giggle.
To those who can be cruel and rude,
Remind them breast’s the perfect food!
I would never scoff or giggle,
Roll my eyes or even wiggle!
I would not be so crass or crude,
I KNOW that this milk’s the perfect food!
We make the amount we need
The perfect temp for every feed.There’s
no compare to milk from breast-
The perfect food, above the rest.Those
sweet nursing smiles are oh so sweet,
Mommy’s milk is such a treat.Human milk
just can’t be beat.
I will nurse, in any case,
On the street or in your face.
I will not let my baby cry,
I’ll meet her needs, I’ll always try.It’s not
about what’s good for you,
It’s best for babies, through and through.
I will nurse her in my home,
I will nurse her when I roam.
Leave me be lads and ma’am.
I will nurse her, Mom I am.

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July 5th, 2013

Yesterday, July 4, 2013, we welcomed our son into the world.  He was born at 12:45 Central African Time at Mkhiwa Clinic in Manzini, Swaziland.  He is perfect and all of us are absolutely in love, especially Mikayla!

Max Arrives 2

I wanted to take the time to write out his birth story while it was fresh on my mind.  I waited almost 16 months to write down Mikayla’s and forgot too many details.  The story below might be a little too much information for some folks out there so consider this your warning!

About 4:00am I was woken up by a POP and then a small trickle of water.  At first I thought I had peed the bed and then my mind got to wondering if it could be the amniotic fluids starting to leak.  I tried to lay back down, but kept wondering if it was indeed my water breaking.  I wasn’t having any real strong contractions at this point.  About 5:00am I woke up Ben.  His sat up quickly and asked "Is it time?"  I didn’t know the answer, but figured he should be awake and know what was going on.  I decided to take a shower since I wasn’t sleeping.  We already had a doctors appointment scheduled in town, so we figured we could just go in early to check.  When I got out of the shower (around 5:30am) there was a huge gush of water that was in fact my water breaking.  Even though I was only having a few small contractions we decided to finish packing up our stuff and head to the hospital.  (Once your water breaks  you have a 24-48 hour window to give birth before concerns about infection start to arise and you have to consider interventions).  We ended up leaving our house about 6:45.  I will be honest I got a little teary as we were waving goodbye to Mikayla (who was staying back at home with Joe).  It sounds ridiculous I know!!  Thankfully the road out of the mission, is already half paved – I was not looking forward to bumping all the way in.  The asphalt sped up the trip and we only had to stop once so I could get through a contraction.

We rolled into Manzini about 8:00 and stopped at the grocery for some bananas thinking they would be good energy food to munch on throughout labor.  We got to the hospital around 8:30 and started the process of checking in.  Ben actually had to leave at this point to go find an ATM to pay the bill up front! (The total bill for a normal delivery is one of the highest in Swaziland, and still only amounted to about $850).  It wasn’t until 9:30 that I had my first internal exam of the pregnancy.  They don’t actually check for dilation and effacement at any of the prenatal checkups.  To my dismay I was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and the contractions were weak and widely spaced.  At this point I was really concerned about the labor going slow and not progressing fast enough to make in the 24 hour window.  Little did I know that Max had other plans for us! 

Max Arrives 014

Hanging out in the ward watching Big Bang Theory waiting for
labor to fully begin!

During the first exam they found Maxwell’s heart rate was 170-180, which is really high and caused some alarm. They also wanted me to hook up to an IV, but I asked to avoid that so I could move around more during the labor process.  The midwife had no problem with that decision as long as I stayed hydrated and wasn’t throwing up.  I am very glad we made that decision.

After the internal exam, I was moved to a regular room to progress through labor.  Once we got settled in they checked the fetal heart rate again and it had returned to normal, but the doctor asked to hook me up to a fetal heart monitor for to keep an eye on the situation.  I had about thirty minutes to move around, but couldn’t find a comfortable position.  At this point contractions were between 7 and 15 minutes apart and with varying intensity.

The midwife came back at about 10:00, checked the heart rate again (still normal) and decided to go ahead and hook up the fetal monitor.  I had the monitor on for about 40 minutes and towards the end of the time, the contractions really started picking up and I was having a hard time finding a comfortable spot.  Since things were normal with the baby, I was able to remove the fetal monitor at that point and move around.  I think I tried just about every position I had read about in the books and literature and none of them were comfortable.  I had a great partner in Ben and he did a fantastic job of coaching me throughout.  He would help me get my breathing back on track when I started to panic during contractions.  And he even let me bite him, which I still feel really bad about, when they got really strong!

Around 12:00, the midwife came back in to do another exam.  I remember having a pretty strong contraction when she got there so she had to wait a few minutes.  She started the exam and it was so painful because the contractions kept coming.  To all of our surprise I had quickly moved to 6cm dilated and fully effaced.  She said that we needed to move to the delivery room.  This was really difficult for me because I was in so much physical pain I literally couldn’t make myself move.  Ben came to the rescue and somehow got me moved.  I remember him saying that is we didn’t go ahead and move I would have to delivery outside the maternity ward.  I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but he certainly was, I was going through transition and entering the last stage of labor.  Somehow I was able to make it into a wheel chair and across the hall into the delivery room.  I climbed up onto the bed in the room and the nurse left to get me a gown to change into. 

I had very strong contractions for about 10 minutes – so strong that I couldn’t help but scream (and cuss) in pain.  Out of nowhere I got the overwhelming urge to push and knew things had  progressed very quickly.  At this point there was no nurse in the room.  I told Ben to go get someone, but every time he tried to go, I pulled him back because I couldn’t let him leave my side.  Thankfully, the nurse heard the ordeal and quickly came in.  She was shocked to see we were already ready to deliver.  I told her I could feel the baby coming and she got pretty worried as she rushed to scrub in and get her gloves on.   I remember a lot of screaming and the sensation of the "burning ring of fire" the books all talked about.  By the time the midwife was ready, the head was already crowning.  I was in so much pain I could not move, so Ben and another nurse had to roll me over, prop me up and hold my legs for me.  Pretty sure this was the point where I took a few chucks out of Ben’s arm.  I am very thankful things went quickly because things were so intense, I don’t know how much more I could have taken.

Because of the speed at which things progressed, the doctor did not get there until after things were well on their way.  He supervised and allowed the midwife and nurses to take care of the actual delivery.  Once we reached this stage, it only took about 3-4 big pushes to get Maxwell out.  A few minutes later, lots of screaming,  and some claw marks on Ben’s arm, Maxwell entered the world.

 Max Arrives 020

Welcome to world Maxwell Simo Kickert.  He was 8lbs 8oz, 20 inches long, and his head measured 36cm. 

I had a small tear that needed repaired so the doctor scrubbed in and took care of that while Max was being looked over.  He was a bit purple and blue at birth, but quickly gained his color and was in great shape.  Ben helped take care of him while I got cleaned up.  We weren’t able to do skin-to-skin like we had with Mikayla, but because of the situation, we were much more connected to the actual process of birth.

All in all it was a fast delivery and I am so thankful for that.  I don’t handle pain very well and with no access to an epidural here I was really concerned about it but thankfully was able to make it through with no interventions.  I never could have done it without the loving support and guidance of Ben.  I took a lot of my pain out on him and he handled it like a champ!  I am so glad we are a team and were able to be together on the delivery of our son, Maxwell Simo Kickert!  Our world will never be the same and we are excited about being a family of four!

Max Arrives 026

First mommy and son picture.  He was cracking me up with all the spit bubble action!

Max Arrives 027

Daddy and his son!

Max Arrives 041

Mikayla meets Max!  She was so excited.

Max Arrives 048

Already such a good big sister!

Max Arrives 073


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June 11th, 2013

Recently Mikayla has really enjoyed looking at pictures and videos from when she was a baby.  Which I am not opposed to because it gives me a chance to go back and look at how much she has grown and changed!  Mikayla’s fourth year of life was an exciting one filled with travel, visitors and growth!  Here is a quick picture recap of her fourth year of life.

May 2012 – We took some three year old pictures and Mikayla went to Bushfire (a local music festival held yearly in Swaziland) for the first time.  She also discovered the fine culinary art of making mud pies and had a Mickey themed birthday party!3 year pictures 102

Bushfire 005-1

Mickey party, swim and swing 028

Mickey party, swim and swing 065

June 2012 – She took part in her first pig roast (she actually participated in two of these in her fourth year) complete with watching the slaughter all the way through cooking and eating!  Pig Roast 035

July 2012 – She took her first hike up Execution Rock (the first of many during the last year).  And became even more goofy!

Execution Rock 052

Letter X and Y, Miliwane, Katie's groups 139

spider, underwear and Olympics part 1 030

August 2012 – In honor of the Olympics she hosted her very own Olympic games with stuffed animals, babies and a few adults!  She also traveled to London for the first time and made her first trip back to the USA where she spent lots of time with family and friends!Pig Roast 006

MLK Olympics 015

NYC 043

NYC 095

BG, tree pictures 049

September 2012 – More time in the USA hanging with friends and family!  She also got to meet her cousin Reid!

BG, tree pictures 093

BG, tree pictures 074

BG, tree pictures 118

Reid, BG2 015

Reid, BG2 112

Reid, BG2 155

Reid, BG2 194

Somerset 081

Somerset 211

October 2012 – She started 3 year old preschool this month.Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 010

November 2012 – In addition to hosting another Thanksgiving this year (even bigger than last year) she participated in a global exchange of Traveling Charlie.  She had a blast carrying him around the mission (and Swaziland) snapping pictures of her favorite places.Charlie, LOW Cc 008

December 2012 – She announced she was going to be a big sister!Baby 2 015 (2)

January 2013 – She enjoyed spending the month playing with all her fantastic Christmas gifts, including her soccer ball.  Please note that she is in a princess skirt and rain boots while playing soccer.  This girl has some serious style!LOW 6 and 7 and spider 012

February 2013 – She hosted her first set of visitors since our move to Swaziland.  Jana (Ben’s cousin) and her friend Liv came for a a couple of weeks.Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 001

March 2013 – Daddy went to Ethiopia and brought Mikayla back a beautiful dress which she refers to as her wedding dress!  She also spent almost three weeks visiting with her Grandma and Grandpa Kickert (although I am not sure what happened to all those pictures).  She also dyed and hunted Easter eggs.Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 030

Easter, birthday, camp 019

Easter, birthday, camp 032

April 2013 – Her birthday month!  She was surprised to find a bike waiting for her on the morning of her fourth birthday!

Easter, birthday, camp 142

What a busy and exciting year this four year old has had!!

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June 9th, 2013

How far along? I am 36.5 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss? Still gaining weight, but it is slowing down!

Stretch marks? Still none, although I am not sure how much more my belly can stretch out!

Best Moment this week? We have started getting in some of the pennants we asked close friends and family to create for the kids room.  Once we get them all in I will make into a banner to hang up!  Here are a couple of them that we have received!

brakes, Letter Q, R, Feast of Sacred Heart, Wk 36 090

Movement?  The movement is starting to slow down some, although baby still moves like crazy at different times during the day.

Food Cravings:  No major cravings, just food in general!  I feel like I eat all day!  I have also been eating a bowl of cereal just before bed almost every night.

Gender? We had another ultrasound at our last appointment and we are happy to say that Baby Kickert was not shy this time around!  According to what we saw this time we are definitely having a boy!  Although if I am being honest, I am not holding my breath and waiting until delivery to have a definitive answer!

Labor Signs?  The Braxton Hicks contractions are apparent everyday, but nothing to be concerned about yet.

Belly Button in or Out?  I would say I am definitely an outie!  Mikayla actually looked at my belly button the other day and said there wasn’t a hole there anymore!

What I miss.   Wearing my wedding band.  I had to remove my rings this past week due to swelling.  The day starts off okay, but by afternoon my fingers are so swollen I can hardly remove them.  I figure better safe than sorry so I have removed them for the time being.

What I am looking forward to.  I think like most women at this point in pregnancy, I am most looking forward to holding our baby for the first time (and not being so huge anymore!).

Weekly wisdom:  Even though I am tired at the end of the day, I still have to reserve energy to be mommy to Mikayla.  This is tough, but she shouldn’t suffer just because I am pregnant with another child!

Milestones:  The only milestone I can think of is that my maternity clothes are starting to feel a little snug!  To me that is how I can tell the end is getting closer!

Here are two belly shots for comparison.  This is me at 36 weeks for both pregnancies.  Picture one is the current baby (I just got out of the shower, so please ignore the wet hair style) and picture two is with Mikayla.

brakes, Letter Q, R, Feast of Sacred Heart, Wk 36 094   Reading day, week 36 053

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May 21st, 2013

I have always known that our daughter is a little bit on the goofy side!  She has some serious funny faces and we were able to capture some of those when we went out today to take her 4 year old pictures.  She makes me laugh more and more each day!

4 year pictures 162

Blowing bubbles!

4 year pictures 161

This is her go to cheesy grin when you tell her to smile!

4 year pictures 125

4 year pictures 114

4 year pictures 103

4 year pictures 098

4 year pictures 097

4 year pictures 062

4 year pictures 056

"I’m scared" face.

4 year pictures 055

4 year pictures 036


4 year pictures 035

4 year pictures 149

4 year pictures 034

Sneak attack!

This was probably the best photo session we have done with her since she was a newborn!  She was really into taking the pictures and as you can see, really animated!  If you want to see the "good" pictures from the photo shoot, you can check them out here on Ben’s Facebook page.  Here is a sneak peek of them…

4 year pictures 092

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May 15th, 2013

For the last couple of weeks I have been part of the planning committee for our term break camps.  Each school break the kids that stay at the hostel return home to be with their families.  Periodically during these breaks we will bring those that are 15 years and older back to the hostel for a fun filled camp.  The camps consist of sports, guest speakers, life skills training and much more!  Last week was our camp for this school break and it kept me super busy!  Mikayla and I would leave the house each morning and not return until supper or later!!  I was the "behind the scenes girl".  I did not have a super specific role, but floated around and helped to fill in the gaps where needed.  I was on my feet a lot and running around, which made me super tired!  Not sure how I taught kindergarten right up until Mikayla was born!!

Part of the camp was a mural project.  We took the theme "Live Your Best Life" and had each group (there were four) complete one of the words in the theme on a large board.  The kids spent the first day brainstorming, then Ben took their ideas and created the designs.  I then projected them onto the board and traced them. The kids took over after this painting and filling in with additional thoughts and ideas.  I think they turned out pretty good for their first big art project.  Thanks to all my time at Kaleidoscope I was able to help get this project completed!!

Easter, birthday, camp 249

Another highlight from the camp week was the Cabrini staff vs. Camp kids soccer match.  It was quite entertaining and actually a really well matched game (with the exception of a couple of out of shape gentlemen)!  Here are a couple of shots from the game. Oh and the kids won (1-0) in overtime!!

Easter, birthday, camp 260

Staff in blue, kids in green.  Anyone notice something out of place in this picture?

Easter, birthday, camp 274

Easter, birthday, camp 292

We spent the weekend recuperating from camp and relaxing!  I had a fabulous Mother’s Day where Ben and Mikayla let e watch movies and relax on the couch all day.  They served me food and wouldn’t let me lift a finger!  Just what this momma needed!  Love my family.

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May 15th, 2013

How far along? I am 32 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss? Let’s just leave it as weight gain.  Haven’t stepped on the scale lately!

Stretch marks? Still none, keeping our fingers crossed.

Best Moment this week? Mikayla has decided that she is ready to share her room and has spent the last week "preparing" for the baby.  She has cleared off a shelf in her closet for the babies clothes and even made a pallet on the floor with a blanket and "crib" (her stool turned upside down)!  Then just last night she was sitting really still and I could tell she was thinking.  I asked her what she was thinking about and she said, "I’m just thinking about what the baby could wear when it comes home from the hospital".  She is going to be a really great big sister!  Just look how excited she is in this next picture!

Week 32 pregnancy 001

Movement?  Moving like crazy.  Still really low and on the right side of my belly.  I almost never feel movement above the belly button or on the left side.  It is really strange!  Mikayla moved all over the place, but this baby is content sticking to one side!  

Food Cravings:  Nothing major, just sweets mostly.  I crave something sugary after every meal!

Gender? Still unsure, but we head back to the doctor this week.  We are hoping for some news in an ultrasound that will be more definitive!

Labor Signs?  Last week was a busy week for me and I was on my feet and moving a lot more than usual.  There were a couple of nights that I had a couple of contractions, but since then nothing.

Belly Button in or Out?  In, but just barely!

What I miss.   I miss being able to easily get down on the floor and play with Mikayla (and I think she misses it too).  I am just not as mobile as I was a few months ago!!

What I am looking forward to.  A trip to South Africa this weekend to pick up some baby items.  We have made a list of all the essentials we need and are hoping to pick them up there.

Weekly wisdom:  There is nothing wrong with sitting down and putting your feet up when you are 32 weeks pregnant.  Everyone will understand and will probably even encourage you to do the same!  Also, pillows are a girls best friend when pregnant, just ask Ben!

Milestones:  Since I last updated I entered the world of pillows.  I purchased a few extra ones to help keep me comfortable at night time and it has made all the difference.  I now sleep with three pillows – one between the legs, one under the belly and then one for my head!

Here are two belly shots for comparison.  This is me at 32 weeks for both pregnancies.  Picture one is the current baby and picture two is with Mikayla.

Week 32 pregnancy 005

Week 32 and birthday flowers 015

May 14th, 2013

When Ben’s parents were here we had Mikayla’s official birthday party, but still wanted to do something on her special day.  Like in years past, we had a week long countdown to her birthday filled with fun activities to do as a family or small gifts.  She was so excited each day to open her countdown and I think it really helped her realize just how special a birthday should be!  Her countdowns this year included the following:

  1. Some special princess stickers and a sticker book.
  2. Spa day complete with bubble bath and painting her nails.
  3. Campfire with marshmallows and hotdogs.
  4. Popcorn and a movie.  She had been saving for Toy Story 2 and we surprised her with it for this countdown day.Easter, birthday, camp 061
  5. Some bubbles and chap stick.
  6. Family pizza night where she rolled out and made her very own pizza.  We also watched a movie (Mulan) on this night while eating.
  7. Making special birthday cupcakes and decorating them with pink frosting and sprinkles!

Easter, birthday, camp 078

Easter, birthday, camp 080

On her actual birthday (the 28th) we started the morning with balloons, streamers, homemade donuts and gifts.  Then we headed to Big Bend Country Club for lunch and some time on their fun playground.  Afterwards we headed home and prepared for a special birthday dinner with Joe of spaghetti!  And finally ended the day with a special birthday cake. 

Easter, birthday, camp 090

Enjoying her balloons and streamers!

Easter, birthday, camp 100

Opening gifts.

Easter, birthday, camp 111

More gifts!

Easter, birthday, camp 131

Backstory on this picture – A couple of weeks before her birthday she decided that she wanted to make a paper bike.  After we worked on it as a family (I had to enlist Ben’s help because I was drawing a blank), she decided she wanted to wrap it up and save it for her birthday gift.  So she decorated a box and put it inside and promised to forget about it.  This worked out perfect for us because we had already been planning on buying her a bike.  So when it came time to open our gift she opened the paper bike.  And was super excited!  We went out side to "ride" it and had her real bike on the porch waiting.  She did not see the bike at first, but when she did was very excited and forgot all about her paper one!

Easter, birthday, camp 142

She is still a little timid with the bike and has not figured out how to pedal yet.  But then again she has never had any sort of riding toy so this is brand new territory for her.

Easter, birthday, camp 144

Her cupcakes and cake she decorated all on her own!  She knew she was four, so she picked out four candles!!

Easter, birthday, camp 155

Easter, birthday, camp 163

I just love this picture and the effort she is using to blow out her four chosen candles!!

All in all it was a great birthday week.  Thanks to everyone who called, sent gifts and cards or sent messages on her special day.  She was excited about them all!  And for the record, is already talking about when she turns five!!

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May 14th, 2013

I have been so bad about blogging (and taking pictures) about Mikayla’s preschool time lately, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been doing some really fun activities.  We have plugged along with our letters and numbers and have worked our way up to the letter L and number 12.  Here are just a few of the activities we have done lately.

Easter, birthday, camp 037

She learned about the parts of an insect and put a felt one together.

Easter, birthday, camp 038

Beginning sound match where she matched the bees to their hives (both pictures started with the same sound).

Easter, birthday, camp 039

Letter I Iguana!

Easter, birthday, camp 040

Drawing and writing about ice cream in her journal.  We try to do something each day in her journal as our last activity.  This is how she knows school time is coming to a close. 

Easter, birthday, camp 041

She played number Bingo.  This really helped with her number recognition that she is currently struggling with.  Also please note baby on the table.  This baby has become her go to one and she takes it every where with us!  This is the first time in her four short years that she has latched onto something so strongly.

Easter, birthday, camp 042

Henny Penny’s Rhyme Time Game (courtesy of Mailbox magazine).  She chooses two pictures that rhyme and puts the on Henny’s nest.  She absolutely adores this game and would play it everyday! 

Easter, birthday, camp 043

Butterfly symmetry.  She is really concentrating here.

Easter, birthday, camp 046

For this game I laid out some magnetic letters on the floor.  I would call out a letter or sound and she would pretend to be a bee and fly them back to the hive.

Easter, birthday, camp 048

Jigsaw J’s

Easter, birthday, camp 049

We have also been spending a lot of time in her dry erase books.  She has accumulated several now and enjoys working hard in them.

Like I said, I haven’t been very good about taking pictures or blogging about her school time recently and don’t make any promises to get better in the future!!  I am however, doing a much better job of documenting for myself what we do and what has worked and not worked for in the future!

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May 14th, 2013

Besides Easter and a very special fourth birthday (stay tuned for a separate post on this one), April was a pretty routine month for us.  Ben worked, Mikayla and I had school and hung out at the hostel and we enjoyed time as a family!  After our month of visitors in March, we enjoyed some quiet down time as a family. 

I was also able to take a mini trip to Mozambique with Joe and Scooter for a weekend, while Ben stayed home with Mikayla.  It was a nice weekend.  We hit up the craft and fabric shops, some of my favorite places to go!!  I got lots of fun fabrics, purses and other small items to add to my collection.  We also visited a fish market and had a delicious lunch of crab, prawns, calamari and some sort of fish.  It was nice to get away for the weekend, but I was glad to get back home with my family when it was over. 

Below are some pictures from our month.

Easter, birthday, camp 019

Mikayla dyed Easter eggs this year.  All the eggs are brown, so it was a little tricky.  She enjoyed every minute of it and asked frequently afterwards when we were going to to dye more.

Easter, birthday, camp 021

Dansile, a child staying short term at the hostel, even got in on the action with the help of Scooter.  Scooter was with Cabrini as a volunteer for a few months and really latched on to taking care of Dansile.  We were even able to have a slumber party with Dansile one night when the kids at the hostel were gone and Scooter had prior commitments. 

Easter, birthday, camp 028

Hunting for eggs.  She was so cute and excited each time she found one!

Easter, birthday, camp 032

Easter, birthday, camp 036

Easter, birthday, camp 055

Mikayla and Ben had a "tea party date" one day. They both dressed up and had tea in her room while I showered and relaxed!  Please take note of Ben’s tie, this is how everyone here wears them…about a foot too short!

Easter, birthday, camp 168

For school one day Mikayla got to experience shaving cream.  She loved exploring it, writing letters and drawing pictures!  She has even enjoyed playing with it in the shower since then!

Easter, birthday, camp 007

This is a picture we forgot to post while the Steve and Rita were here for a visit.

Easter, birthday, camp 017

This picture is for Meghan, Ben’s cousin.  She made the necklace for Mikayla as a birthday gift.  Mikayla was being too silly to get a good picture, but says thanks for the beautiful necklace.

May is already shaping up to be a busy month for us, but more on that later!