December 5th, 2009

I love breakfast food!  A few weeks ago we decided to dedicate a whole day to food!  We started with breakfast.  We made blueberry pancakes, pumpkin pancakes (with a few chocolate chips and pecans), and maple and pepper bacon and of course, fresh coffee.  It was delicious!  (We ended the day with an African dish, but you will have to ask Ben about that one!)

To make the bacon we lined a baking sheet with foil and placed the bacon on top.  We put a generous amount of fresh pepper on top.  Then drizzled some maple syrup (the real stuff would have been best, but we were out) on top.  Then we baked it for about 10 minutes, flipped the bacon, added some more pepper and then baked until it reached the perfect crispiness.  It was amazingly simple and tasty.  Clean up was a breeze too.  We just dumped the foil in the trash and rinsed the pan.

Here are some shots of our breakfast feast!

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December 5th, 2009

I love Ben for many reasons, but one of the things I love about my husband is he will do things with/for me that he hates.  On Thursday, Ben ASKED me if I wanted to decorate the Christmas tree.  I emphasize the word “asked” because if you know Ben at all you know that he is not a huge fan of the Christmas season (i.e. music, decorations, etc).  The fact that he brought up the tree showed me just how much he loves me.  It was a perfect evening encompassed with many things I love:

  • Spending time with my family.
  • Shrimp Scampi – Ben even cooked, it was as good if not better than Red Lobster.  We were only missing the garlic, cheese bread.  I will include the recipe at the end of this post.
  • Decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music – Ben only made a few negative comments!
  • Hot Chocolate and magazines – I am little behind on my magazine readings, so we made up some homemade cocoa for me (see this post for the recipe) and eggnog for Ben-JAM-in.
  • A bath – When I was pregnant with Mikayla I took a bath almost every night.  I love baths!  I haven’t taken that many since she has been born, so this was very relaxing!
    Here are a few pictures of us decorating the tree.

Shrimp Scampi Recipe for Two (courtesy of Ben Kickert)

Preheat oven to 450

Peel and Devein 1/2 pound shrimp, wash and place in single layer in small corningware.

In small sauce pan combine 1/3 cup butter, 1/4 cup white wine/sherry (I did half and half), 1 tablespoon of lime or lemon juice, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, parsley, salt and pepper and/or ground grains of paradise, onion powder, oregano (listed in descending order of amount).

Heat mixture until butter is completely melted. Pour mixture over shrimp (cover so 95% of the shrimp is covered, but allow some edges to protrude).

Sprinkle Cajan Seasoning over shrimp and bake at 450 for 10-12 minutes or until shrimp is pinkish-white and opaque.

Place on top rack and broil for a few moments until mixture begins to boil.


We serve with french bread, steamed broccoli and garlic/olive oil or parmesan pasta.  It makes a great meal!

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November 22nd, 2009

This is a follow up post to this one about breastfeeding.  These are some tips and suggestions that were helpful to me when I was starting out.  I hope they can help someone else out as well.

  • Lansinoh cream – This stuff is like a miracle drug!  If you are breastfeeding you need it glued to your side 24/7 for the first couple months.  It not only helps relieve the pain, but provides some cushioning so there is less friction.
  • Breast pads – I use Johnson and Johnson, but there are several brands out there.  I thought about using washable ones (cloth), but never got around to purchasing.  Breast pads can help decrease the chances of embarrassing situations because your milk has leaked.  In the beginning, my milk “let down” often and without breast pads I would have been soaked.
  • Good support – A partner that will stand by you (or a friend if not partner is available) both night and day.  Ben was a great support.  He would help keep me awake at night when I was so tired.  He would help Mikayla latch on in the beginning and pull out her lower lip when we were having that issue.  He also was great at positioning pillows, Boppy, etc to support Mikayla.
  • Cushions – I have gotten to wear I just use pillows to support my arms and Mikayla while feeding, but in the beginning I used a Boppy or a My Brest Friend.
  • Water – Lots of it!  Ben jokes, but every time I begin feeding Mikayla I ask him for a glass of water.  It is almost immediately that I feel dehydrated when I begin nursing.  Drink lots of water, this will also help with milk supply.
  • Nursing tank/bra – For the first few weeks I would strictly wear my nursing tank.  When you are nursing around the clock it is important that you have easy access and something that is comfortable and supportive.
  • Entertainment – Some people would say this can be detrimental to the nursing bond, but I need some sort of entertainment when nursing Mikayla (especially in the middle of the night) and I don’t feel like our bond has been threatened.  I have used anything from DVD’s on the computer (I went through the entire Friends series between pregnancy and the first few months of nursing), books/magazines, conversations with Ben or close friends/family, or the Internet (i.e. email, shopping, etc).
  • Nursing wrap – Not a must have (I actually don’t even use mine that much anymore), but nice if you are going to be out and about.  Breastfeeding freaks some people out and so sometimes it is just easier to cover yourself up than explain why you have your breast out in public.  As Mikayla gets older, it is harder to use the wrap (she just doesn’t want to stay hidden)!  I have gotten to the point now that I will just nurse her without a wrap and fight off the stares some people throw in my direction.  It is more important to give Mikayla  a good feeding than it is to please everyone around me.
  • Sleep – In the beginning this seems impossible, but if you become too sleep deprived you will lose your milk supply.  It might seem cliche, but it is important to sleep when the baby sleeps.  This means you need to lay down as soon as they fall asleep, because if not they will be up before you even think about it.
  • A good breats pump – Especially if you are planning on going back to work.  I have a Medela one and it is great!  I also bought some extra “air horns” as Ben refers to them so I wasn’t washing non-stop.
  • Breast pump wipes – These are great for at schol if I am going to have to pump twice.  It is not convenient to wash the pump parts at school, so I use the wipes to sanitize between pumping sessions.
  • Positioning – There are several different positions and holds you can use when nursing.  In the beginning I gave them all a shot, but in the end decided that the traditional cradle hold worked best for us.  Occasionally I have gotten clogged milked ducts (painful by the way), and when this happens we have to switch to the football hold when nursing, but this is the only time.  Here is a great video of some different positions to use.  The position where you are laying on the bed nursing is not included in the video, but is one that I hardly use.  I am afraid I will fall asleep and crush my baby.  Some people I know swear by this position and use it daily.  My advice is to give them all a shot and then figure out what works best for you.
  • Time – Don’t try and rush a nursing session.  This will stress out you and baby, plus your milk may not let down if you are stressed.  At first feedings take between 30 minutes to an hour.  Now I can nurse Mikayla in 10-15 minutes.  The longer you nurse, the quicker it becomes.  I am not sure why, but that is what I have experienced.

Most importantly though is to relax and try to enjoy yourself.  It is hard at first when you are in so much pain and so exhausted, but it does get easier.  Before each feeding I make sure I am comfortable, have some supportive cushions (i.e. pillows, Boppie), entertainment (i.e. computer, book, someone to talk to) and a hungry, but not starving child!  Nursing has been one of the best decisions I ever made, and even though we have had some struggles I wouldn’t change it for anything.  The bond I share with Mikayla is like no other bond in the world.

Any of you other experienced moms have more tips/advice/must haves to add to the list?

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November 19th, 2009

Disclaimer:  This post is going to include some personal information about breastfeeding my daughter.  If for some reason that causes you some issues, please don’t read any further.  Thanks!

When I first found out I was pregnant I immediately knew that I wanted to try and breastfeed, for multiple reasons.  Here are a few:

  1. Money.  I am cheap.  It costs me nothing to breastfeed (except for the expenses of the pump, but we will cover that later) and formula is expensive.
  2. Convenience.  If Mikayla gets hungry I can feed her on the spot.  I don’t have to worry about making a bottle, I just offer her a breast.
  3. Health.  Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do to help build antibodies in your child.  Not to mention it would help me as a mother lose the “baby fat” faster because I would be burning more calories (selfish, but true).

Now you know my reasons, let’s begin with the journey of breastfeeding my daughter.  The journey began within the first half hour of Mikayla’s life, her first latch.  I was on cloud nine, I had a healthy daughter who was eager to eat.  That eagerness continued for the first 24 hours.  She was eating regularly (according to the nurses, a little more than some newborns) and it appeared things were going smoothly.  And then it happened, the pain started.  Some women might tell you that it all comes naturally and is a beautiful thing.  They are lying!!  Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, but it is also a learning process for both mom and baby.

While in the hospital Mikayla started to bring up her lower lip when latching on, which caused some tenderness on my breasts.  This only got worse the more she would latch on.  I was very sore by the time we left the hospital.  By the time we got home and struggled with it for a few days I was ready to quit.  I was laying on the bed in tears because my breasts hurt so bad.  To all you ladies out there, don’t be fooled, it hurts like crazy those first few weeks.  I don’t think people want to talk about the pain, but I wish they had (I like to be prepared and don’t feel like I was for this aspect of mommy hood).  If you can get past week two it gets better, and by week six it’s bearable!  I digress though, back to the tears in bed.  Ben was so supportive and was willing to do anything he could to help, but let’s be honest Mikayla wasn’t sucking on his breast every two hours for an hour at a time.  No rest for the weary.  If I was going to do this breastfeeding thing I had to persevere.  I decided to use a lifeline and phone a friend.  I called our friend Michelle and asked her to come over for a little Breastfeeding 101. She gave me some pointers, visuals, and encouragement and was on her way.  If she had not come to my house that night I may have given up.  Thanks Michelle for your help!

Travel down the road a few weeks to my six month check up with the OBGYN.  I was placed back on birth control and all seemed well in the breastfeeding world.  I was pumping once or twice a day to start building up a supply and Mikayla was growing at a consistent rate.  However, after this visit, my milk started gradually decreasing and we couldn’t figure out why.  We thought maybe it had something to do with pumping were uncertain.  Mikayla was leaving feedings not 100% satisfied, the ounces I was pumping were decreasing and I began to get concerned.  At her four month check up she had dropped to the 10 percentile in weight.  RED FLAG!  The doctor wasn’t overly concerned, he recommended a few things and off we were.  Oh and he wanted to increase the amount we were feeding her from 4 oz a feeding to 6 or 7.  This was not good news for a mom who was barely pumping a total of three ounces per session.

His suggestions included a few things.  One – supplement with formula.  Nothing against all those mom’s that use formula because it is a great thing, but I had my heart set on exclusively breastfeeding.  (I realize that some mom’s just can’t nurse and I totally get that, but this far in we had no troubles so I wanted to press on until I couldn’t do it any longer).  To me this would be a last resort.  Two – increase my pumping sessions (just what I wanted to hear 😉 ).  Three – take some fenugreek tablets a couple of times a day.  We opted to begin with the latter option.  After a week or two we were not noticing any significant change in my milk production and our freezer supply was getting dimmer and dimmer.  Mikayla was eating a significant amount more than I was producing.  Next came meltdown number two.  I remember sitting on the couch one night trying to nurse Mikayla and there just wasn’t any milk there.  I lost it.  After all, I am her mom and I should be able to provide for her, but I just couldn’t.  Ben got a bottle and while I fed it to her I was crying and contemplating what to do.  If you know me at all, you know I have a little stubborn streak in me and once again giving up was not an option.

After another call to our pediatrician, a change in my birth control (turns out my OBGYN put me on the wrong type and this was causing a decrease in my milk production), more frequent pumping sessions, an increase of fenugreek tablets, and the occasional supplemental feeding with formula we were on our way.  At Mikayla’s six month check up we were back on the weight check and I was producing just enough milk to feed her daily  We are six months in and we are trucking along.  I manage to nurse her at every feeding I am with her and pump at least five times a day to produce the milk needed for two bottles a day, but it is worth it in the end.  Oh and I have a constant odor of maple syrup that follows me everywhere due to the Fenugreek tablets I am taking!  We have overcome a couple of obstacles along the way and I am sure there will be more to come, but we are happily breastfeeding.

With all this being said, all you mom’s out there struggling with breastfeeding:  Don’t give up!

2009-11-18 6 month 0122009-11-18 6 month 009

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October 17th, 2009

Here are some pictures of my little cutey with Leg Warmers on.  Her hat is from one of the cutest Etsy sites around, Briar Claire.  This month for EACH and EVERY HAT they sell, briar.claire will be donating one hat to a children’s cancer hospital.  These photos will double as the sitting up ones I never got posted!  Enjoy!

leg warmer01

leg warmer04

leg warmer03

My favorite!!

My favorite!!

**FYI – The leg warmers are actually from Target.  They don’t stay up nearly as well as BabyLegs.

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October 16th, 2009

Well folks I have entered the craze…the craze of Baby Legs.  If you know me even remotely you know I tend to shy away from crazes.  I was never a fan of Grey’s Anatomy, Ugg’s, The Office or other like fads…on purpose.  However, I just can’t get over how cute Mikayla looks in leg warmers (I don’t have a picture at the moment, but will try and post one soon).  They can even double as arm warmers if her coat falls into a river, but that is a different story entirely!

Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry is hosting a giveaway for this amazing wardrobe addition.  Check it out here.  On second thought, don’t because I want to win!

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October 15th, 2009

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Mikayla is now on her way to sitting up.  She can sit on her own (when helped up) for almost thirty seconds!  I tried to take a video today to post, but I wasn’t able to properly capture it before the camera died.  If you haven’t seen our baby girl in awhile, she has changed so much.  We just rounded the five month corner and are working towards six.  She is laughing each day now, especially when her daddy plays with her.  She loves him so much!  I know people say it often, but they change so much each day.  One day she was just laying on the ground, and then the next sitting up…overnight!  It is so much fun to watch her grow and change so much.  We head in for her six month check up on October 29.  Stay tuned for updates on her progress.

On a side note – Mikayla has just started showing signs of dandruff.  I am not sure if that is what it is, but I am also not sure what to do about it.  Cradle cap?  Remedies?  Any thoughts?

Here are some pictures of Mikayla chilling in her crib while we packed!

Standing in her crib

Standing in her crib


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October 9th, 2009

Get ready folks because it’s October.  Which means it is time to start making your Halloween plans. It is hard to believe this is the fifth year of festivities, but its true. To mark this milestone, the prizes will be bigger, the guest list larger and the costumes more outrageous.  In case you have never attended, we always have a costume and pumpkin carving contest.  We also have some of the best chili around (if I do say so myself – afterall I am the chef)!  If you are in town on October 30, feel free to stop by our house for the festivities.

The rules are the same as every year:
1.) You must come in costume (or risk dirty looks from your peers who have more class and originality than you).
2.) There will be a pumpkin carving contest, so bring your tools and your gourd (or is pumpkin a fruit?)
3.) Food will be provided, but bring your own drinks and/or appetizers.
4.) Costumes and pumpkins will be judged with prizes given to the winners.

As always, the evening will be family / children friendly but with responsible adult fun as well. You are welcome to invite friends.
If you need directions just let me know.  We will begin the fun around 6:30!

Here are some pictures of past Halloween fun:

The Goodmans AKA Extremely Religious Couple

The Goodmans AKA Extremely Religious Couple

Will the real Steve Pavey please stand up?

Will the real Steve Pavey please stand up?

We were so honored to have Borat show up a few years ago!

We were so honored to have Borat show up a few years ago!

Dice or as some people know them, the Markhams

Dice or as some people know them, the Markhams

JudgeMint and JudgeMental (a little lame, but I was pregnant and battling morning sickness...the creative juices just weren't flowing last year)!

JudgeMint and JudgeMental (a little lame, but I was pregnant and battling morning sickness...the creative juices just weren't flowing last year)!

The Orkin Woman and her Pest!

The Orkin Woman and her Pest!

Robots - Probably the most work intensive costume to appear at our Halloween party ever!

Robots - Probably the most work intensive costume to appear at our Halloween party ever!

Pumpkin carving fun

Pumpkin carving fun

Yes, that would be my husband the pyromaniac with lighter fluid and a flame!  Watch out.

Yes, that would be my husband the pyromaniac with lighter fluid and a flame! Watch out.

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October 6th, 2009

While in Chicago for Ben’s grandpa’s funeral we got to meet and hang out with Chase, Mikayla’s third cousin.  Here are some pictures.  Keep in mind that Chase is two weeks older…

Mikayla wasn't too thrilled with him at first.

Mikayla wasn't too thrilled with him at first.

They weren't really holding hands, Ben staged this photo op.

They weren't really holding hands, Ben staged this photo op.

Not sure what is going on here, but they seem entertained.

Not sure what is going on here, but they seem entertained.

Ben and Luke (Chase's older brother) hanging out after a fruitless attempt of fishing.

Ben and Luke (Chase's older brother) hanging out after a fruitless attempt of fishing.

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October 5th, 2009

I am working on a post about Mikayla and her newest accomplishment, but here are a few of some recent ones:

  • Blow spit bubbles
  • Remove/replace pacifier
  • Scream (both for fun and in distress)
  • Cry
  • Roll over
  • Grab things
  • Hold onto things for long periods of time
  • Stand and sit when supported
  • Laugh
  • Attempt to hold bottle by herself
Mikayla One week old

Mikayla One week old

Mikayla 4.5 months old

Mikayla 4.5 months old

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