July 24th, 2011

First of of all, we finally made it to Swaziland.  We arrived two nights ago (Friday night for us), a day later than expected and extremely tired.  If you want to hear our whole story you can jump on over to Ben’s blog and read about it here.  We hoped to post a video of the house, but are not going to have long enough for it to download.  We will try again soon!  It is a nice house, much larger than we were expecting.  Fully furnished, we even have a Crockpot!!  I am going to be keeping my eyes open for some sort of stand up mixer to fill our empty counter spaces soon. 

Now, back to the story at hand.  As most of you may know I was a little bit anxious about traveling with a toddler.  Most people asked me if I had entertainment together for myself for the plane ride.  My response was a light chuckle and yes of course, I have Mikayla!!  I knew she was going to keep us busy most of the long flights.  If you know her at all you know that she doesn’t stay still for very long.  Others would ask me how I thought Mikayla would do on the flight.  My response was, either really well or really bad.  I was leaning toward the really bad though.  However, in true Mikayla fashion she took it like a rock star.  Even with all our delays and long layovers she never got overly cranky.  She was in a good mood the majority of the time and we only had to bring out a few of her toys we packed for entertainment.  She really enjoyed the busy book that her Mimi and Poppy gave her, as well as a flannel board and story pieces I picked up for her.  She woke up today after almost 15 hours of sleep and was excited to play with her new friends and hang out in her home.  She jumped right in at the hostile and played with the kids while we stood around a talked with one of the workers. 

I think she also did really well due to a wonderful recommendation given to us by our travel doctor.  She said to either give her a little Children’s Benadryl or Melatonin (100% drug free sleep aid).  Since we couldn’t find Children’s Benadryl we opted for the Melatonin and I am so glad we did.   It was like a miracle drug.  Even when we had to spend the night in the airport she was still able to sleep a little.  Seriously, once she took a 3mg dosage she was out in like fifteen minutes.  It was amazing!  And not only was she asleep, she conked out asleep.  No noises or bumps would wake her.  It also worked really well for us and allowed us to get a little sleep on the plane.  If you travel long distances at all or are traveling with a toddler, I would recommend this natural remedy to help you out!  For both of the long flights Mikayla slept for at least 80% of the time (maybe a little more).


This is Mikayla sleeping in the airplane after one 3mg dose of Melatonin.  She slept through all the hustle and bustle of the plane during meal time!

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July 5th, 2011


Mikayla as an infant

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Mikayla at a year

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Mikayla at two years

somerset 001

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June 15th, 2011

I am making several posts tonight for several reasons.

1. I have some spare time and Ben is out of town.

2. I haven’t had much to say until recently.

3. I have been super busy trying to get in last minute visits with friends and family, see places I want to see before the big move, and prepping for the big move. We leave in about a month, July 19 to be exact. I haven’t posted much about it because I have been busy trying to prep our house and lives so that we are prepared for it. That seemed more important than blogging about all the details we were dealing with! Once the move is complete I hope to post more about the process and all the fun stuff.

With that being said, last week Mikayla and I took a girls only trip with our dear friends Lara and Lylah.  For Mikayla’s birthday they gave her a trip to the zoo.  So, we packed up our bags and headed to Lara’s parent’s house in Indiana, just outside of Evansville.  We spent Wednesday afternoon and evening swimming in their fantastic pool, eating a delicious grilled steak and salmon meal prepared by her dad and vegging on the couch catching up.  On Thursday we braved the heat and headed to the Evansville Zoo.  The girls had a blast and actually outlasted their mothers.  The heat got to us before they were tired of seeing the animals and playing.  It was a great trip!  Thanks Lylah and Lara for the awesome birthday gift!

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My little water bug!  She was pushing me away so she could swim "on her own".

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Two little cuties!

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Ms. Sassy Pants herself.

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Grilling time.

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Checking out the animals.

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Lylah was a champ when it came to feeding the giraffes…

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Mikayla on the other hand was a bit timid.  I am blaming it on the duck incident from the week before!

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June 15th, 2011

A couple weeks ago we took our strawberry loving girl to a local strawberry patch to pick some berries.  We didn’t last long though because I forgot the sunscreen and it was blazing hot, nonetheless it was a great trip!  She was a great hunter and was able to spot berries faster than Ben or I!

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We also took a trip to a local park filled with ducks.  We took a loaf of bread and after a quick picnic lunch began the feeding frenzy.

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Mikayla had fun feeding the ducks at first and then one duck bit her as she was trying to hand feed it.  After that she didn’t want to feed the ducks anymore.

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June 15th, 2011

Only in the home with a toddler, or maybe someone who was very absentminded or sleep walks, would you open up your refrigerator to find this:

Early June and VBS guide 005

See that random shirt placed in the fridge?  Like I said, only in the house with a toddler!  A very cute toddler at that!

Early June and VBS guide 018

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May 14th, 2011

This project took much longer than it should have and some of the pictures are really old, but I still think Mikayla will love to look at it when we move this summer! Click on Photobook below if you are interested in looking through it.


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May 8th, 2011

When Mikayla turned one I knew I wanted to throw a cupcake themed party.  We did and it was fun!  This year I was wavering between a Dr. Seuss birthday party and a Candy Themed birthday party.  When I gave Ben the options he immediately decided it had to be candy!  So candy it was…lots and lots of candy!

All I have to say is:  Candy + Lots of friends and family (minus some really special ones who couldn’t make it) + a very special little girl = the best 2 year old birthday party ever!  Thanks everyone for making it such fun.  I hope we didn’t have too many upset tummies last night!  Here are some picture highlights of the day.

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The candy bar set up!  I was pretty proud of this, minus the bows I did all of this on my own!  The pictures are of her at birth, one year and then two years.

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Candy sushi made by Ben and myself.

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We had everyone write special notes to Mikayla for her third birthday since all our friends and family will be here.

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The dip table plus cupcakes (Funfetti of course).

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The cupcake smash, similar to last year but funnier!

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Here are some very special party guests.

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Lauren and Crystal

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Ali and Jeff

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Brittany and John David, notice Mikayla sharing her gummy worm

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Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Tim plus Baby Taylor

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Dacia and Terry

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Uncle Christopher and Aunt Sarah

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The Goodmans minus Caleb and Paige

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All the kids

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The fabulous dress made by Dacia Shoemaker!  Everyone should have a dress this beautiful!

The evening ended with a little party in the bathtub!

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Thanks again to everyone who came out to celebrate our special little girls 2nd birthday!

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April 28th, 2011

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Mikayla last year on her birthday and then this year (very excited with crazy bed head!).

I had planned to write a lengthy post of all the accomplishments Mikayla has made in the last year, but to be honest I am too tired tonight.  Maybe another night.  For tonight I just want to wish the sweetest two year old a very happy birthday!  We had a great day of donuts, bubble baths, visitors, a park date, Chick-fil-a and of course rounded out the day with a little Stakz frozen yogurt!  Mikayla even woke up to a birthday decorated doorway. 

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Posing in front of her birthday sign before our donut date!

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Just hanging around the park like two year olds do!

Happy birthday sweet baby!  I am sad you are growing up so fast, but can’t wait to see what the next year holds for you.

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April 9th, 2011

Mikayla had a couple of firsts this week.  She got her first official haircut by the amazing Ali Townsend at Bella Me on the square in BG.  She did awesome!  She sat so still and let Ali cut and play with her hair.  I didn’t get very many shots, but here are a few to capture the moment.

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Dinosaur world 006 

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She also slept in a big girl bed for the first time (minus those few moments we bring her to bed with us).  She took it like a champ in typical Mikayla fashion.  After a few bumps and delays she laid down and went right to sleep.  Since we started this on Tuesday night, she has yet to climb out of bed even at naptime!  Knock on wood!  She doesn’t put up any more of a fight than she did when we put her down in the crib.  She is however, much more cautious since the first night when she bumped her head a few times.  She will even say as she is climbing in the bed, "Be careful"!  Too cute.  I am so proud of my big girl.  Check out the video below to see her first reaction to the big girl bed.  I apologize for her not being clothed, she had just gotten out of the shower!

Dinosaur world 003

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April 8th, 2011

In case you missed this post, my friend Lara is working towards adopting a child from the DR of the Congo.  I am partnering with her next Saturday, April 16 from 9-3 to sell our hair clips and other crafty creations to help bring her baby home.  The craft bazaar will be at T. C. Cherry Elementary School and will have a variety of crafts and vendors set up.  However, I must say the best booth will be our hair clip booth!  I hope that you will plan on attending and helping to support Lara and her family, and pick up a few hair clips for all the cute ladies in your lives!  You can check out my shop page or Lara’s album on facebook for some samples of what will be there.  There will also be some new, never seen before items that you don’t want to miss!  Hope to see everyone there!

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