March 15th, 2012

For our final installment of Dr. Seuss fun we focused on a couple of my favorite books:  One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Cat in the Hat, and Cat in the Hat Comes Back.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

After reading the book I had Mikayla put the correct number for fish in each numbered fish bowl.  I had planned to have her paint or stamp them, but stickers were easier on this particular day.  If you look closely at the picture on the right you will see a glimpse of our Horton made from a toilet paper tube.

More Seussian fun 001

Cat in the Hat

We made the obligatory Thing 1 and Thing 2 craft by painting our hands.  I still want to play a balancing game with her where she tries to balance objects like Cat in the Hat, but we managed to run out of time again!

More Seussian fun 011

Cat in the Hat Comes Back

We made a Cat Hat with the letters of her name.  She liked it so much, we had to make hats for some of her princesses out of strips of paper and toilet paper tubes.  Pictures are terrible, but you get the idea!

More Seussian fun 006

More Seussian fun 007


I made some finger puppets today while she was napping, but they did not turn out as planned.  The cat is not black because I didn’t have black pipe cleaners.  And the noses on Thing 1 and Thing 2 are a little large, but oh well.  I still think Mikayla will have fun with them!




I had also planned to do some stuff with The Foot Book, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.  If we do, I will post about it later.

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March 15th, 2012

We have continued our Dr. Seuss study this week with a few more popular titles:  Horton Hears a Who, Horton Hatches An Egg, Hop On Pop and There’s a Wocket in My Pocket.  Here are our activities:

Horton Hears a Who

We began by reading the book and then making a clover with a speck.  She is still playing with the clover and is amazed the speck never falls off!  I didn’t have any glitter this year which I usually use for my speck, so I just put a drop of hot glue and it works great (even easier than the glitter).  Then we grabbed Horton and watched the movie.  Please note that my daughters choice of snacks for the movie watching were plain noodles.  Too funny!

Horton 001

Horton Hatches An Egg

She was a little disappointed after this reading, because there wasn’t a movie to watch.  She thought there should be!  We settled for making a Horton character out of a painted toilet paper tube and some foam.  I did not manage to get a picture of this, but I promise it was cute!

Hop On Pop

We read the book and then got out some bubble wrap for her to Hop on Pop(s).  She had a blast and kept popping for several minutes!

More Seussian fun 003

More Seussian fun 004

There’s a Wocket In My Pocket

This was a last minute addition to our study because we found it for pretty cheap in Jo-burg last weekend.  We read the book and then played a game.  To play I put six items on a cookie sheet.  Then I had her close her eyes and removed one object to put in my pocket.  When she opened her eyes she had to guess which object was missing.  She did great at this game and we played several times back and forth.  Eventually she even started adding more items while my eyes were closed…clever girl!

More Seussian fun 002

I have just a few more activities up my sleeves so stay tuned!

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March 10th, 2012

This week was an interesting one…it was our first week of three without Ben around.  He flew out on Monday for the US and won’t be back until the 24th.  We had an interesting time getting him on his flight and had to change some of our plans at the last minute!

The weather last week was supposed to get a little crazy.  There was a tropical cyclone (hurricane) that was off the coast of Mozambique and predictions were that the winds and rain were going to hit Swaziland on Sunday and Monday and hit us hard.  They were calling it the worst storm in 30 years!  With this prediction we felt confident that Ben’s original flight out of Matsapha here in Swaziland would be cancelled due to high winds and rain.  Since we didn’t want to risk him missing his first flight we decided to drive to Johannesburg (where his second flight would leave from) on Sunday and spend the night so he could catch his flight on Monday.

We packed up the truck early on Sunday and made the trek south (about a 6-7 hour drive).  We enlisted the help of Joe since Ben was sick and I wasn’t thrilled about driving in Jo-burg.  So thankful he tagged along!  When we got there on Sunday Ben, Mikayla and I hug out at the guesthouse while Joe went and did some shopping.  That evening we went to great restaurant for dinner.  It was a Mozambiquan, Portuguese, Brazilian combination restaurant.  And besides Mikayla acting like a rotten toddler, we had a great dinner.  On Monday, we left Ben at the guesthouse (they ran a shuttle to the airport) and hit up one of the many malls in Jo-burg to do a little shopping.  I wasn’t in the clothes shopping mood, but did manage to snag some tortilla chips, pretzels and blueberries.  Ah…the little things in life that make you so happy!  We made it back safe and sound to Swaziland about 8:00 that evening and all crashed quickly!  Turns out the storm turned at the last minute and we didn’t even get any rain!  Oh well, better safe than sorry I suppose.  Plus I got some tortilla chips out of the deal so all is well!

I feel like we have survived the first week pretty well without Ben.  Mikayla has been really good and besides getting up or calling for me 10 times each night all has been well!  We did have one incident this week when Mikayla pooped in the shower.  When I got onto her she said she only did it because Daisy told her too.  This does not bode well for peer pressure in the future if she is taking commands from a figurine!

We didn’t do much baking this week, but we did manage to try our hand at some homemade Poptart Minis.  They don’t really taste like Poptarts, but they were delicious.  Basically it is just a pie crust that you fill with jam (or in our case Nutella) and then bake until golden brown.  You can see the full recipe here.  Mikayla had fun rolling out the dough and forming her own Poptarts. 

Shape of me, ABCs 008

Shape of me, ABCs 010


We even had some fun this week playing in a box!

Shape of me, ABCs 012

First it was a hat…

Shape of me, ABCs 013

Then a car and eventually a bed!

Shape of me, ABCs 015

Ben has also been able to post several videos on his blog.  You can check out the link here if you are interested in seeing them. 

Posted in Random |
March 10th, 2012

Now that we have satellite, Mikayla watches a couple of cartoons.  One of them that she loves is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She actually has little Mickey and Friends characters that she plays with daily.  They are even regularly part of our bath time routine.  If you are unfamiliar with the show, there are couple of key phrases.  Like:  "Super Cheers", "If you’ve got ears, say cheers" and "Oh Toodles".  Mikayla will regularly repeat these and act out scenarios from the show.  She will also spend a lot of time during the day asking me what she should do.  So I decided to create her an activity choice board, and what better way than to incorporate Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

In the show there is a machine that appears when the characters say "Oh Toodles".  And on Toodles are four objects that will help them in their journey or activity.  Once they choose one to use, they say "If you’ve got ears, say cheers"!  And then once they are all used they say, "Super Cheers". So I decided to make Mikayla a Toodles board with four choices of activities.  Next time when she asks me what she should do, I will call "Oh Toodles" and let her decide!

To create all I did was cut a piece of cardboard out in the shape of Mickey Mouse.  Then I took some scraps of felt I had on hand and hot glued them on.  I took the rest of my cardboard and cut into squares and then drew on pictures of activities she could do (I am not an artist, so no fair making fun of my drawings).  I then put Velcro on the back and voila you have a Toodles Activity Choice board!  (The extra activities were placed in a bag and stapled on the back of Toodles).

Shape of me, ABCs 022

The bag is filled with additional choices that we will rotate into the board.

Toodles Choice Board 001

Exploring Toodles for the first time.  I think she likes it and is excited about it!  She held onto him for the whole time she watched cartoons this morning!

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March 10th, 2012

For this installment of Toddler School we will focus on two more Dr. Seuss books:  The Shape of Me and Other Stuff and Dr. Seuss’s ABCs.  Like before, we read the book and then completed the activities.

The Shape of Me and Other Stuff

Shape of me, ABCs 002

We made shape noodles.  She chose four of her favorite shapes and I drew them on some paper.  Then she traced them with white glue and glued cooked noodles on top.  She kept talking about a noodle eating poodle while doing this (from Fox in Socks) and she insisted on wearing her silly socks!

Shape of me, ABCs 005

Then we took side walk chalk and made the shape of stuff by tracing them.  In this picture you can see her tracing her baby doll. 

Dr. Seuss’s ABCs

Shape of me, ABCs 018

We made letters in salt.  We also just played with the salt!

Shape of me, ABCs 021

We worked our Dr. Seuss ABC puzzle.  We also went on a letter hunt around the house.  She wasn’t really into this so I didn’t get any pictures.

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March 7th, 2012

Last week was Dr. Seuss’s birthday and since we were gone and/or busy for most of the week we decided to push back our Dr. Seuss fun to this week and next.  I have created (or stolen ideas from others) various activities to correspond with each of the Dr. Seuss books we have.  We read the books and then complete the activities.  Rather than posting about them all in one large post, I decided to break them down.  This post will be about Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks.

Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 005

We colored shapes green and then glued them onto the matching eggs to make Green Egg Shapes!

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 009

Then we made a green eggs and ham snack.  We started by pairing together two pretzel sticks (ham) and then choosing some green jelly beans from a pile.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 010

Then we melted some white chocolate and put "globs" of it on the sticks to represent the egg whites.  She then placed the green jelly bean on top as the center of the green eggs.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 018

Next up our Green Eggshell Art.  I saved the egg shells from last week’s Dr. Seuss dinner, washed them good and placed them in a Zip lock baggie.  She then smashed them to pieces.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 019

I stuck a little green paint inside and she shook like crazy.  **Side note – sticking out her lower jaw like she is here is one of her favorite things to do these days…not sure why, it looks painful to me!

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 021

Then she squeezed glue all around a green sheet of paper.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 023

Last, she sprinkled her colored egg shells on top of her glue.  Surprisingly, she wasn’t a big fan of having the painted egg shells stuck to her fingers.

Fox in Socks

We started by putting on some silly socks and reading Fox in Socks.  She chose to wear one Cat in the Hat sock and one One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish sock.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 013

Then we worked her Fox in Socks puzzle wearing silly socks.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 014

We even played a matching game with some socks.  I took socks apart and she matched up the pair.  She got frustrated when I tried to show her how to put the pairs of socks together, so we finally just stacked them.

Green Eggs and Fox in Socks 017

Then she decided that she needed to put on all of her silly socks at one time and play with her babies.  Eventually the socks found their way to her hands and were used briefly as puppets!  She ended up wearing her silly socks for quite some time during the day!

Stay tuned for some more Dr. Seuss fun during the next two weeks!

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March 3rd, 2012

Fair warning, this is going to be a rather long post because we have some catching up to do!  The last two weeks have been filled with traveling, meetings and parties!  Fun times.  When we last left you we were staying with Ben in Matsapha while he was at a week long strategic planning meeting. 

Check out last week’s happenings for the full update, but in addition to all that we Mikayla and I got our first African hair cut.  For the most part things turned out okay (a little uneven and more layers than I was expecting), better than expected really.  Mikayla did great.  She let them wash her hair in the big sink while I was getting mine cut and then sat there so still while hers was being trimmed.  The nicest thing about the cut is that it is shorter which makes it cooler, but also it looks decent without being fixed.  Since it gets hot pretty early in the day, most days I don’t feel like blow drying my hair.  So a cut that can go decently without a dryer is always a plus in my book!  (You can see pictures below)

On Thursday (2/23), Mikayla and I headed back to the house early to do some laundry and repacking.  Then on Friday we packed up the car (again) and headed for a mini-vacation/birthday retreat in St. Lucia, South Africa (not the Caribbean St. Lucia).  It was the perfect weekend getaway filled with beaches, animals and relaxation!  On Friday we just checked out the town, took naps and then went out for an excellent dinner at an Italian place called Alfredo’s.  The sisters treated us for my birthday gift.  Thanks again Sister Diane and Sister Barbara! 

On Saturday, we dressed in our swim suits, packed a light lunch and headed to Cape Vidal (a beach).  The fun thing about the drive to the beach is that you had to drive through iSimangaliso Wetland Park.  We weren’t expecting to see many animals beyond birds, but ended up seeing quite a few.  Rhinos, hippos, zebra, lot of antelope creatures just to name a few.  It was a nice unexpected addition to the trip.  And the beach was perfect.  The park limits the number of vehicles allowed in to 120 at a time, so it wasn’t overly crowded and not commercialized at all…our kind of beach.  And we even found a little cove with water that was less than two feet for Mikayla to splash around in.  She loved riding the waves, but I think she enjoyed herself more in the little cove.  And despite being sick (she had caught a little cold from her friend the previous week), she had blast!  We headed back to the cottage we were staying in early afternoon for naps and found that Ben and I were sufficiently burned despite putting on 50 SPF sunscreen.  I guess that is what happens when you are spraying on sunscreen on the windy beach! 

St Lucia and Esabayeni 045

These guys were everywhere.  Almost like squirrels are in KY.  Mikayla loved watching them run around.

St Lucia and Esabayeni 054

St Lucia and Esabayeni 067

Mission Rock in iSimangaliso Wetland Park

St Lucia and Esabayeni 090

Running away from the waves.  As you can tell she thought this was really fun!

St Lucia and Esabayeni 107

Dung Beetles – For Steve Kickert

St Lucia and Esabayeni 124

St Lucia and Esabayeni 152

St Lucia and Esabayeni 154

St Lucia and Esabayeni 176

It is hard to read, but it says "MLK Cape Vidal".

St Lucia and Esabayeni 196

St Lucia and Esabayeni 201

These guys were actually out of the water when we got to this watering hole, but as soon as we drove up they hit the water.  This was the best shot I could get.

Speaking of our cottage, just wanted to put in a word for "The Wilds" where we stayed all weekend.  It was a self-catering place that was perfect.  They had a nice pool and play area (clubhouse, slide, etc.) for Mikayla.  The owners were friendly and helpful in our decisions on where to go and what to eat.  And the best part, unlike most self-catering places, they came in and cleaned each morning including dishes.  Perfect!  So we could cook if we wanted, but not worry about doing the dishes.  Love it!

St Lucia 2 011 - 2

This picture quality is horrible, but here is her monkey friend in the clubhouse!  This was before she noticed him.

Because of the sunburns we decided to just hang out around the cottage on Sunday.  We spent the morning playing in the pool and clubhouse.  Mikayla even had a play date with some monkeys in the clubhouse!  We ventured out for lunch at a little place that overlooked the estuary and were able to watch birds and hippos while eating our tasty meal.  That evening we headed back to the estuary and walked around the beach and lake.  Again saw some hippo heads and Mikayla even found her first few seashells.  I was a little disappointed with the lack of birds we saw, but to the birds credit we didn’t really go seeking them out either.  Maybe on our next trip!

St Lucia 2 007

Tree Pictures – An Adkins family tradition!

St Lucia 2 015

The view from the back of the cottages.

St Lucia 2 033

St Lucia 2 039

St Lucia 2 042

St Lucia 2 048

On Monday we packed up and headed home.  We had a little bit of minor car trouble, but nothing that prevented us from making a timely return.

Tuesday of course was my birthday so I laid low all day and besides laundry didn’t do much of anything.  It was a perfect way to spend the day!  Ben was even able to take off part of the day to make me a Funfetti cake!  We had bought the cake mix in SA over Christmas and Joe brought in the Rainbow chip icing when he came in January.  That evening the Sisters cooked a delicious meal of ham steaks (a rarity that they brought back from SA), noodles with a phenomenal gravy and salad.  I ate more than my fair share and after my cake I was stuffed!  I also got ot open my birthday gift from my parents and Ben – A combination blender and food processor!  We used it to make hummus on the very first day.  Love it!

The rest of the week Mikayla and I caught up on housework and play time while Ben finished last minute work stuff before his big trip to the US (he leaves on Monday for three weeks).  On Friday we celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by having a special birthday dinner.  Can anyone guess what we had?  Shame on you who didn’t guess green eggs and ham!  Actually that isn’t quite true.  Since ham is hard to get here, we had greens eggs and bacon.  We also hat Cat in the Hat Pancake Stacks (banana pancakes for the white and pancakes made with strawberry Jell-O for the red), Cat in the Hat banana / fruit strip circles and Pink Yink Ink Drink from One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Sprite mixed with strawberry Jell-O powder).  Last year Mikayla wasn’t much on this meal, but this year she ate it all up!  And throughout the meal she kept quoting Dr. Seuss stories.  I love that my daughter loves Dr. Seuss as much as I do!  We loaned out our books and Horton Movie to the hostel so they could use them, so we didn’t actually read any books on Friday.  But the next couple of weeks I have a ton of activities planned for our learning time!

Dr. Seuss dinner 008

Since Ben leaves on Monday we are laying low this weekend as a family.  And in case you hadn’t heard there is a tropical cyclone (Irina) that is set to hit the coast of Mozambique this weekend which could make things interesting around here.  We will keep you posted, but there is a good chance we will be without power and phone service for the next few days.

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March 3rd, 2012

Last year my wonderful sister purchased a Dr. Seuss dress for Mikayla for her birthday.  We were able to order it early enough to wear while celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  I love both the dress and Dr. Seuss so it was perfect!  The dress still fit her this year so we were able to wear it again.  Look how much she has changed in the last year! 


Dr. Seuss fun 004

computer dr. seuss dress 007


random stuff 026

random stuff 027

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February 21st, 2012

Lately Mikayla has really been into puzzles.  She got two for Christmas.  A Winnie the Pooh puzzle from her Mimi and Poppy and a Fox in Socks puzzle form her Aunt Christa (and family), Uncle Christopher and Aunt Sarah.  She loves them both and can now successfully put them together without any help.  Look at her go!

Letter H and Mililwane 012

Letter H and Mililwane 015

She was really studying it for correct pieces at this point.

Letter H and Mililwane 018

Letter H and Mililwane 023

So proud of herself!

Letter H and Mililwane 027

Not even a power outage can stop this puzzle crazy girl!

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February 21st, 2012

I am little behind on blogging this week, but better late than never…right?  We had a busy last week and it is shaping up to be a busy week this week. 

On Saturday of last week (2/11) we lost power during a pretty intense thunder storm.  Power did not return that evening, or the next day and not until late on Monday.  We actually ended up going for over 50 hours without electricity.  Needless to say we didn’t have much that survived the fridge or freezer so we had two big braais and ate meat for every meal (even breakfast).  Things could have been worse, but it is still never fun to go that long without power.

Ben spent most of last weekend and week writing abstracts, workshop proposals and scholarship applications for an AIDS conference in July.  Everything was due on the fifteenth and being out of power for so long made things a little crazy.  He was up until midnight most nights; needless to say he was exhausted by the end of the week and ready for a relaxing weekend (more on that later).

Last week we celebrated Valentine’s Day by making heart shaped sugar cookies for daddy and some of the staff.  We ran into some delays with our power outages, but we made do!  She loved rolling out the dough and using her heart cookie cutter.  She still needs practice on how to best utilize the dough so you don’t roll it out fifty times, but that will come!

Today is Sister Diane’s birthday so on Friday night we cooked a big meal in her honor.  I made focaccia bread, salad, corn on the cob and chocolate muffins.  Ben contributed some grilled shrimp and beer can chicken.  And Joe made some roasted red peppers (who knew they were that easy to make?), pickled onions, and a delicious punch drink (he is quite the cocktail master).  We stuffed ourselves silly and enjoyed each other’s company after a busy and hectic week.

We then spent this past weekend at our friends Peter, Callista and Aviva’s house.  They treated us to the usual relaxing atmosphere and fellowship and even took us along to some friends houses.  We went to a braai on Saturday afternoon to celebrate a birthday and then that evening we went to Eric and Nicole’s house for some amazing Thai food where we once again stuffed ourselves silly.  Eric made some Tom Yum soup that was out of this world along with several other thai dishes!  We enjoyed the relaxing time and were sad to see the weekend pass by so quickly.

On Sunday we met up with some of the other Cabrini staff members in Matsapha for a four day strategic planning session.  Ben will be in meetings until Thursday evening and Mikayla and I are enjoying some AC!  We went to a small game park today (Mililwane) and hope to do some swimming (although the pools don’t look too promising).  We do have decent Internet here if anyone wants to try to Skype with us.  Just let us know.  Here are a few pictures from the game park.

Letter H and Mililwane 060

Letter H and Mililwane 064

Letter H and Mililwane 068

Letter H and Mililwane 078

Letter H and Mililwane 082

Letter H and Mililwane 085

Letter H and Mililwane 098

Letter H and Mililwane 107

I love this picture for some reason.  These three guys were just all nuzzled up next to each other. 

Letter H and Mililwane 108

On Friday we leave for St. Lucia, South Africa to celebrate my birthday.  Side note – this is not the St. Lucia most people in the states know of, so look it up if you are confused.  This area is known for their hippo, crocodile and bird populations.  They have some beach areas, although I am not sure they are like the traditional beach you think of.  If nothing else we are going to enjoy some family time before Ben leaves the next week for three weeks in the States.  If nothing else, we can sleep in and play a little Settler’s of Catan!

Letter H and Mililwane 039

Mikayla enjoying her painting activity sent by Susan at Cabrini College.  Thanks Susan – she completed the whole box in one sitting!

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