July 1st, 2012

Our week wasn’t too eventful, but we were able to finalize some of the details for our upcoming trip to the states.  Here is a rough overview of what what we will be up to while we are around. Please keep in mind that things are flexible.  The only thing set in stone now is our flight schedules.

  • August 18: Everyone departs Johannesburg in the evening.
  • August 19-22: We arrive in Newark that evening and will spend some time in NYC.  Ben will be working, and Mikayla and I are there for pleasure.  We are hoping to catch up with my brother and sister-in-law while we are there since they will have just moved to Boston. 
  • August 23-26: Everyone travels to Chicago for a Cabrini fundraiser.  We will be staying with Ben’s family that live in the southern suburbs of Chicago.
  • August 27-31: Ben flies back to NYC and then heads to Philly.  He will spend the front end in NYC for meetings and the back end (at least 29-31) will be at Cabrini college in Philadelphia.  Mikayla and I will fly out to Nashville on the same day and arrive at 8:30am.
  • September 1-24: Ben returns to Kentucky for a few small fundraisers and time with friends and family.  Tim and Chelsea are due to have a baby during this time and we are looking forward to snuggling with Baby Reid during part of this time as well as spending time with other family and friends. 
  • September 5-6: Ben will travel to St. Louis by car for a fundraiser there.
  • September 16-24(?): This last week is being left open for Ben for meetings that will develop in NYC/Philly/DC (or elsewhere).  Mikayla and I will still be hanging out with folks in Kentucky.  Mikayla and I will fly straight to Newark on Sept 24 to return home.  Ben will meet us there from wherever he ends up at the end of the trip.
  • September 26: Arrive back in Jo-burg in the morning.

So there you have it folks!  Let us know if there is something specific you had in mind while we are around.

As for the rest of the week…

We spent the week without the sisters because they were in Ethiopia visiting with other sisters.  There is another section of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart there; the sisters went there this month and then next month they will come here to Swaziland. We picked the sisters up at the airport on Saturday and said goodbye once again as they traveled to South Africa for a few days.  Mikayla was so excited to see them though and ran right up and gave them both big hugs!  It was really precious. 

Since we had to be in town to pick the sisters up from the airport on Saturday we decided to take full advantage of the situation and spend some time on a hike we have been wanting to do since we arrived in Swaziland.  You can read all about it here on Ben’s blog.  We basically hiked up to the top of Execution Rock and drove around Mlilwane to see some wildlife.  Here are a few of the pictures we took.

Execution Rock 002

Our view coming into the park.  Please note the two hippos just hanging out on the island!

Execution Rock 008

Close up on hippos.  The lighting is terrible, but you get the picture.

Execution Rock 025

At the beginning of our hike.  See that big rock on the left…that is where we went.

Execution Rock 051

Cheesing with daddy…

Execution Rock 058

And mommy!

Execution Rock 074

Our little hiker.  She insisted on walking most of the way.  We only carried her when the rocks were steep and plentiful!

Execution Rock 114

The wildlife around the rest camp is used to humans and so they are really friendly.  Here is Mikayla hanging out with a Nyala.

Execution Rock 187

Huge crocodile!  We were able to get pretty close to this guy! 

Execution Rock 190

And of course we saw lots of zebra!

Here are some bird shots from our visit.

Execution Rock 169

Execution Rock 158

This is one of my favorite bird shots we have taken thus far!

Execution Rock 009

Execution Rock 089

We also spent a lot of time at the hostel this week.  I am helping out with the afterschool enrichment program we run for the children.  It is a program that focuses on English, reading and math skills.  Basically I am just offering support and suggestions for ways they can make the program more engaging and meaningful for the kids.  Mikayla has even started taking part in the groups and joining the youngest group that is focusing on sounds and basic math.  She is becoming more independent at the hostel and runs off with the kids to play immediately.  Where a month ago she would have hung onto my leg at all times and made sure I was in her line of vision at all times.  She still has though moments, but more and more she gains her independence.  It has been really fun to watch her progression.  The hostel staff even commented on it the other day!

Ben did some cooking this week.  He made a really delicious meal with Impala steaks one night.  And then another night he made a grilled shrimp dinner that was super tasty.  He used Julia Child’s birthday shrimp recipe and it was delicious!  On Sunday morning I made Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with a cream cheese frosting.  Mmm!  Who ever said you couldn’t eat well in Swaziland!

Mikayla enjoyed spending time playing with her baby dolls and princess dolls this week.  That is pretty much the only toys she wanted to play with!  We were also able to take some three year portraits one evening.  It was a very impromptu thing so her hair is a hot mess and the outfit isn’t what I had intended them to be taken in.  But she is still cute!  There is an album on Facebook with a lot of the pictures, but some of the best ones can be found here.

Princess dolls 010

July 1st, 2012

We had an impromptu three year photo session the other night.  Here a couple of the pictures we snapped of Mikayla.  She is so hard to get a picture of these days because she doesn’t like to look at you and she has the cheesiest grin when you ask her to smile.  Rotten is what she is!

3 year pictures 003

Poor lighting, but wanted to show her "princess smile"!

3 year pictures 015

3 year pictures 025

3 year pictures 032

3 year pictures 045

3 year pictures 049

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3 year pictures 099

3 year pictures 101

3 year pictures 102

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June 25th, 2012

We had a pretty uneventful week here in Swaziland, but here are a few highlights.

Last week we decided that we would partner with Joe and have a garden together.  We all wanted a garden, but none of us wanted to do the work by ourselves…enter teamwork!  The ground is very hard at our garden plot (right outside of Joe’s house), but we were able to dig about 1/3 of it out and prep the ground.  Basically you dig a big ditch and then alternate filling it with manure, straw and dirt.  This helps to aerate and enriches the soil.  We hope to finish digging in the next week or so and then plant by July.  We will see!  We worked again this week and were able to get three of the four berms finished.  One more weekend and we should be about ready to plant.

Letter R, birds 005

Ben and Mikayla hanging out in the ditch before we filled it back up to make our berms.

We have always known that we had a condiment obsession.  Most of the time our condiment shelves in the fridge are overflowing.  Since arriving in Swaziland and restocking our fridge and pantry, we have also developed a "heat" obsession too.  Particularly a hot sauce and chili obsession.  We pulled these gems out of the fridge and spice rack.  We also have a bag full of frozen chilies in the freezer and a whole rack of chili’s drying in our laundry room.  Do you think we have enough?

Letter R, birds 011

From left to right:  Ben’s homemade Peri-Peri sauce, homemade chili paste, dried bird’s eye chilies, Peri peri sauce (sweeter), Tony’s Cajun seasoning (our favorite), a Mexican seasoning we picked up here, Chili powder, Ben’s homemade hot sauce, dried and crushed chilies, Nando’s Peri Peri seasoning (Nando’s is a local chicken food chain), Black mamba hot sauce (delicious), Nando’s garlic Peri Peri (also delicious) and in the front row we have Black Mamba chili paste and Cayenne pepper.  I guess you could say we love some heat!

Sometimes Ben comes up with the best inventions and sometimes they are just plain silly.  He would call the following a "best invention", I call it just plain silly!  Instead of pouring Mikayla a glass of milk he took two straws and put them together to make a large straw so she could drink milk out of the box/carton.  By the way, have I mentioned the milk here before?  It is what they call long life milk and you buy it off of the shelf.  It will last for months in the pantry and then three days once you open it in the fridge.  I hate the taste of it, but for convenience sake it is nice because we don’t have a grocery around the corner to purchase milk from when we need it.  I am looking forward to a nice glass of real milk when we head back to the states (along with some Mexican food and a few other staples)!

Letter R, birds 018 Don’t you just love her mischievous face here?

Early in the week we were painting some rocks for our learning time and I ran inside to get something.  When I came back out this is what I found.

Letter R, birds 012

Letter R, birds 014

Turn your eyes for five seconds and this is what a toddler does with paint!

After Mikayla found out her friend Lylah could draw people a few weeks ago she decided she wanted to give it a go.  (Do you think she gets the competiveness from Ben or me?)  We have been working for a couple of weeks on drawing stick people and she has finally caught on (sort of).  Here are some snapshots of her people from this week.

Letter R, birds 015

Letter R, birds 016

Can you see the tiny feet at the bottom?  She hasn’t quite got the hang of drawing the feet yet!

Ben caught the stomach bug I had a couple of weeks ago at the end of the week so we laid low.  Unfortunately I came down with something on Friday and Saturday we were both pitiful!  Good news though, we are both feeling better today!

Here is a bird for Steve.  I think we have posted this bird before, but it was before he had his Swazi bird book!  These birds look really cool when they are flying because of their long tail feathers.

Letter R, birds 001

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June 16th, 2012

Any other toddler school folks struggle with the letter Q?  We sure did!  I managed to find/come up with a few good ideas, but overall it was a hard one for us.  Here are some of our activities from the week.

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 010

She painted a question mark with Q-tips.  While she was painting we played the question/statement game.  I would say something and she would identify if it was a question or a statement.  Then she gave it a turn.

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 019

We made a Quarterback Q.  We talked about what a quarterback does and what sport they play.

Letter O and some Letter Q 016

Muffin tin math.  I used this trick when I was student teaching and pulled it back out for Mikayla this week.  She put corresponding jelly beans in the muffin tin to match the numbers.

Letter O and some Letter Q 017

Letter Q queen.  Mikayla insisted she needed a staff (where she got that from I will never know)! 

I had intended to do a quilting activity with her, but we never got to it this week.  I may try and throw it in next week just for fun!  We also played a game where I would call out letters.  If I said Q she would run quick, for any other letter she would run slow!  Another game we played was she rolled the dice and quacked as many times as was rolled.  With the baby here this week, we practiced being quiet a lot!  For our snack this week we made a quiche together.  As usual, Mikayla loved rolling out the dough for the crust and pretty much forgot about the rest of it!

All in all, not a bad week considering it was a difficult letter.  We move onto the letter R next week.  I am thinking along the lines of mostly rainbows and rocks, but we will see!

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June 16th, 2012

While most of our friends and family in the states are preparing for summer (or in it really), we are starting to feel the cooler temperatures of "winter".  When I say winter, I really mean more the temperatures of a Kentucky fall.  It is cool in the morning and night, but still heats up quite a bit during the day.  It has been a nice change of pace from the constant heat we usually experience!  We have even been able to enjoy a few fires around our fire ring and snuggle up on the couch with a blanket. Since we don’t have air conditioning (only fans) or a heater we really feel the outside temperatures in our house.  It stays relatively cool in our house for most of the day now and is very cool when we wake up in the mornings.

We spent last Saturday driving the folks from Cabrini College around Swaziland.  In one day we were able to hit all the "hot spots" and show them all the different elevations.  Mikayla got to play on three different playgrounds throughout the day so we she was a happy camper.  I bought a fantastic wooden mask in the shape of a giraffes face thanks to some haggling by Joe.  And Ben got to drive around the mountains!  Despite the 12 hour day, we all enjoyed ourselves. 

On Sunday we hosted a farewell dinner at our house for the Cabrini College guests.  I made my usual staple of bread and dessert.  For dessert I made this recipe for Cookie Dough Brownies – a layer of brownies, a layer of cookie dough and a layer of chocolate glaze.  And I must say they were AMAZING!  So amazing in fact that they inspired us to make cookie dough balls dipped in chocolate  later in the week.  I just took my regular recipe for cookie dough, omitted eggs and baking soda and added in some milk.  I used a melting chocolate I had picked up at the grocery a few weeks back to dip them in, but it ended up not being very tasty.  With good chocolate these would have been incredible!  We didn’t complain too much about the bad chocolate though and had those puppies devoured in less than a week!

On Monday, Zodwa from the office came back from her maternity leave for a few days to help out with some finance issues.  Mikayla and I offered to watch her 1 month old for the week while she was working.  His name is Sewandzile (pronounced say-wand-ZEE-lay).  Mikayla was a great helper and loved having the baby around.  She always wanted to hold him.  He was a little bit of a crier, but we still managed to get our regular school work and housework (for the most part) complete with him around.

On Friday, we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart with Cabrini staff and a few people from the community.  It wasn’t quite as eventful as our last feast, but still fun.

The birds have been out like crazy in the mornings this week.  Here are a few shots I got of some for my father-in-law.

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 005

Not a great shot, but this guy also has a black tuft of hair on the top of his head.

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 008

And just because she is so cute in her new dress, here is a picture of Mikayla.  We bought the dress when we were at Bush Fire a few weeks ago.  The lady who ran the shop said that she designs the dresses and then gives the designs to Swazi women to make out of fabrics from Swaziland and South Africa.  She had so many cute dresses it was hard to decide on just one!  This dress is corduroy on one side (with sequins and fabric to make up a flowery viney design) and then fabric on the other side (it is reversible).  Does anyone else have trouble getting their three year old to stand still and smile for pictures or is is just us?

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 017

Feast of Sacred Heart, Q, Birds 018

Such a ham!

We went out and picked some of the last bird’s eye chili’s as a family this week.  Ben took 1/3 of what we picked and made a batch of hot sauce.  It made for a rather strong smell in our house for the day.  Some of the hottest hot sauce I have ever tasted!  My Uncle Mark would have loved it.  We are planning on freezing some and drying the rest.  We plan on using some of it as part of our Mexican themed dinner this evening!  Happy Saturday!

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June 16th, 2012

Last week we spent studying the Letter O.  This was a fun letter and Mikayla really enjoyed the games and activities we did.  And in case you missed my last post, Mikayla learned to write her name all by herself this past week!  She is getting so big. 

Letter O and some Letter Q 001

We made an owl family out of toilet paper tubes and scrap paper.

Letter O and some Letter Q 002

She practiced tracing lines, letters and matching pictures with this handy trick from my friend Lara.  Insert paper or worksheets into a sheet protector and they automatically become reusable when paired with a dry erase marker!

Letter O and some Letter Q 006

Owl number match.  The owls had dots that corresponded with the numbers on the tree.  She had to match them up and glue on the correct tree.  This is one of those games where I wish I had access to a laminator so I could laminate and save for future uses.  It is one of the few number games she has actually really gotten into!

Letter O and some Letter Q 010

Octopus name match.  Each octopus had the each of her names spelled out on the tentacles.  It just so happened that each of her names had seven letters so it worked out perfect if I added the full name on one tentacle. 

Letter O and some Letter Q 011

Here is a close up.  I left the tentacle with the full name intact and cut the tips off the other ones.  Then she glued them on in the correct order to spell her full name.

Letter O and some Letter Q 012

Another simple math game.  She stamped dots (or fingerprints really) onto the tentacles of an octopus to correspond with each number.  She loves anything dealing with numbers!

Letter O and some Letter Q 014

Owl letter matching game.  The wings had capital and lower case letters on them and the body of the owl had pictures.  She matched them up according to sound.  To help her check her work I wrote the letters on the backs of the owls.  I had intended this game to be a multi-use game, but she insisted on gluing the wings on so the owls could fly!

Letter O and some Letter Q 015

We made an O look like an owl, but I forgot to take a picture of it!  We also played an opposite matching game that her Mimi and Poppy sent for her birthday.  And of course we talked about the color orange and had oranges for our snack!  This week we move onto the letter Q, a tricky letter if you ask me!

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June 6th, 2012

We have been so busy living life lately, that I have neglected blogging!  Here are some quick recaps of what has been happening in our lives.

We celebrated Ben’s 30th birthday in style over the last few weeks.  The celebration began the weekend of his birthday when we went to one of the biggest events in Swaziland – Bush Fire (www.bushfire.co.sz).  It is a huge music and arts festival over three days.  We didn’t attend the whole thing, but went for the day on Saturday.  Mikayla had a blast running around, dancing and after some coercion from daddy playing on the blow up inflatables.  If you know us at all, we aren’t big music people, but still had a lot of fun.  We stayed with our friends Peter, Callista and Aviva that evening.  We had a relaxing Sunday at their house playing and going for a small hike in their neighborhood. 


Ben hanging out with Mikayla and Aviva at Bush Fire.

Last week we welcomed three members of Cabrini College in for a two week visit (Anne, Edna and Melanie).  We have had a great time getting to know them and of course Mikayla is loving all the attention they are giving her. 

Ben was gone last week for four days at a conference and unfortunately while he was gone I came down with a stomach bug.  Mikayla spent a lot of the week watching TV while I napped on the couch.  After four days of puniness I was finally feeling better on Sunday.  As bad as I felt, we are very fortunate to have stayed relatively healthy during our time here.  Luckily I began feeling better just in time for our big Pig Roast as part of Ben’s 30th birthday celebration.

One of our staff members, Sharon, gave us a pig and so the boys (Ben and Joe) decided to tackle roasting the whole thing.  On Thursday I took two other staff members (Stadium and Fodo) to pick up the pig and we spent the evening watching them slaughter it in our front yard!  Mikayla had a blast and thought the whole process was pretty interesting.  Then on Sunday the boys got to work prepping the pig for his cooking session!  You can read more about in on Ben’s blog here.  The meat was delicious and between the pig and all the other goodies, we ended the evening completely stuffed.  We have been eating roasted pig since Sunday – including some delicious pulled pork quesadillas!



Mikayla has been really grasping onto concepts quickly lately.  She surprises me each day with her knowledge and things she knows that I didn’t know she had picked up yet.  She can now spell her last name and probably most exciting of all is that she wrote her whole name by herself for the first time this week.  I sat next to her and showed her how to form each letter and then she would make it on her own.  For a couple of the letters I laid my hand on her wrist to help control her movements, but she made the movements all on her own.  She was so proud of herself when she accomplished it. 


First attempt with sidewalk chalk – a little hard to see.


Second attempt on paper with markers.  As you can see she wrote really large at first and we had to start over.  She was really concerned about her "y" because it had a loop on it instead of the straight down diagonal.  I explained to her that some people do the loopy "y" and that it was okay.  She was cool with it after that! 

That is pretty much all the big stuff that has been going on!  Hope everyone has a great week!

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May 20th, 2012

We went on a walk last weekend to try and collect some firewood for our fire pit.  We weren’t very lucky with the wood, but Mikayla did find some rocks and decided that she wanted to paint them.  So on Monday I got out the paint and let her go to town.  She had so much fun.  Then we took them outside and she would "hide" them in the dirt and we would dig them up like a treasure.  Speaking of treasure, she has been having a lot of fun the last two weeks walking around the mission looking for "treasures".

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 004

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 006

Last week two visitors from the states arrived, Ted and Von.  They are friends of Cabrini from the Chicago area and came to help out where they could.  Ted was here for a week, but Von gets to stay until the end of the month.  We had them over for dinner a couple of nights last week, including a Mexican themed dinner with fish tacos and black beans!  On Sunday the boys decided to host an Asian cook off for Mother’s Day dinner.  In the end, everyone contributed a little something and it was delicious.  We were all royally stuffed by the end of the evening!  The menu consisted of Spring Rolls (Beth), Thai Coconut Curry soup (Ben), Fried Rice (Von), Tandoori Impala (Ted), Thai Grilled Chicken (Ted) and Korean BBQ pork belly lettuce wraps (Joe).  The sisters contributed doing the dishes, which we were all thankful for because there were a lot! 

On Monday I drove Ted into town to do a little souvenir shopping and drop him off at the airport.  We had a fun day chatting, shopping and hanging out.  And I was really proud of myself because it was my first solo trip to town and back.  I think I did pretty well!

Last week was a hard week for the Cabrini family.  One of our former staff members (who had only left two weeks ago), lost her two children (both around Mikayla’s age) when they drowned in the canal.  The funeral was on Sunday so we spent our morning there.  It was such a tragedy and hit everyone really hard.  Ben wrote about it on his blog and his words speak well to my thoughts on it.  You can read his post here.

When we first arrived in Swaziland, Glenn Cheney was here.  He is an author who was doing research for a book he was writing.  His book was recently published on Kindle, Nook and IPad.  It is called Love and Death in the Kingdom of Swaziland and gives a little insight to what life is like here.  There is even a snapshot of Mikayla and the twins in it!  You should check it out here!

We received word this evening that one of our night watchmen, Matthew passed away today.  He has been sick for awhile, but it is still tough.  Too many losses in such a short time here.  Mikayla really liked Matthew and would often watch him cut grass or spend the evening "chatting" with him.  We will surely miss Matthew.

With all that being said we have had a lot of ups and downs in the last two weeks.  Here’s to hoping that the next week is filled with more ups than it is downs…

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May 19th, 2012

We have spent the last two weeks working on the Letter N.  We have been off and on with school, but trying to integrate it into our play more the last two weeks.  Here are a few of the activities that we sat down to complete together.

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 001

We made a hat out of a newspaper.  She got a little confused though because she kept thinking that hat started with N and not newspaper!

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 003

So we cut up some newspaper into squares and then glued onto the letter N to help reinforce this.

Childcare Pictures 2, Letter N 008

We found some nests in some trees and made a letter N nest.  Then we took her number stickers and stuck on the letter N.  I also tried to get her to identify which number was which, but she wasn’t a big fan of this game!

Letter N 019

We read and talked about the story of Noah and the Ark, then made our own ark out of paper plates.  We painted (she painted the ark and I did the rainbow) and then cut the ark plate in half and stapled on top.  Then we looked through magazines for pictures of animals and cut them out to stick in our ark.  There weren’t two of every animal, but she still got the idea I think.

Letter N 002

For her birthday Sister Barbara and Sister Diane got her a really cool wooden ark and animal set, so we played with it a lot this week!  Such a fun gift and I love how it worked into our learning time the last two weeks!

Letter N 008

We painted with noodles too!  At first it started out really clean and she just dipped the noodles onto the paint and gently placed them on her paper…

Letter N 010

But then it got a a little messy when she decided she needed paint directly in the noodles and squished them all up together!

Letter N 018

What true artist can’t multi-task.  Here she is eating her noodles and painting with them at the same time!  Too funny!

We move onto the Letter O next.  I am excited about learning all about owls and octopus!

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May 6th, 2012

Yesterday evening we celebrated Mikayla’s third birthday with some friends here on the mission by going all out Mickey!  Here is a picture recap of the details from the party.

The Invitations

Although we were inviting mostly people right next door, I still wanted to create some invitations and couldn’t pass up these cuties.

Letter K and birthday countdown 024

Letter K and birthday countdown 025

The Decorations

Mickey party, swim and swing 037

These were made from Styrofoam balls painted black and then glued to make a Mickey head.  I also painted her initials on them because I had three.

Mickey party, swim and swing 039

Mickey head plates and party hats.  I hot glued two small black plates to a larger one. They weren’t very sturdy, but were cute!  The party hats were made from white cardstock (I would have used red if I had it) and then I glued on two circles for the ears, attached a string and was finished.  I added a little red polka dot bow to the cups to add a little color to the table.

Mickey party, swim and swing 040

Mickey party, swim and swing 041

The door sign – it is no Lara Mattingly banner, but it worked okay! I  replaced the "a’s" and dots on the "i’s" with Mickey heads.

Mickey party, swim and swing 047

She was excited about her party!  This shirt was made by Emily Gilliland to raise funds for her adoption (you can have one too, check out her blog for details).

The food

Mickey party, swim and swing 067

Yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  We also dipped Oreos and another round cookie in chocolate to make Mickey heads.

Mickey party, swim and swing 069

Close up of the chocolate dipped Mickey heads.

Mickey party, swim and swing 079

Minnie’s lavender cocktail courtesy of Joe.  So pretty and tasty too!

Mickey party, swim and swing 081

We had a Hot Diggity Dog Hot Dog bar.  Complete with homemade hot dog buns, mustard, ketchup, onions, jalapenos, cheese and chili. 

Mickey party, swim and swing 082

Goofy’s Garden Veggie with guacamole and Minnie’s Mac and Cheese.

Mickey party, swim and swing 083

Chip and Dale Chips and Dip

Mickey party, swim and swing 084

Pluto’s Potato Salad

Mickey party, swim and swing 085

Pete’s Punch, which was really just homemade lemonade made from lemons straight off the tree!

Mickey party, swim and swing 086

Party favors were homemade caramel corn in Mickey bags.

The Guests

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Guest of honor grabbing a quick snack before dinner started.

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Mickey party, swim and swing 077

Sister Diane

Mickey party, swim and swing 078

Sister Barbara
(Joe was here too but I don’t have a solo picture of him or me!)

The Games

We had two games.  The first was to see how many words you could make out of the letters in "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse".  Sister Barbara is a Scrabble fanatic so she blew everyone else out of the water!  We also had a drawing contest to see who could draw the best character from the show.  Mikayla was the judge.

Mickey party, swim and swing 091

Hard at work making some words.

Mickey party, swim and swing 093

Look at that concentrations!

Mickey party, swim and swing 094

Mikayla even joined in on the fun and wrote some letters.

Mickey party, swim and swing 100

Judging the drawing contest.

Mickey party, swim and swing 101

She chose Joe’s drawing and he was really excited about it!

Some party Snapshots

Mickey party, swim and swing 096

Enjoying her Mickey cupcake!

Mickey party, swim and swing 089

During present time she would open the gift and then run over to Joe and put it on his lap.  By the time she was finished his lap was piled high with gifts.  Then of course she went back over and studied each one individually!

Mickey party, swim and swing 104

She got lots of clothes from Mimi and Poppy so she played a little dress up game.  This is the outfit she ended the day in!

I think everyone enjoyed themselves and most importantly Mikayla had a blast!  It is still hard to believe that she is three!  Thanks to everyone who came out to the party, sent presents or called to wish her a Happy Birthday.  It was a great week of celebrating!

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