Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

Preschool Update

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

I have been so bad about blogging (and taking pictures) about Mikayla’s preschool time lately, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been doing some really fun activities.  We have plugged along with our letters and numbers and have worked our way up to the letter L and number 12.  Here are just a few of the activities we have done lately.

Easter, birthday, camp 037

She learned about the parts of an insect and put a felt one together.

Easter, birthday, camp 038

Beginning sound match where she matched the bees to their hives (both pictures started with the same sound).

Easter, birthday, camp 039

Letter I Iguana!

Easter, birthday, camp 040

Drawing and writing about ice cream in her journal.  We try to do something each day in her journal as our last activity.  This is how she knows school time is coming to a close. 

Easter, birthday, camp 041

She played number Bingo.  This really helped with her number recognition that she is currently struggling with.  Also please note baby on the table.  This baby has become her go to one and she takes it every where with us!  This is the first time in her four short years that she has latched onto something so strongly.

Easter, birthday, camp 042

Henny Penny’s Rhyme Time Game (courtesy of Mailbox magazine).  She chooses two pictures that rhyme and puts the on Henny’s nest.  She absolutely adores this game and would play it everyday! 

Easter, birthday, camp 043

Butterfly symmetry.  She is really concentrating here.

Easter, birthday, camp 046

For this game I laid out some magnetic letters on the floor.  I would call out a letter or sound and she would pretend to be a bee and fly them back to the hive.

Easter, birthday, camp 048

Jigsaw J’s

Easter, birthday, camp 049

We have also been spending a lot of time in her dry erase books.  She has accumulated several now and enjoys working hard in them.

Like I said, I haven’t been very good about taking pictures or blogging about her school time recently and don’t make any promises to get better in the future!!  I am however, doing a much better job of documenting for myself what we do and what has worked and not worked for in the future!

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Pregnancy Update Week #28

Monday, April 15th, 2013

How far along? I am 28 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss? I have gained an appropriate amount! 😉

Stretch marks? So far so good!

Best Moment this week? Mikayla asking if she can snuggle up to the baby and love on it!  She climbed up beside me and nuzzled her head against my belly.  She will also randomly come over and rub on my belly which I think is sweet!

Movement? Seriously, we have a mover and a shaker in there!  The other day I told Ben it looked like I had an alien in my belly because the baby was being so active.   

Food Cravings:  Nothing really, just food in general.  I feel like I have been eating non-stop for the last week or so.

Gender? Yeah, about that…We had another ultrasound done at our appointment last week and the distinguishing characteristics for a boy were no longer visible, rather we saw girl features!  Based on what we saw yesterday, it looks like it probably is a girl.  Since the first also looked definitive we will wait until our next scan before we “know” one way or the other!

Labor Signs?  Nothing really, a few BH off an on.

Belly Button in or Out?  We are getting dangerously close to an outie folks!

What I miss.  This week in particular I missed my bathtub!  We only have a stand up shower here, but I have been longing for a nice bath!  Not really directly pregnancy related, but something worth noting!

What I am looking forward to.  Eesh, there is so much to look forward to!  Sleeping soundly at night (ha!  how long will that be?), snuggling this new baby, not peeing so frequently, etc…

Weekly wisdom:  Technology is never fool proof and neither are ultrasounds!

Milestones:  We crossed over into the third trimester which is exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time!  We have a lot to do to prepare for this baby, and limited amount of time to do it in.  I suppose every future parent feels this apprehension though.

We had our monthly check up on Wednesday and all is healthy with the baby.  It is growing nicely and right on target for our July 4 due date.  The ultrasound reveal was a bit shocking for us, but we are taking it in stride!  Now we will just have to pick out a girl’s name in addition to a boy’s!


Preschool–Dr. Seuss edition

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

In between all of our visitors and traveling, we managed to squeeze in some Dr. Seuss fun!  After all, he is my favorite children’s author!  Like always, I planned way too much and we ran out of time to do it all.  I guess it is better to over plan than to under plan, right?  I have also been really bad about taking pictures to document our school time lately, so here are just a few from our Dr. Seuss fun!

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 002

This is similar to a game I used to play in my classroom called write the room.  The kids had to go around and write words they saw in the room on a piece of paper.  For Mikayla I hung up Dr. Seuss letter cards.  When she found the letter she put an X on that letter on her paper (which was filled with each letter).

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 015

Green eggs and ham dinner.  Cat in the hat fruit stacks with raspberries and banana slices.  I also made biscuits and gravy because I wanted them!  We watched the Lorax (the new one) while eating.

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 017

She clipped numbered clothespins to the correct box (each box was filled with a different number of Dr. Seuss stickers).

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 019

Special Lorax lunch.  Lorax was chicken nuggets with cheese mustaches and eyebrows (raisins for the eyes) and Truffala trees (banana slices for the base, pretzel sticks for the trunks, and glace cherries for the tree parts).  She ate a double helping of both!!

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 023

Cat in the hat stripe game.  She rolled the dice and put stripes on the hat, and she even did so in pattern form.

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 025

The obligatory Cat in the Hat hat!

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 029

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish pattern page – she completed the colored fish patterns.

Visitors - Jana, Liv, Rita Steve 012

Dr. Seuss rhyming cards.  Each of her friends in the picture had to find their own rhyming match!

Have I mentioned before that I love that my daughter loves Dr. Seuss as much as I do?

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Mikayla’s 4th Birthday, Princess style!

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

I know what you are thinking, Mikayla’s birthday isn’t until April 28.  Well, you are right.  It’s not.  However, with Rita and Steve being around, we thought that it might be fun to have Mikayla’s party early so they could celebrate with us.  So we decided to join together and have a joint birthday celebration for Mikayla (turning 4), myself (turned 30) and Sister Diane (turned 70).  We had a pig roast with lots of sides, and a princess party on the side.  I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.  And I think everyone enjoyed themselves, even if we did forget to play our princess party games!  Here is a picture view from the party.

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 025

Me and my birthday princess.  How in the world did she get so girly?

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 023

Seriously, she was so excited and so cute!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 027

Princess Joe

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 058

Scooter and the birthday princess

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 028


And here is the food spread!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 030

Tea cups were made with round cookies for the plate, marshmallows with icing dipped into small sprinkles for the cup, broken pretzels for the handles and candy hearts for the cookies.  Also pictured are the princess cookies she gave as a thank you gift.

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 032

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 036

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 038

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 040

Baked beans not pictured because they were still being cooked!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 041

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 042

Managed to find the cutest star shaped pasta for Joe to make this salad with!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 039

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 043

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 044

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 048

The cake…I don’t know who was more excited about how it came out, me or Mikayla!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 061

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 052

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 053

The princess chair

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 066

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 068

This is probably my favorite picture from the day.  She just looks so cute!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 085

Her grandparents got her a pop up tent for her birthday, how perfect!

All in all I would say it was a success!  Mikayla had fun which is the most important part.  We will have a small "party" on her actual birthday with just us, where she will open all of her gifts that folks sent via Rita and Steve and her gift from us!  Nothing like extending our birthday celebrations for a month!

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Pregnancy Update Week #25

Monday, March 25th, 2013

I have been meaning to do another update for some time now, but have been so busy with Ben’s parents I haven’t had the chance.  So here is my update for our 25th week!

How far along? I am 25.5 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss? I have no idea.  I can’t honestly remember where I was when I started.  Haven’t had the desire to climb aboard the scale lately either!

Stretch marks? None that I can see!

Best Moment this week? One evening, the baby was particularly excited and moving around a lot.  Mikayla got to not only feel him kick for the first time, but we were all able to see him moving from the outside.  Forgot how cool that was.  She was very excited!

Movement? Still moving like crazy, especially first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.   

Food Cravings:  No major cravings these past few weeks.

Gender? A baby boy, still deciding on a final name!

Labor Signs?  After three days of hiking last week I felt some mild Braxton Hicks contractions, but I am sure that was from fatigue more than anything.  After that day I haven’t felt any.

Belly Button in or Out?  In, but slowly working its way out.  I would say by the time baby Kickert #2 arrives it will be a full outie!

What I miss.  I miss being able to move freely without the belly getting in the way!  I sometimes forget it is there and bump into random things!

What I am looking forward to.  I am looking forward to getting some baby stuff together.  We got our first outfits thanks to some family from the states when Ben’s parents came over.  Ben is getting me a rocking chair for my birthday, we just have to find one in Swaziland now!

Weekly wisdom:  Just because you could do something with no problem before you were pregnant doesn’t mean you can (or should) while you are pregnant.  We spent three of the first few days of Ben’s parents visit hiking.  By the third day my body was through and extremely tired, and was not shy in telling me so!! 

Milestones:  I am definitely wearing maternity clothing now, no doubt about it!  Tried to put on some regular pants last week and was far from getting them to button!

And here are two belly shots for you.  Both were taken yesterday, one is just a little more flattering, but the other is a better belly shot!

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 088

St. Lucia and Pig Roast 090


An Interview with Mikayla

Monday, March 25th, 2013

When Mikayla was about 2.5 I did an interview with her.  I have been meaning to do an updated one, and finally got around to it the other day.  I find it very humorous, particularly her thoughts on her favorite food!  Hope you enjoy. 

And just for fun, here she is singing her song for the days of the week!

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Pregnancy Update Week #22

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

 I missed a couple of weeks, but here is my update for Week #22!  Over halfway there!

How far along? I am 22 weeks today.

Total weight gain/loss? I haven’t actually been on the scale lately, but I would guess I have gained a total of 2-4 pounds.

Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks!

Best Moment this week? Wasn’t really this week, but definitely finding out the gender was a "best moment" since my last update.  We didn’t find out the gender with Mikayla, but chose to for several reasons this time.  The staff at the hostel are all very excited we are having a boy!  Their reactions have been priceless.

Movement? Baby K is moving like crazy.  Ben has been able to feel him on several occasions, but Mikayla has yet to feel him.  She is not very patient when waiting for his movement! 

Food Cravings:  For the first time in either of my pregnancies I have started craving sweet things.  With Mikayla I never did and up until this point I have only been wanting savory things.  This week though that has all changed!  I have eaten my fair share of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and Sour Patch kids this week!  Bring on the Funfetti cake for my birthday!!

Gender? We found out on Valentine’s Day that we will be having a boy this time around!  He was definitely not shy in hiding his gender!

Ultrasound, Jana and Liv visit 075

Labor Signs?  So far so good, no labor signs!

Belly Button in or Out?  In.

What I miss.  I miss my energy.  I know they say you are supposed to have a lot more energy in your second trimester, but I am finding I tire out easier than normal.  For example, when Ben’s cousin was in town, we did some hiking and I was exhausted by the end of the day.

What I am looking forward to.  I am looking forward to starting to get together some baby items, so far we have nothing!  When we moved we got rid of all our baby stuff so we will be starting over from scratch.  I am also looking forward to finalizing a name, especially now that we know the gender.

Weekly wisdom:  Know when to push yourself and know when to say enough is enough and take a break.  It is better to sit out on something than to completely exhaust yourself.

Milestones:  I started wearing a few maternity things in the past week (Thanks Chel for letting me borrow them and thanks Jana for transporting them all the way to Africa!).  I can still wear some pre-pregnancy clothes, but for the most part pants are no longer fitting.

Ultrasound, Jana and Liv visit 229

Not quite a baby bump picture, but you can get the idea.  It is hard to remember to take those!!

BTW – At our last appointment we got the green light on a healthy pregnancy.  Everything looked great, baby is growing nicely and the doctor said he had no reservations about us delivering problem free in Swaziland!  So, assuming nothing changes in the next few months, we will be delivering in Swaziland and not South Africa!  This was a huge moment for us because we really wanted to be able to deliver in Swaziland.  Now if I can just get my mind wrapped around an epidural free delivery…

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The Much Anticipated Belly Shot

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Here is the prego belly at 17 weeks.  I feel like it is much bigger this go round than it was with Mikayla, but that is okay!

Belly week 17 002


Pregnancy Update Week #17

Monday, January 28th, 2013

The childcare staff is getting really excited about the upcoming arrival of Baby Kickert #2.  They are most excited because this baby, unlike Mikayla (although they love her), will be Swazi and therefore one of them!  They are all making gender predictions and offering up name suggestions.  I love that they are getting involved because traditionally pregnancy is not something really celebrated here.  They don’t name the baby before it is born, fathers aren’t super involved in the pregnancy, and in some cases the father has nothing to do with the child for the first few months.  So many babies are lost early on that they don’t want to connect to the baby in the womb.  So that makes it even more exciting that they are asking questions and getting involved with us.

I gave a belated Week #16 update here, but hopefully the rest will be more timely.  On Thursday we reached 17 weeks in our pregnancy.  Not a lot new has happened in the last week, but here is an update nonetheless. 

How far along? I am currently 17 weeks.

Total weight gain/loss? This is hard to measure since our scale is in kilograms, but I think I am still even.  If I have gained anything it is less than half a pound. 

Stretch marks? Fortunately, no stretch marks!

Best Moment this week? The Swazi’s getting super into our pregnancy and offering up name suggestions.

Movement? I was actually able to feel the baby for the first time from the outside yesterday.  It wasn’t a really strong movement, and seems super early in the game, but I felt it!  Just once though and it hasn’t happened again. 

Food Cravings:  Eggs!  This week I have eaten at least one or two a day!  Mmm good!

Gender? No clue yet.  Mikayla is still convinced it is a girl, but the hostel staff thinks it is a boy!

Labor Signs?  I sure hope not!

Belly Button in or Out?  In.

What I miss.  I am still missing my regular cup of coffee, but other than that not much else new this week.

What I am looking forward to.  Still looking forward to our ultrasound in a few weeks.

Weekly wisdom:  Toddlers love touching the baby bump, but aren’t always the most carefully when doing so and should be watched closely!  I suppose the same is true with toddlers and infants too!

Milestones:  Like I mentioned previously, I felt the baby move for the first time this week from the outside.  I forgot how cool of a feeling this was!

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Preschool–Letter of the Week 6/7

Monday, January 28th, 2013

When we found out we were pregnant in October I immediately got sick.  I was struck with some intense morning sickness (really all day sickness) that made it difficult to sit down for structured learning time with Mikayla.  So, I opted for occasional learning time throughout the day and put our regular school schedule on hold for a bit.  Then Christmas came and even though I was feeling better, we were pulled in too many different directions and again our regular preschool schedule got put on hold.  However, once we got settled back into a routine in January, I immediately started back up with our school time (with a few minor interruptions).  For the past three weeks we have been covering the LOW curriculum for weeks 6 and 7 as well as learning all about the ocean!  Here are a few things we did over the course of our learning time.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 013

Learning Poster LOW Week 6:  Letter – F, Number – 6, Color – red, Vocabulary word – waves, NR – Humpty Dumpty, Theme – Ocean

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 041

Learning Poster LOW Week 7:  Letter – , Number – 7, shape – star, Vocabulary word – twinkle, NR – Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, Theme – Oceans

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 014

She glued little fish onto the letter Ff.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 026

She sorted pictures that started with F and those that didn’t, then she glued on the F pictures to a fish.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 028

We went fishing for letters.  When she "caught" a fish she said the letter name and the sound.  She did really good with this for the first 10-15 letters and then just wanted to play.

**To make the fish I just cut out fish shapes from construction paper and added letters.  Then I attached a paper clip to each fish.  For the fishing pole, I tied string to a magnet and then to a small dowel rod.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 031

We made a Humpty Dumpty Egg (hardboiled) and then reenacted the Nursery Rhyme.  She got a big kick out of having the egg fall onto the floor!

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 033

She drew a self-portrait of her family.  Usually she adds more details to her pictures, but on this particular day she wasn’t feeling very artsy.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 034

She put Humpty Dumpty together again!

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 037

We went fishing again, but this time with numbers!

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 038

We played a "How Many Fish in the Ocean Game" courtesy of  Jolanthe from Home School Creations as well as a few other of our ocean activities.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 040

We made a Girl wearing goggles using the letter G for the goggles.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 043

She used her stamp pads and fingers to make fish in fish bowls according to the number on the page.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 046

She used cranberries to match up correct letters of beginning sounds on a picture.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 047

She rolled an ocean animal dice and then colored in squares on her graph to match.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 048

She put star stickers on numbered squares.

LOW 6 and 7 and spider 049

This activity was a bit complicated for multiple reasons.  One – I didn’t have any lowercase stickers, which I thought I did when I planned in out.  Two – it took a long time and she lost interest.  If I were to do over again, I would only do a few letters at a time.  For letters that fly in the sky like b put in sky, for letters that are regular like a float on water, and for letters that go below the line like g put in ocean.  Since I didn’t have lowercase letters, I wrote them all out in her journal and then pointed to them.  Once she identified where they went on the picture I gave her the capital sticker.  Like a said, a little complicated!

Our journal activities for the two weeks included:  practicing writing her name, cutting out pictures of red things from a magazine and gluing in, stamping letters we were studying as well as matching letters that were written on the page to her stamp, a free writing story about the ocean, and drawing and writing fish.

We also made a beautiful ocean mural that I failed to snap a picture of.  I will try to get one soon and post it.  We painted a sheet of chart paper to look like the ocean one day and then the remainder of the weeks we worked on different ocean creature art projects to include.  I think it turned out pretty good.  Another fun thing we did was read the book The Rainbow Fish (if you have never read it go read it today!).  Then she colored a fish to look just like the rainbow fish.  In the story the rainbow fish has these sparkly scales, so I decided to allow Mikayla to earn sparkly scales for her fish.  I chose an activity that she really struggles with, staying at the table and eating during meal times.  So, for each time she stays put and eats she gets a sparkly fin!  When I taught kindergarten I did the same thing, but the kids could earn a sparkly fin for any good deed that they did at school or home.  I had some science activities planned that we never quite got to.  I still might do them in the upcoming weeks because I am sure she will love them.  I am sure we did other fun things over the course of the two weeks, but that is all I can remember for now.

Next week we will move on to LOW Week 8, where we will be studying the letter H, the sun, and Hickory Dickory Dock!  It should be fun.

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