Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

2012 Year in Review

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

For the last few years I have tried to do a quick review of what our year was like in pictures.  We have had another busy one and looking forward to 2013 it looks like it could be just as busy!  Here is a quick recap of our 2012.


The twins came to visit for a week.  We enjoyed playing with them and chasing three toddlers around the house!  We (by we I mean the sisters) also got two new puppies to replace the dog that was killed by a snake.  They often take up residence on our porch so they sometimes feel like our dogs.  Mikayla named them Lady and Tramp like one of her favorite movies.

Boy's Mamba 014

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 014

Lady and Tramp, Letter P 015


We took a family vacation to St. Lucia, South Africa to celebrate my birthday.

St Lucia 2 043


Ben traveled to the states for three weeks while Mikayla and I hung out in Swaziland.  Mikayla and I had a lot of fun celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday while Ben was away.

Dr. Seuss dinner 008


Celebrated Mikayla’s 3rd birthday, Mickey style!  We also took a long weekend and went to visit Blyde River Canyon in South Africa.

Mickey party, swim and swing 071

Blyde River Canyon 199


Ben turned 30!  We celebrated by having a pig roast the first of June.

Pig Roast 051


We went to Bush Fire with some friends.  We experimented with some food stuff, including making our own ravioli.  Sunday has become a day of cooking and relaxing for our family and we love it!

Bushfire 005-1

foodie stuff 002


We hiked Execution Rock here in Swaziland.  We hung out with Katie, one of our favorite long standing volunteers!  We also celebrated our one year anniversary of living in Swaziland!

Execution Rock 051


Mikayla finished up the last of her letters in our Toddler School.  We hosted our very own Summer Olympic Games.

MLK Olympics 006

MLK Olympics 052


We spent several weeks in the US visiting friends and family.  We also got to welcome our new nephew, Reid, into the world!

BG, tree pictures 074

BG, tree pictures 110

BG, tree pictures 111

Somerset 047

Somerset 119


Ben and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.  We also found out we were pregnant with Baby #2!  Mikayla started her first year of homeschooled Preschool.

Baby 2 015 (2)


We hosted our second Swazi Thanksgiving.  This year the crowd was over 20!  We also had a dessert themed birthday party for Joe.  I had several baking classes with some of the high school students.

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 053

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 028


I baked over 500 cookies for the hostel Christmas party and popped enough popcorn for 150 bags!  We also Christmas crafted and did the traditional baking of Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls.  We headed to Nelspruit, South Africa for Christmas.  While there we visited Kruger Game Park, went to the doctor for our first ultrasound of Baby #2 (everything looks great) and a week of relaxation and eating!

Christmas at Kruger 012

Christmas at Kruger 146

Looking forward to another exciting year in 2013!

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What We’ve Been Up To

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

In case you hadn’t noticed it has been awhile since I have done a "This Week’s Happenings".  There are several reasons for this, but I won’t go into them for now.  What I will do though is give a quick rundown on what we have been up to for the last two months.

We celebrated the Feast of Mother Cabrini.

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 004

Joe all decked out in traditional gear for the feast day with Mikayla.

feast cabrini 012

The kids marching in for the mass in celebration of Mother Cabrini.

Mikayla and I got to go see the Queen Mother.

SAC Pics 002

We also took some pictures of the whole Cabrini staff.

Staff and water stands 015

I hosted lots of baking classes with some of the high school students.  We made anything from pancakes to cookies to cakes to pizza.  It was a lot of fun getting to know the kids better and sharing with them my love for baking.  I think they enjoyed eating everything the most!  They also enjoyed taking lots of pictures of themselves!

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 027

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 067

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 139

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 276

Played with sidewalk chalk a lot and enjoyed eating fresh mangos from our yard.  She is becoming quite the little artist!

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 002

We hosted Thanksgiving for 20+ of our staff members.  People were coming and going all afternoon and evening.  It was fun, but I will say I slept really well that evening!

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 040

The Feast!

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 049

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 053

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 056

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 063

We had each of our guest complete a leaf for our Thankful tree.  It was quite full when everyone left!

During school time Mikayla wrote a really cool story in her journal.  See if you can figure out what it was about!  She has also been doing some great artwork in her journal.

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 455

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 456

Feast, Thanksgiving, SAC 019

We let Mikayla decorate our Christmas tree.  She was really into Christmas this year and enjoyed every aspect of it.  She is actually still celebrating.  Today (December 30) she wrote a letter to Santa!

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 431

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 435

We did lots of fun family activities as part of our Christmas countdown.  Including making salt dough ornaments, gingerbread cookies, and crafts!

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 445

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 447

Making salt dough ornaments.

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 449

Gingerbread cookies!

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 452

I baked over 500 cookies and popped popcorn for 150 as part of the hostel Christmas party.

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 555

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 558

Pizza making, Thanksgiving, Hostel Christmas party 583

We turned an old nightstand into a doll house for Mikayla’s Christmas gift.  I am pretty sure she loves it!

Baby 2 002

We packed up the car (including our tree this year) and headed to Nelspruit, South Africa for a week long vacation and the Christmas holiday.  We ate a lot and relaxed even more!

We made cinnamon rolls…can’t have Christmas without them!

We took our traditional Christmas jammies pictures with cocoa!

Christmas at Kruger 009

Christmas at Kruger 012

We headed to Kruger Park with the Sister Barbara and Sister Diane for a little game drive.  We saw a lot including elephants, zebras, giraffe, leopard, hyenas, monkeys, a really cool chameleon and lots of others.  It was rainy and muddy, but we still had fun.  Mikayla even got to use her adventure pack her grandparents got her for Christmas!

Christmas at Kruger 032

Christmas at Kruger 049

Christmas at Kruger 062

Christmas at Kruger 098

Christmas at Kruger 140

Christmas at Kruger 146

We Skyped and chatted with a lot of family and friends.

We went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant!  Baby Kickert #2 is due July 4th!

Baby 2 015 (2)

We rang in the new year with our friends Peter and Callista and their daughter Aviva.  I hope to get back to doing our weekly updates soon.



Saturday, December 29th, 2012

On Christmas Eve as we were celebrating as a family and enjoying a relaxing day, we got a call with some devastating news.  News that a parent or friend never wants to hear.  We got word that Simo, one of the twins we had kept last year after first arriving in Swaziland, had been killed when his house fell in on him.  A young life tragically taken before his time.  Nosipho, his sister, was in the house as well but escaped with only a few minor scrapes.  It hit me really hard and I found myself holding back the tears as I thought about him for the next few days, especially during the Christmas season. 

twins day 1 007

In case you forgot Simo’s story, here is a quick recap.  Cabrini got word about two twins dying on their homestead from malnutrition about two years ago.  As an organization we immediately took action and had them taken to a local hospital for emergency nutritional care.  After they recovered sufficiently from severe malnutrition they came to live at our hostel.  After just a short time at the hostel it was time for the children to go home for a school holiday, but we were wary of sending these guys home so soon since they were still recovering. 

Messy Eaters 008

Messy Eaters 056

Enter the Kickert family who had just arrived in Swaziland, we invited them to live with us for the school break and never looked back.  We enjoyed a month or so of nursing them back to health, watching them grow, and spending lots of time playing.  During that time Mikayla, Ben and I fell in love with these two African babies.  They were still very weak and well behind their developmental stages.  They were almost two and not crawling, walking or talking.  Simo in particular was well behind the growth curve even further behind his sister.  As time went on Nosipho began crawling, walking and even doing a little talking.  Simo on the other hand, was struggling to pull himself up and figure out the whole crawling thing.  They were both developing into their own little personalities and smiling and laughing more each day. 

Tea parties, baths and Gogos 040

Tree pictures with twins 062

The first time I saw Simo walking I almost cried.  It was a beautiful sight, one that I didn’t think we would see for a long time, if ever.  He matured so much in the last year and really grew into a healthy young boy.  A young boy who if you saw him a year and a half ago you wouldn’t think he would live past the two year mark.  Instead he enjoyed a prosperous last year and for the last year enjoyed a full life as a healthy young boy. 

Twins last week 125

So on this day we mourn for Simo, but we also rejoice for the second chance at life he got over the last two years.  We will forever remember Simo and his goofy grin, the way he would constantly stick his tongue out when looking at you and his strong desire to succeed just like his sister!

Twins 2nd visit 008

Twins 2nd visit 018

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London Round Two

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

In keeping up with posting old pictures, here are some from our return trip to London.

Mattingly time, BG 078

Mattingly time, BG 084

Mattingly time, BG 091

Please ignore her crazy outfit.  We lost her jacket on the plane and forgot to pack socks.  It was a little chilly to say the lease.  Ben ended up pulling out a pair of his dress socks for her to put on her legs and feet!

Mattingly time, BG 094

Mattingly time, BG 104

The real London Bridge.  Not very excited compared to other bridges in London.

Mattingly time, BG 109

Mattingly time, BG 127

Mattingly time, BG 135

We found a really cool playground that we hung out at for a couple of hours.  Despite the rain and cold Mikayla had a blast!

Mattingly time, BG 142

She climbed to the top by herself, and then got scared and couldn’t figure her way down.  Ben head to climb up and get her!

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Mattingly Time

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

In looking back through some pictures the other night I stumbled across the pictures I took while Mikayla and I were staying with our friends Lylah and Lara.  I realized that I never posted those anywhere and they were so fun I thought I would go ahead and do it now.  Better late than never.  We had a blast on our few days with these dear friends, and Mikayla asks often when she can go back and play with Lylah and reminisces on our time there!

Mattingly time, BG 003

We had a movie night one night and Lara had this genius idea to make snack necklaces.  The girls spent time lacing different foods (i.e. fruit loops, cheerios, pretzels, gummy rings) onto string and then wore them during the movie to snack on!

Mattingly time, BG 006

Concentrating hard!

Mattingly time, BG 011

Cheesy toddler grins.

Mattingly time, BG 021

Making pizza for our movie night.  Please note that Mikayla is not really helping out, but licking her spoon!

Mattingly time, BG 023

Enjoying the movie (The Lorax) and having a picnic dinner.

Mattingly time, BG 029

One of the local farms was having a fall celebration so we hit it up.  Mikayla loved riding the horse.

Mattingly time, BG 030

Especially with her best buddy!

Mattingly time, BG 034

Aren’t they sweet?

Mattingly time, BG 043

First face painting.  She was so serious about this.

Mattingly time, BG 045

Trying to get a good picture of two toddlers is almost impossible.

Mattingly time, BG 049

Pumpkin picture fun.

Mattingly time, BG 055

Love this face!

Mattingly time, BG 059

Mom it is so heavy!

Mattingly time, BG 065

One of my favorite snaps of these two crazy girls!

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This Week’s Happenings 11/5-11/11

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

**Just realized that I wrote this post weeks ago and never posted it!  Better late than never I suppose!**

How is it already the middle of November?  These past few months have flown by!  Not much happened this week, Mikayla and I hung out a lot while Ben was gone for several different meetings in town.  This week should slow down for him some.

An interesting fact about Swaziland is that the school systems operate much differently than in the states.  Here there are three main testing years, Grade 7, Form 3 (like sophomore or junior year) and Form 5 (like Senior year in states).  Everyone in the whole country (in these grades at least) have set tests that last for a couple of weeks sometime in November (school year is over in December).  When the students finish their testing they are free to leave school, in other words there are no classes for them for the rest of the term.  The Form 3’s finished their testing last week, so they have had a lot of free time on their hands.  I offered to do a baking class with them twice a week and am so glad I did.  We have had so much fun.  So far we have made banana bread and no bake cookies. 

feast cabrini 001

feast cabrini 003

On Thursday, we got word that the Queen Mother was going to be in the area to look at her cattle.  There is a big royal farm just down the road from us, that she visits once a year.  It is always a big production, the kids perform, she gives a speech and then there is a feast afterwards.  I decided it might be fun for Mikayla to see the Queen Mother so we set out on a rainy day to see her.  It was about a thirty minute walk, and Mikayla walked the whole way!  I was really impressed because she is usually asking to be held.  We got there a little after 12 (she was due to arrive around 11:30 or so).  It was 2:30 before the Queen Mother and her entourage showed up.  Love "Swazi time" (insert sarcastic tone here).  Then another hour before she made her grand appearance.  By that time my napless girl was running on fumes and being quite the stinker.  I did not think we were going to make it through the whole thing.  She did though…never ceases to amaze me.  Afterwards we grabbed some food and then made the 1/2 hour trek back home.  Again, Mikayla opted to walk the whole time playing and chatting it up with her friends along the way.  By the way, friends in Mikayla’s book are anyone who says hello to her!

On Friday Mikayla wanted to paint so I got out some pegs that I wanted to turn into peg letter people and we spent a good hour or so painting.  She has loved playing with her people all weekend! 

At one point during the week Mikayla looked at me and said, "Mommy your my best friend".  Sometimes she can be so sweet!

On Sunday Mikayla was up at 5am ready for a play date with Joe!  He promised her earlier in the week that he would play with her on Sunday and she has been looking forward to it since.  I am not sure Joe would have appreciated us waking him up at 5am to play though!

Coming up this week is the Feast of Mother Cabrini.  If you want to see last years celebrating you can check out some posts here and here.  It should be a good feast, one of our staff members got ducks and impala donated for it.  Looking forward to trying some duck. 

feast cabrini 004

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This Week’s Happenings 10/29-11/4

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

We had a beautiful week here in Swaziland this week. The weather was gorgeous (much different than the sweltering November we experienced last year) and Ben even had some meetings cancelled in town so he was home (working regular schedule) all week.  Next week is a different story, but this week was nice!

We started our "Thankful Tree" this week.  I drew a large tree on some chart paper and posted on the wall with fall colored leaves.  Each day in November we will work together as a family to say what we are thankful for and put on our tree.  Basically Mikayla gives us an idea and we fine tune it!  So far she is thankful for food (especially the people who make corn), art supplies, toys and maps!

Joe's birthday 006

On Wednesday we passed out some candy to our neighbors and they graciously allowed us to let Mikayla trick or treat at their houses.  Since we only have a few Americans here that understand the concept, we trick or treated at both front and back doors.  Mikayla was so excited and had so much fun!  Ben even got in on the action too.

Charlie, LOW Cc 031

Pretty (albeit cheesy) princess grin.

Charlie, LOW Cc 034

Twirling in her dress from Uncle Tim and Aunt Chelsea!

Charlie, LOW Cc 035

Mikayla and daddy ready to go.  Please notice his massive bag!  I think he was a little ambitious.

Charlie, LOW Cc 036

Stephanie (a long term volunteer) passed out candy from both office doors.

Charlie, LOW Cc 037

Sister Barbara even got in on the action!

Charlie, LOW Cc 039

Joe, knowing Mikayla’s love for cooking, gave her spices in addition to the candy.  She LOVED this!

Joe’s birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but we were waiting until the sisters got back in town to really celebrate.  He requested a dessert themed party, so on Friday and Saturday I spent the day making desserts!  We ended up with quite the spread and all were on a sugar rush when it was through!  We had donuts, churros, cookie dough brownies, frozen cheesecake, fudgy oat bars, and rainbow cupcakes with icing!  We ended the sugared evening with a showing of A Bug’s Life on our "screen" outside!

Joe's birthday 003

Joe with his birthday candle and spread.  The picture of the desserts is not great, but trust me there was a lot!

Today we have had another lazy Sunday filled with a walk to the river to skip some rocks, tomato basil soup (thanks Joe) and then plans to grill out tonight!  Last weekend we introduced Mikayla to "Family Reading Time".  Basically this is where we all take our respective books and spend some time reading (or in Mikayla’s case looking at pictures).  Last weekend she spend almost 45 minutes "reading" and then asked for it again later in the week.  This morning she asked if she could paint during Family Reading Time.  She spent a good hour painting this morning!  She is doing so good at painting and staying in the lines and is so proud of herself when she does so. 

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Our Adventures with Traveling Charlie

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

A couple of weeks ago, we received a letter in the mail from a friend in Kentucky.  Their daughter was participating in an exchange similar to Flat Stanley, but instead it was Traveling Charlie.  Each child in the class was given a paper cut out of a Charlie doll and then chose somewhere in the world to send him.  When you receive Traveling Charlie you are supposed to take pictures of things around your area and send a letter with pictures back to the class telling them all about where you live.  We were excited to be chosen to spend time with Charlie and Mikayla had a blast!  During our two weeks with Traveling Charlie, we did a lot of fun things.  Here are some pictures of what we did!

Mlilwane 008

Charlie got to spend one day in preschool while we had our learning time!  He learned all about Little Bo Peep and the letter B!

LOW 1 and 2, traveling Charlie (11)

He even got to go on an adventure to South Africa!  This is at the border crossing on our way home.  Hamba Kahle means "Go Well."

LOW 1 and 2, traveling Charlie (23)

We were even able to introduce Charlie to the Giant African Land Snails!  Don’t worry, I wouldn’t let Ben feed any to him!

Charlie, LOW Cc 002

Charlie tagged along for one of our childcare meetings.  Here he is with Mikayla and some of the staff.  They were a little confused by why we were snapping pictures with a paper cut out of a boy!

Charlie, LOW Cc 005

Charlie with our kitchen staff and a couple of the high school students.  Look at those huge pots!

Charlie, LOW Cc 007

This is Mikayla showing Charlie where the kids wash their clothes.

Charlie, LOW Cc 010

Mikayla, Charlie and some of the preschool students.

Charlie, LOW Cc 012

This is a view from our walk up to the hostel.  It is really green right now, but soon will be dry again!

Charlie, LOW Cc 016

Mikayla and Charlie posing in front of one of the mango trees.  They are almost ready to eat!

Below are some pictures of the animals we saw while traveling with Charlie:

Mlilwane 045

Mlilwane 014

Mlilwane 029

Posted in Life, Parenting |

This Week’s Happenings 10/22-10/28

Monday, October 29th, 2012

Not much new to report this week, but we did do a couple of noteworthy things!  On Friday night we had a Family (and friend) pizza and movie night.  We made homemade pizza and breadsticks and then set up a sheet and projector outside by the fire for us to watch movies on.  Mikayla chose Finding Nemo for her movie and Ben chose Top Gun for his.  Both are great movies!  We enjoyed the cool air and warm fire while watching them and munching on our pizza.

On Saturday we had to head into town to pick up Sister Barbara from the airport so we made a day of it.  We headed in for breakfast at one of our favorite stops in Manzini, Baker’s Corner, for donuts and quiche!  Then we popped into Mliliwane Game Park for an hour or so.  We saw lots of new animals and some of the regular ones too.  Mikayla really got into spotting the animals, so we created a game out of it to see who could spot the next animal first!

Last night, or rather this morning we woke up to Skype with our friends at the annual Halloween Party.  I think this is the 8th year that is has been going on!  It was so fun to see all their costumes and faces, even if we were super tired!

Yesterday we had a relaxing day at home, making pancakes and bacon and then burgers and sweet potato fries for dinner!  It was a great family day at home.

Mlilwane 014

A female Kudu

Mlilwane 020

Crested guinea fowl

Mlilwane 022

Another friend we are having a hard time identifying, but Ben came through and figured it out (Ground Hornbill).

Mlilwane 029

Beautiful roan antelope

Mlilwane 033

I am not sure why, but this guy had PVC piping on his horns!

Mlilwane 039

Mlilwane 051

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This Week’s Happenings 1-/15-10/21

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

I am a bit late in posting this because we were away this weekend (which is when I usually write my blog posts).  We decided to hit the road for a weekend away in Nelspruit with our friend Joe.  We didn’t do anything spectacular, but scouted out some Christmas gifts, ate some yummy food (that I did not have to prepare or wash the dishes from), and purchased some tortilla chips and salsa!  It was great to get away and we were even able to sneak in a few baths for Mikayla (and myself)!

As far as the past week goes, we had a pretty slow week.  Ben stayed busy with work and Mikayla and I fell into a pretty good routine.  While the sisters are away they asked us to feed one of the healthcare patients they feed each day, Nkosingphile.  He is one of our clients that requires higher need than most and the sisters have taken on this task.  So we began each morning with cooking some sausage, buttered bread, fruit and a side or two (beans, rice, potatoes).  While I cooked, Mikayla enjoyed putting together his "goodie bag".  He takes home some bread, fruit, sweets (candy) and biscuits (cookies) each day.  After he was taken care of we would begin school, then play for a bit before lunch.  After lunch she would take her nap while I worked on house stuff, preschool planning and any other Cabrini type work that needed taken care of.  When she wakes up we head to the hostel for play time with the kids and after school enrichment program.  Then it is time for dinner, shower and bed!  I am loving being back into somewhat of a routine.  Of course, not each day is so set in stone, but at least it gives us something to guide our days!

We received a special mailer this week from some folks that used to attend Broadway UMC with us.  Their daughter’s class is sending out Traveling Charlie’s (similar to Flat Stanley if you are familiar with him) all around the world and she decided to send him to us.  Traveling Charlie is a paper cutout that she decorated and we keep him for a week or two.  While we have him we snap some pictures around our area.  We mail our pictures and letter or postcard back to the school before mailing Traveling Charlie off to someone else.  Each child in the classroom does the same thing.  The goal is to have letters and pictures from all over the country and world.  It is actually a really fun idea and one that I am excited to participate in.  Mikayla is excited too.  We have already snapped some pictures and I hope to blog about our whole experience when we are through!

Not much else to report, it was a pretty quiet week around here!

LOW 1 and 2, traveling Charlie (2)

Mikayla dressed herself for school last week.  I always love the outfits she comes up with!

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