February 22nd, 2010

I love to cook, but I hate doing dishes.  I always have, just ask my mom!  It seems like dishes are never ending in our house.  If it isn’t plates and bowls it is breast pumps and bottles.  It never ends, goes on forever.  I am looking in the kitchen as I am typing and thinking about how I can get out of doing dishes.  However, seeing as how Ben is out of town listening to Desmond Tutu speak they are calling my name.  But maybe I could come up with a good excuse for not doing them…

I could say that Mikayla woke up, was fussy and needed her mom.  I don’t think Ben would go for that one though.

Maybe I could blame it on the Olympics.  I mean they only come on once every four years (ok 2 if you count summer and winter, but who’s counting?).  Don’t think he will buy that one either.

I could say that I traded doing this dishes with Shiloh for letting her sleep in the bed tonight.  Ben would be really unhappy with this one seeing as how Shiloh likes to sleep on his side of the bed!

I could blame it on Etsy, I do get sucked in there quite often.

Alas, no excuse is good enough.  I must venture to the kitchen to do the dishes.  Just so you know, I am not happy about it!



2 Responses to “Dishes…blah!”

  1. sarah says:

    i totally understand! am definitely in the same place with the dishes, and baking makes them pile up so very much more! I’ve run the dishwasher 3 times in the past day. ridiculous.

    hope they aren’t too mean to you 😉

  2. Ben Kickert says:

    Dishes?? What dishes do you have? I spent 45 minutes washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher and washing bottles.