How far along? I am 32 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss? Let’s just leave it as weight gain. Haven’t stepped on the scale lately!
Stretch marks? Still none, keeping our fingers crossed.
Best Moment this week? Mikayla has decided that she is ready to share her room and has spent the last week "preparing" for the baby. She has cleared off a shelf in her closet for the babies clothes and even made a pallet on the floor with a blanket and "crib" (her stool turned upside down)! Then just last night she was sitting really still and I could tell she was thinking. I asked her what she was thinking about and she said, "I’m just thinking about what the baby could wear when it comes home from the hospital". She is going to be a really great big sister! Just look how excited she is in this next picture!
Movement? Moving like crazy. Still really low and on the right side of my belly. I almost never feel movement above the belly button or on the left side. It is really strange! Mikayla moved all over the place, but this baby is content sticking to one side!
Food Cravings: Nothing major, just sweets mostly. I crave something sugary after every meal!
Gender? Still unsure, but we head back to the doctor this week. We are hoping for some news in an ultrasound that will be more definitive!
Labor Signs? Last week was a busy week for me and I was on my feet and moving a lot more than usual. There were a couple of nights that I had a couple of contractions, but since then nothing.
Belly Button in or Out? In, but just barely!
What I miss. I miss being able to easily get down on the floor and play with Mikayla (and I think she misses it too). I am just not as mobile as I was a few months ago!!
What I am looking forward to. A trip to South Africa this weekend to pick up some baby items. We have made a list of all the essentials we need and are hoping to pick them up there.
Weekly wisdom: There is nothing wrong with sitting down and putting your feet up when you are 32 weeks pregnant. Everyone will understand and will probably even encourage you to do the same! Also, pillows are a girls best friend when pregnant, just ask Ben!
Milestones: Since I last updated I entered the world of pillows. I purchased a few extra ones to help keep me comfortable at night time and it has made all the difference. I now sleep with three pillows – one between the legs, one under the belly and then one for my head!
Here are two belly shots for comparison. This is me at 32 weeks for both pregnancies. Picture one is the current baby and picture two is with Mikayla.
Tags: baby Kickert #2, pregnancy, weekly update