April 20th, 2010

For those of you who aren’t up on your “baby wearing” terminology, a Moby Wrap is a type of wrap that allows you to wear your baby hands free.  Check out their website here.

We recently invested in a “Moby Wrap”.  I use the quotations because we didn’t pay the heavy ticket price of a traditional one, I made it myself.  See details below.  I had shown Ben pictures of how to wear a Moby wrap, he watched a video and this is what he came up with:

moby 001

I ask you, does this look safe?  And he is the one who stays home all day with our sweet baby…

As mentioned previously, I did not pay the full price of a genuine Moby Wrap, I made my own.  I got the idea from my friend Stephanie who made one for her little boy.  Basically you buy 5-6 yards of fabric (50% polyester, 50% cotton), cut in half lengthwise and then follow the instructions on the Moby Wrap website to get your baby in the proper holding position.  For 12 bucks it made two (one for me and one for my future niece)!  Can’t hardly beat that!  I just wish I hadn’t waited this long to make one for Mikayla. 

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8 Responses to “Moby Wrap Wanna Be”

  1. sarah says:

    that is hilarious!

  2. Heather Nickel says:

    HILARIOUS! Love the pic!

  3. Stephanie says:

    I don’t know what it is about wraps and guys, but they seem to think alike.

  4. Stephanie says:

    “They” meaning the guys.

  5. Beth says:

    It must be the way they are wired!

  6. Ben Kickert says:

    I mean come on… look at Mikayla’s smile. She obviously is enjoying herself.

  7. Mimi says:

    She does look like she is having fun!

  8. emily jochim says:

    yes, this sure did make my day! thank you ben for bringing so much joy to my life! and beth, thank you for sharing!