My little baby is growing up so fast. On July 28 she will be 3 months old! Can you believe it? Here are some recent updates on the little doodle bug:
- She is consistently, although not every night, sleeping through the night. She will eat between 9 and 10 and then sleep until 6:30 or 7. The other night she went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 7 to eat and then fell back asleep until 9:30…fantastic!
- She rolled over 3/4 of the way the other day. Her little arm got stuck, but it was fun to watch. I think she has a way to go before rolling over all the time, but this was a fun thing to experience.
- We think she is beginning the teething process. She has been drooling like crazy and nawing on everything in site. Fun times ahead for us.
- She is starting to outgrow some of her 0-3 and 3 month clothing. Crazy how fast she is growing.
- Check out her growth:
Mikayla - One week old
Mikayla - A little over One month old (sometime in June)
Mikayla - Two and a half months old (mid-July)
Has she grown at all? Tomorrow will be Ben‘s first solo day with Mikayla…wish him luck!
[…] of her with a stuffed giraffe so we could better appreciate her transformation. (Beth has some earlier shots here.) Here is where we have come from and where we […]
[…] you recall this post, you will be able to see how much MLK has really grown in 8.5 […]
[…] 10 month birthday. Hard to believe 10 months have already passed. Check out this, this and this post for past giraffe growth pictures. Here she is at 10 months (note it is […]