The following picture from the Times of Swaziland goes a long way in illustrating the situation with government here in Swaziland:

Here’s the situation: Schools in Swaziland have been in chaos for the last month due to lack of funds in the government. Most delayed opening, then many closed down again after opening. Basically the government has committed to pay fees for most primary grades as well as fees for all OVCs (orphans and vulnerable children), yet, there simply isn’t enough money in the coffers to pay the bills. As a result, there has been a lot of political wrangling and posturing and it has been the children who are suffering the consequences. Even when the schools are open, there are still major issues.
That brings us to this picture…
In this country there isn’t enough money to pay teachers; all our classrooms are beyond over-crowded; students have already been shorted instruction days; many students who want to attend school can’t because of huge fees; and, there is the constant threat that schools will again be closed…
YET… the things that actually gets attention is the inspection of a school bell. Really?!?! That is what is most important?!?! AND… it takes four people to accomplish the task. How about we address the things will actually effect the educational process for the children of this country who have already been deprived of so much!
We are majoring in the minors here people! The things that matter are ignored while a ridiculous amount of attention is spent on things that are almost entirely without consequence.
I wish this was just another funny example of oddball Swazi journalism (if you can even call it that), but unfortunately, it is indicative the situation as a whole.
Last week I shared with you that after nearly 3 years of research and planning, Beth and I accepted a position at Cabrini Ministries in Swaziland. While we are very confident in our decision, we would remiss if we did not mention that there are countless other great organizations in Swaziland all doing great work. I wanted to list a few of them in hopes that our research can be helpful to others who may make a similar journey:
- Bulembu – This organization is truly doing holistic ministry: everything from infrastructure to orphan care to community enterprise to education. The location in northwest Swaziland is beautiful and the people there are very committed to the vision of creating a sustainable community. Bold vision with the drive to get things done.
- Sifundanzi Primary – The first school we visited during our trip. This charter school has governmental ties and subtle Christian influences. The headmaster was kind enough to show us around the school while the children enjoyed a field day. A highly regarded institution by everyone we met.
- Usutu Forest Primary – We headed from Mbabane to Mhlambanyatsi to meet with another charter school. Usutu Forest is of the same high caliber as Sifundzani, but seemed to be a bit more laid back. We did meet one of the King’s daughters there.
- Hawane Farm / Lighthouse Ministries / Teen Challenge / Potter’s Wheel Church – Jon and Jude Skinner were two of the first people we connected with (via email) in Swaziland. They now help run the Hawane farm which provides practical training for recovering youth in the Teen Challenge program and also provides residential care for orphans. These are all affiliated with Kevin Ward who runs the The Potter’s Wheel Church.
- Sandra Lee Centre – This orphanage tucked away into a wooded section of Mbabane is doing some great stuff. They run several orphan homes on site where up to 8 kids have a “home mother” who raises them. Right now between 30 and 40 kids live at the Centre. Michael and Robin, who run the centre, are great people with great hearts.
- Baylor AIDS Clinic – In a country where the AIDS rate is nearly 40%, there is a need for top notch medical facilities and Baylor Clinic fits that bill. Without doubt it is the highest regarded medical organization in the country. In addition to Pediatric AIDS work (their focus) they also have a youth program for HIV positive youth. /
- Claypotts – This foundation is run by Ken Jefferson, a Scottish Pastor. They supply funding to some of the most effective projects in the country. We only intended to spend a few hours at Claypotts, but Pastor Ken took time out of his busy schedule to show us projects across the whole country; he is definitely a good guy to know.
- TechnoServe – There are a lot of large NGOs active in the country and many of them are doing great work. However, TechnoServe seems to rise to the top when it comes to providing big picture solutions for systematic problems. Their work focuses mainly on economic development through sound business practices.
- All Out Africa – Not everyone is ready to commit 5-10 years to a 3rd world country. That is where places like All Out Africa come in. They provide 3-6 month voluntourism opportunities for people looking to get involved in local communities for short term projects.
- Children’s Cup – If you are looking for an evangelical mission organization doing good work in Swaziland, you must check out Children’s Cup. They primarily do their work through Neighborhood Care Points and are active across the country. Their director Ben Rodgers is a great guy and shared sound very sound wisdom with us during our visit. We have also been fortunate enough to connect with Mark and Kay Bojovic, two fine Christian missionaries.
- PACT – Simply put, we would not have ended up at Cabrini Ministries if it was not for the wisdom of Todd Malone at PACT. This organization manages NGO funding and provides capacity building for groups on the ground. Todd, the director, has an excellent grasp of the situation in the country and how resources can best be used. He insisted we visit Cabrini and knew we would end up there well before we did.
- Caritas – This organization is affiliated and funded by the Catholic church with their main emphasis on social justice and empowerment. They are involved in many areas of Swazi society with a strong history of practical faith.
- UNISWA – During our time in the country we were able to visit the University of Swaziland. While not an academic powerhouse by any means, it is certainly an institute of higher learning and is ground in the local community. I would certainly be interested in pursing the possibility of teaching in their Religion and Theology department in the future.
- Swaziland Skills Centres – The Manzini Industrial Skills Centre, which we visited, is one of three institutes that comprise the Swaziland Skills Centres. These trade schools take youth who are on the fringe of society and offer them practical skills from auto repair to construction to upholstery, etc.
- Moya Center – This small organization is run by Jane Cox and serves the youth in the Malkerns / Mahlanya. They are active in a wide variety of projects for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children. Their work with education and life skills training is particularly noteworthy.
In addition to the groups we visited there are several other organizations that are active and highly regarded in Swaziland:
There are probably another 20-30 organizations that we either researched or communicated with in preparation for our trip. Just because they are not listed here does not mean they are not doing good work; many did work outside our skill set or were unreachable by email.
If you found this blog post while researching organizations in Swaziland, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
Categories: Swaziland Tags: AIDS, Bulembu, economics, faith-based organizations, foundations, Hawane, NGOs, orphanages, orphans, schools, UN