Light of the World… Used to Kill People
There is outrage in this country, but I fear it for the wrong reason.
A story just broke this week which revealed the weapons company Trijicon has been branding their military rifle scopes with Bible verses. I have included one such example below. The ACOG4X32 model number ends with "JN8:12" – a reference to verse 8:12 in the New Testament Gospel of John. The fear is that this constitutes "proselytizing" and thus is outside the regulations. People have been outraged that such blatant Christian influence was allowed to find its place in our military.
Oh believe me I am upset by this, but not for the same reasons the ACLU is upset. It is more likely someone will convert to being a fan of Nashville Hockey by flying an unmanned drone than it is someone will become a Christian after using these sights. What is frustrating to me is how offensive this juxtaposition of worldviews is. In John 8: 12 Jesus says:
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
That is written on the side of a device used so you can see people more clearly so that you can kill them. Does anyone else see how screwed up that was?
The entire life, death and resurrection of Jesus points to a life of non-violence and sacrificial subversion. Jesus embodies love, grace and mercy, yet his words are used to brand an instrument of war and destruction.
We might as well name our next warship the USS Martin Luther King Jr. or put a picture of Ghandi on our nuclear weapons. I am not worried Muslims will be offended by this verse on the side of a rifle scope. I fear they will be upset when we use this rifle scope to kill them.
I guess I must admit that I do fear proselytizing, but not in the way many have expressed. I am not worried about people sharing their faith in Christianity through verses written on a scope. I fear people will continue to be converted to this false gospel that the way of Jesus is one of force and privilege. I fear people will convert to seeing an American Jesus and ignore his radical message of peace, love and non-violence even in the face of oppression and persecution.
Trijicon messed up when they put this verse on their product. Not because it broke military regulations, but because they have grossly misrepresented the savior they have claimed to serve.
You said it. It is a false gospel, and thus is by no means Christian, regardless of what the manufacturers think.
Now Bible references hidden on the paper cups at In & Out Burger, that’s a different story.